I will no longer race on the street. Period! Its not worth the risk. I will only race at the track. With my brother being a Phoenix cop, I know that there are too many unknowns out there. For one, there are a TON of unmarked cars that look like normal cars roaming the streets. They are looking for drag racing only, then they either call in for a marked unit, or pull them over. Also, I cannot afford to have my license suspended, my car impounded, nor the rediculous fines they are charging now for street racing. Also, what happens if someone loses it and ends up like the cobra and the SS that were all over the news and Forums a couple weeks ago? Both parties will be sued up the ass in civil court. Plus, some poor family lost thier son. I've done it before now realized how stupid and selfish I was. Never again. I'll dial in the boost controller for a conservative amount of boost and enjoy 11.50 consistant ET racing at the track. My car has already seen 131 traps with the KB combo (no spray either). So I can only imagine what this car will do with the Turbo and Spray combo. "I will let it all out at the track rental". Even if its just once, I guarantee you I will run 23psi and spray out of the hole. Gene