Classic Ford Safety Upgrades - Bright Ideas For Classic Ford Safety

Both Equipment And Maintenance Choices Can Enhance Vehicle SafetyClassic Ford Safety Upgrades
It's truly a great thing that so many advances have been made in vehicle safety since the '60s. Quantum improvements have been realized in many areas with energy absorbing vehicle structure, three-point seatbelts and air bags being just a few examples. One thing that hasn't changed is the fact that seatbelts are still your first and best line of defense against injury in the event of an accident and your classic Ford car should already be equipped with those. However, beyond seatbelts there are many things you can do to make your classic Mustang or other special interest Ford safer to travel in.

Photo Gallery: Classic Ford Safety Upgrades - Modified Mustangs & Fords

Photo Gallery: Classic Ford Safety Upgrades - Modified Mustangs & Fords

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