2003 & 2004 Mach 1 - Mach X2 - Mustang Feature

Ford Salesman And '03 Mach 1 Owner Jon Schultz Began Dating His Future Wife When He Sold Her An '04 Mach 1. Now They're A Two Mach Family.I can't remember the first time I met Jon Schultz, but it has been a remarkable journey ever since with energized moments I could have only experienced via L.A.'s biggest car club mover, shaker, and showman. If you were to ask me to describe Jon, founder and president of the Beach Cities Mustang Club, I would tell you he's Tom Arnold on steroids, an animated version of that "Arnie" character in the popular TV sitcom Roseanne. Think of Jon as the guy who maintains a full head of steam against all odds.inline_mediumwraptextright28060837/featuredvehicles/mump_1003_2003_and_2004_mach_1mump_1003_04_+03_04_ mach_1+front_angle.jpgTrue

Photo Gallery: 2003 & 2004 Mach 1 - Mustang Monthly

Photo Gallery: 2003 & 2004 Mach 1 - Mustang Monthly

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