1999 SVT Cobra - Parental Control

Jeremy Drake's Twin-Turbo '99 Cobra Is A Representation Of The Sacrifices Parents Make For Their Children.All parents make sacrifices for their children. Whether it's something as small as buying diapers and formula instead of the Saturday night fight on Pay-Per-View, or as large as putting your dreams or education on hold to support your family, some things just have to be given up to support the greater good.inline_mediumwraptextrightJeremy Drake's '99 SVT Cobra scoots down the 1,320 in under 10 seconds-on pump gas to boot.28022485/features/mmfp_1004_1999_svt_cobrammfp_1004_06_+1999_svt_cob ra+front_view.jpgTrue

Photo Gallery: 1999 SVT Cobra - Muscle Mustangs & Fast Fords

Photo Gallery: 1999 SVT Cobra - Muscle Mustangs & Fast Fords

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