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Thread: Rear end issues/questions

  1. #11
    Senior Member QuarterHorse's Avatar
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    PSR is your best choice as far as I'm concerned. The issue with one wheel bearing being bad...sounds kinda fishy to me. If you had a wheel bearing bad you would have issues such as the seal leaking...constant noise...etc. Just noise on a right turn...those guys don't know what they're talking about...IMO.

  2. #12
    Senior Member
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    Yea i like PSR better but like I said AMP is just 3 miles from work so I went down there at lunch. The reason I'm checking the wheel bearing first is because I have had multiple people that have a great deal of knowledge (all mechanics) say to check the wheel bearing. So that's what I am going to do first. I just hope that that is all it is. I was skeptical at first but how they all explained it to me is that if a wheel bearing is going out, when you turn right its pushing more on the axle shaft therefore the noise I am hearing. I don't know though. We will see. Thanks for the advice though because if its not the wheel bearing I am going to need any advice that you all can give me.

  3. #13
    Senior Member QuarterHorse's Avatar
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    Well...I'm an ASE certified mechanic...not i've never seen or heard an axle bearing do that. They are under a load 24/7 but...there is a first time for Keep us informed...I'm really curious now.

  4. #14
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    Yea for sure ill let you guys know.

  5. #15
    Senior Member SloSVO's Avatar
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    what ever came of this.. my vote is on the spider gears.. is the dif a auburn?

  6. #16
    Senior Member QuarterHorse's Avatar
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    I haven't heard anything...I'm really curious myself. My feelings are spider gears as well. Hope he says something soon...

  7. #17
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    Sorry guys it's been parked that last two weeks because i just had the chance to get to it. The wheel bearing and seal are fine. I saw what was wrong right when I crawled under the car. The lateral link on the right hand side the bolt and bushing is gone, so everytime i turn right, the lateral link is loose so its pulling the axle and rubbing against my exhaust. So new question, can i do this repair myself, or.... anyone have any experience with this? If anyone from PSR is reading this what do you guys suggest?
    Last edited by 99WhiteGT; 03-06-10 at 10:26 AM.

  8. #18
    Senior Member QuarterHorse's Avatar
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    well...looks like we all were wrong...LOL

  9. #19
    Senior Member QuarterHorse's Avatar
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    Not familiar with the suspension from Mustangs of that year. Its just like anything else...remove the bad part put in a new one. Check everything else to make sure you don't have any other problems.

  10. #20
    Senior Member
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    Sorry I dont think anyone calls it a lateral link anymore, it's the control link on top of the differential that keeps the axle from moving forward and backwards, one of the bushings and bolts is missing
    Last edited by 99WhiteGT; 03-06-10 at 11:07 AM.

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