Top 10 Ford V-8 Engine Reviews - Great Eights!

Ford Has Built A Vast Array Of Impressive V-8 Engines Over Nearly Eight Decades-Could These Be The Ten Most Significant?At the heart of most great automobiles, lies a great engine. The two simply go together like bread and butter-neither being complete on their own, but perfectly complementing each other when offered in tandem. It could even be said that a beautiful body which lacks a compelling powerplant is easily doomed, while conversely, the right engine can turn a turd into legend-witness certain Chrysler Max Wedge and Hemi cars. Ford has a rich history of building quality V-8 engines, most of which have a high-performance variant that left a mark on history-or at least on a group of enthusiasts who call it their own. Here, we present 10 of them; what we believe to arguably be the most significant production V-8s in Ford history.

Photo Gallery: Top 10 Ford V-8 Engine Reviews - Modified Mustangs & Fords

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