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1965 Vintage Mustang Autolite Alternator Rebuild
1965 Vintage Mustang Autolite Alternator Rebuild
1965 Vintage Mustang Autolite Alternator RebuildIf anything keeps us befuddled about classic Mustangs, it is charging systems and storage batteries. You turn the key and nothing happens, or perhaps you get that annoying chatter of a solenoid barely energized by a weak battery. Regardless, it leaves you sitting there waiting for a jump-start. So here's what you need to know about vintage Mustang charging systems and how not to get stuck with a dead player. The charging system includes the generator ('64 1/2 only) or alternator, external voltage regulator, either a charge light or ammeter, cables, and the battery.inline_mediumwraptextright31998903/techarticles/mump_1002_1965_vintage_mustang_autolite_alternator _rebuildmump_1002_01_o+autolite_alternator+alterna tor.jpgTrue
Photo Gallery: 1965 Vintage Mustang Autolite Alternator Rebuild - Mustang Monthly
Photo Gallery: 1965 Vintage Mustang Autolite Alternator Rebuild - Mustang Monthly
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