I didn't know about friday night but maybe its starting to procreate into another night......HMMMMMMMMM
I didn't know about friday night but maybe its starting to procreate into another night......HMMMMMMMMM
What time does the show/get together at the Pavilions start? Do you pay a fee to park? Any other advice would be appreciated.
08 GT 500 white w/blue stripes
People start to gather at about 4pm from what I have seen, No fee to park, Just be careful on the 101 going there haha, dont be no stinkin speedy gonzalez if ya know what i mean. but its fun and mustang weekend so therte will be alot there, and i was told we will have spots reserved for club members?? (is this true?), I just hope someone saves me a spot. It will be fun, bring lots of water and a chair to sit in cause the standing will kill ya lol. Oh and sustinence, you need to eat lol. Hope to see ya there for sure![]()
Saving a spot is like pulling teeth out of a running elephant rofl, I even asked and its not up to us lol, when the guys come around and see spots saved they will make ya open them, What I was told by Jeff was that they will let one car save one spot and only till 4pm. sheesh lol hopefully they will be able to rope off some for us though. I dont get out of work till 5 so I wont be there till 530 if I fly, thanks gowd for the friend on the dashboard rofl rofl![]()
, im a baaaaaaaaad girl lol lol
yup. i know, but it sounded good. chances aren't great for me getting there much before 6, so i will just find what i can. i don't like getting out there till the sun goes down, so i will take my punishment.![]()