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Thread: RWTD tunes

  1. #1
    Senior Member Radeon's Avatar
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    RWTD tunes

    Just wondering who here uses them. Has anyone ran on of their tunes and afterwards had the car dynotuned? How much more power did you make after being dynotuned? How many tunes can tuning devices hold? I wish the tweecer was compatible with the 03/04 Cobra. I had alot of fun "tinkering" with the tweecer on my '96, plus it'd hold 5 tunes.
    Future 2008 Shelby GT 500 owner

    2005 Mustang GT-318rwhp
    JLT Intake, Pullies, axleback, SCT w/ bamachips 93 octane race tune.--Gone

    2005 Chevy Tahoe-5.3L 295hp

  2. #2
    Senior Member 50 BMG's Avatar
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    SVC put a 7 slot switch in my car, I'm on SCT software and have 2 tunes currently.

  3. #3
    Super Moderator Gene's Avatar
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    this is the guy who tunes my car. every tune has been dead nuts on a/f wise when I check it with my DJWBC. His tunes rock. he now uses sct software, which I will be converting to. I have a diablo predator now.

  4. #4
    Senior Member Radeon's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gene
    this is the guy who tunes my car. every tune has been dead nuts on a/f wise when I check it with my DJWBC. His tunes rock. he now uses sct software, which I will be converting to. I have a diablo predator now.
    Whats the advantage of SCT over predator?
    Future 2008 Shelby GT 500 owner

    2005 Mustang GT-318rwhp
    JLT Intake, Pullies, axleback, SCT w/ bamachips 93 octane race tune.--Gone

    2005 Chevy Tahoe-5.3L 295hp

  5. #5
    Senior Member Lucafu1's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by rmkcleaning
    Quote Originally Posted by Gene
    this is the guy who tunes my car. every tune has been dead nuts on a/f wise when I check it with my DJWBC. His tunes rock. he now uses sct software, which I will be converting to. I have a diablo predator now.
    Whats the advantage of SCT over predator?
    It hold more tunes, you can data log on live link.
    I have been with RWTD for a long time. I even switched to SCT. I would honestly recommend on a custom Dyno tune some where local. Im thinking about going to AZ DYNO CHIP. I called them and SVC and there prices are much more reasonable. Ive herd great things about both. The only htnig bad about RWTD is waiting for a tune if you need something fixed or updated. Its hard to get a hold of them, so thats why Im leaning on a dyno tune.

    Any info on AZ Dyno Chip?

  6. #6
    Senior Member 50 BMG's Avatar
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    Right now AZ dyno chip and SVC are the only real options for dyno tuning in AZ that I'm aware of. Now depending on who you ask on this board, they are either going to speak very highly of SVC or very poorly. I haven't heard anything truly negative about AZ dyno chip, and a few people have whined cause they paid 300 to try and safely get more out of their car with them and it didn't happen.

    Dan's new shop is suppost to have the real deal tuner when they open. I'll have to do some before and after roll race footage so people can see the difference. I know there will be 5 03/04 cobras immediately retuned by this guy very soon after the doors open. The specifics of what gains were accomplished will be posted by myself, and I'm sure the others.

  7. #7
    Senior Member Lucafu1's Avatar
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    Cool, I didnt know there was a new shop opening up.
    Whats the name and when will it open? Where is it gonna be at and are they using SCT?

    Its great to have options.


  8. #8
    Administrator BurnTire's Avatar
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    I have a RWTD tune and it is right on.
    They had to tweek it a few times to get it perfect.

    SCT xcalibrator2 has more functions than the predator and can store 3 custom tunes and data log A/F.

    I have always had good quick tune service with RWTD.
    2004 Cobra, Whipple ,TH-400
    Burning Corn
    9.97 - 135.5

  9. #9
    Senior Member 50 BMG's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by lucafu1
    Cool, I didnt know there was a new shop opening up.
    Whats the name and when will it open? Where is it gonna be at and are they using SCT?

    Its great to have options.

    Performance solutions is the shop name.

    Looks like its going to open within the next 3 weeks.

    I know they will have revolution software, and probably the other 2 big packages as well.

  10. #10
    Member Screamn03's Avatar
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    I've used RWTD for about a little over a year now. Jame's tunes for power work, my AFR was dead on (via my LM1 on the street). As far as the wait deal I've experienced it both ways, I've had a reply within a few hours and then I've waited as long as two weeks.

    Now that I'm using the SCT PRP (bought and supported by RWTD) I see that there's more to his tunes than just some WOT stuff so take that how you want, just realize that it's not just some AFR and timing tweaks, there's more to it than that.

    I'd recommend you go with the SCT stuff, I had Diablo (up until about two months ago) and I'm liking the SCT stuff alot more. The flasher is alot smaller and holds three tunes and the software doesn't seem as buggy. Livelink is what is currently being used to datalog (via laptop) and it's way more advanced than the crap that Diablo had.
    -Michael Rudolph-
    Redfire 2003 Cobra
    11.30 @ 129 1.68 60' MT DRs
    11.85 @ 124 1.90 60' street tires

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