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Thread: Ford vs GM Wrap Up

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2009
    Phoenix, AZ

    Ford vs GM Wrap Up

    First off, id like to thank EVERYONE for coming and hanging out at the event! We had a GREAT showing with a TON of nice cars!
    Big thanks to Xtreme Motorsports and Townsends performance for sponsoring the event, Big Nate for helping out in the tower, and a HUGE thanks to EVERYONE for assisting in the pits, lanes and organization! I hope you all got some good races out of the event!

    Now for some of the bad...Id like to apologize for the event starting a bit rough... While I had planned for 20-30% to not show, I didnt have it set up for 20-30% more TO come and destroyed my setup... If/when I do this again in about 6 months, I will have it set up better WITHOUT tire classes, and instead just Ford vs GM with times matched regardless of tire or vehicle so reclassing vehicles, adding vehicles and subtracting vehicles will be much easier! Unfortunately sometimes you have to fail at first to succeed in the long run, so I promise next time will be better! With all that being said, im glad we got things rolling and made at least a few runs through the lanes and had some fun! If we can get enough together for the run, I will also do my best to get the track for Ford vs GM ONLY since we had to share the last time.

    For those wondering who won, I will be going through the spreadsheet this evening and all the races to see who won, as well as who will be receiving prizes for the wins or classes, and I will PM those individually to either have the prizes mailed, or meet up at your convenience if you are near me.

    Again big thanks to everyone, and if you have any suggestions for next time, things you liked or disliked etc, please PM me and let me know!


  2. #2
    Senior Member trucker's Avatar
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    phoenix az
    Mike I want to thank you for putting this on I personaly had fun no matter what happened was a good shake down for my mustang
    next one should be Fords againest the world mopars included might be fun

  3. #3
    Senior Member Jodaddy's Avatar
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    Peoria, Arizona
    the event was a blast! keep up the good work!

  4. #4
    Senior Member azmustang's Avatar
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    Jun 2009
    I thought this event was awesome. ya it was a little busy but we all had fun. i'll definitely go to the next one if you decide to do it again.
    2006 "Killer Bee" GT
    1/4 Mile ET 13.85 @ 101mph

    My Mustang just used the gas your Prius saved. Thanks

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Nov 2009
    Phoenix, AZ
    Ive already got the bugs worked out for the next one... just trying to talk speedworld into letting me have the entire track without having to prepay

    If they give in, im planning an entire day event with lunch and the first half of the day with qualifying runs, then while everyone eats lunch, we match up the pairs on a white board, then while you make that run we match up the 2nd set of runs etc until we run out of time!

    I came too "prepared" for this one and unfortunately had to redo everything on the spot for people who didnt show, or new guys who didnt sign up etc. with qualifying done on the spot, I dont have to set anything up as it will all be done on the spot!

  6. #6
    Senior Member FalconGTHO's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by TuksonMike View Post
    If they give in, im planning an entire day event with lunch and the first half of the day with qualifying runs, then while everyone eats lunch, we match up the pairs on a white board, then while you make that run we match up the 2nd set of runs etc until we run out of time!
    Needless to say, this would be kick azz.

  7. #7
    Senior Member az2k1's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by TuksonMike View Post
    Ive already got the bugs worked out for the next one... just trying to talk speedworld into letting me have the entire track without having to prepay

    If they give in, im planning an entire day event with lunch and the first half of the day with qualifying runs, then while everyone eats lunch, we match up the pairs on a white board, then while you make that run we match up the 2nd set of runs etc until we run out of time!

    I came too "prepared" for this one and unfortunately had to redo everything on the spot for people who didnt show, or new guys who didnt sign up etc. with qualifying done on the spot, I dont have to set anything up as it will all be done on the spot!

    koo.......had a good time ...was a little crazy

    03 motor w/stage 3 cams ,JLT c.a.i,BBK o/r X pipe,Tri-Ax,C.C U/L flywheel ,
    Competition Clutch, I.R.S 31 spline w/4:10's,SCT tuner,Eibach sport line,tokico, .....

    NEW set up
    S/C 17psi 462HP 505TQ....

    11.76@116 1.63 60ft.

  8. #8
    Senior Member crazy ray's Avatar
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    Buckeye, Az
    Thank you for putting this together. It was a blast.

  9. #9
    Senior Member QuarterHorse's Avatar
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    You had a blast even tho my quarter horse took ya out??? thats a good name for the car...QuarterHorse...has a ring to it...

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