Senior Member
Wild West Tech Day 11/14/09
So the club Im in had another "Tech Day". I got there late (typical) so I missed out on the bulk of the actual tech. Jim W swapped out muffs to '10 GT 500 takeoffs from Tyler L, another member. He also added the Ford Racing front spoiler, the lower control arm tie brace, although he already had it. Dont know if thats on 07s, I havent looked on mine yet, but his is an 08 and he didnt know he already had it. He thought perhaps it was a bigger diameter or stiffer, but it wasnt, so the one he removed will go on his 06? V6. Lastly he added the Ford Facing trunk trim panel.
Shawn F got his spoiler buffed out.
And Roxy got her engine broke down to the short block. Basically she needs a top half rebuild, the bottom end remains to be seen. That awaits for another Tech Day.
Herewith the pics:
Jim Ws 08 GT.

Tyler L (whos Lightning is seen in the parking pic) and his grandpa helping out Jim.

Travis hard at work on Shawns spoiler.

"Carnage" in Roxys valvetrain. Many spring dampers broke, many seals shot.

Roxy Es 66 A Code.

I believe this is member Izzy Os 68.

Paul Cs 65.

Another members, whose name escapes me, ride with a tri power set up.

Travis on the left, who works at the shop, but not yet a member. Not sure if he owns a Mustang, but ownership is not a requirement. Roxy, with the soda bottle, Rich G laughing and Rick S with the pizza at the ready.

Cars in the shop.

Another aquisition? by shop owner and member Joe R.

Customer car.

Senior Member
Out in the yard.

A fly by for the start of the NASCAR Nationwide Race at PIR not far away.
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