The Wild Westers were SUPPOSED to have had a row reserved for us on the middle entrance lane, but when they showed up they were told it was only AFTER the police closed it off. So, they had to scramble to get some spots. Lesson learned. Well show up even earlier next year to secure a better, more high visibility spot.
A parking fee of 5$ was charged for the first time this year. Understandable, I suppose, but weve been spoiled by this being a free event for years.
Definitely need to walk both sides of the street next time as many dozens of cars park in the various business lots along the road. Some good cars are missed that way.
Herewith the pics:
My reflection entering the lot.
Fab blue again.
Supposedly an ex Dukes of Hazzard car. Only a 318 and was as quiet as a fart in a pillow, but sounded SCARY mean when revved.