trish- hehehe, surprised you did not catch the number thing. hehehe.
thats awesome to hear on the cards, lets get a few more peeps on here.![]()
I picked them up when I left. I have been passing them out.
They can be downloaded here
2004 Cobra, Whipple ,TH-400
Burning Corn
9.97 - 135.5
I got a couple in my purse to hand out, but i wanna keep them for me lol, not that i cant find my way back here rofl, and i dont have a printer or i would do it for ya hun. have a great night im off to see the wizard lol lol
Its Just amazes me how far off the subject that we have wondered!!!!
What was I saying? I'm Lost in the thread can'tfind my way
ya no joke. lol.
i did add the video to my myspace page. hehe. please don't laugh at me too badly...![]()