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Thread: Ba2400

  1. #1
    Senior Member SloSVO's Avatar
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    If i slap a BA2400 on my termee.. will I need to scale down the PCM?

    At first i was going to slap it in and put in a generic 2400 Xfer function.. but then I read somewhere that the PCM is limited to the amount of air it can calculate.. and so you'd need to scale down the right tables parameters etc.. to make it work..

    Burntire you tuned your own car right? you must have been at this stage once??

  2. #2
    Administrator BurnTire's Avatar
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    I still have a BA-2400 I just apply the value file from SCT to the tune. Do you have the PRP software?

  3. #3
    Senior Member SloSVO's Avatar
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    the value file.. is that the xfer function or did you just copy that table(xtran func) from a generic SCT tune for a ba2400.. I bought my 2400 used so there was no paperwork if they came with a sheet with the flow table..I'm using sniper comando its like the PRP, full control..

  4. #4
    Administrator BurnTire's Avatar
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    SCT creates the value files and every time I start the Advantage software it updates the value folders.

    I load the injector file first then the MAF file second. Always use the order as the MAF file changes some of the injector values.

    I am sure there is a manual way to make the changes, but I have no experience doing so.

    I would think sniper has info on how to make the changes.
    2004 Cobra, Whipple ,TH-400
    Burning Corn
    9.97 - 135.5

  5. #5
    Senior Member SloSVO's Avatar
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    Sniper has two versions of there software.. Special forces is the can tune program.. you put in your box code and a series of drop down menus come out asking you about the car.. when your done it makes a file for you and you can now load it into the car..

    Commando.. is the balls to the wall program were you need to know what your doing.. but what a lot of people do is make the file in SF and then load it into commando and then you can compare what SF did to the stock file... my plan is to pick the generic 2400 maf from the drop down menu and make another file for the termee.. But I wan't to find out fo sure that the termee PCM can only read XX amount of air.. so to go around that you scale down some of the tables/parameters in the pcm.. so the pcm thinks its controling a smaller motor, injectors, air flow..etc..

  6. #6
    Senior Member SloSVO's Avatar
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    SO here is were i'm at.. from the research the 04 cobra pcm has a max air flow of about 1700 Kilograms of air per hour..and since the BA2400 flows 2400 kiograms I'm going to need to scale the engine smaller.. the Pcm will think its running a smaller motor, smaller injectors etc.. Maybe that is what the files you open up with the SCt already does for you... Granatelli on corral posted the base transfer function for the 2400 and 2800.. so with care and my wideband i'l be doing this tomorrow... wanna get the car ready to kick some Gm ass on the 16th

  7. #7
    Senior Member SloSVO's Avatar
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    Well got it all dialed in.. I did have to scale down the Xtransfer, cid and injectors.. Ready for the 16th.. Goat meat for me muahhahahahaha

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