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Header Performance Guide For Mustangs
Header Performance Guide For Mustangs

Header Performance Guide For MustangsHeaders and exhaust systems have become something of a cliché because everyone talks about them, yet not enough of us know how to choose them. We select headers for all kinds of reasons, many of them having nothing to do with performance. These days, it's more about how they look against a cylinder head and valve cover versus how they perform.inline_mediumwraptextrightHeader Selection Tip
Header selection isn't just about tube and collector size or even what type of coating you choose. It's also about ease of installation. How easy are they to install? Not all header flanges are easy to get a wrench on. Check fastener clearance with a simple closed end wrench. Closed ends will not always fit all bolts. Sometimes, you must use a box-end wrench. Wrench fit is the measure of a good header. Manufacturers don't always pay enough attention to installation issues. And with some, fit is really bad. Remember, headers call for header bolts, not peanut butter bolts from the hardware store. Header bolts have small heads for flange/tube clearance. Most header bolts have a 3/8-inch head.31289232/techarticles/mump_0912_header_performance_guide_for_mustangsmum p_0912_02_o+header_performance_guide+header_select ion_tip.jpgTrue
Photo Gallery: Header Performance Guide For Mustangs - Mustang Monthly Magazine
Photo Gallery: Header Performance Guide For Mustangs - Mustang Monthly Magazine
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