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Thread: 5 Yrs. Ready to Forget?

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  1. #1
    Administrator BurnTire's Avatar
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    Well I was going to stay out of this, but as an airline pilot I can tell you a 300,000 lb plane with 100,000 lbs of Jet fuel hitting the towers at 300 knots is the reason they failed.

  2. #2
    Super Moderator Jacostang's Avatar
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    Amen!!! And the whole thing should be replayed so that people, mainly its the Media and some politicians that want us to forget that these "people" want us all in America Dead!!! Oh Yeah and Hitler was just a dream, never happened??? Right?

  3. #3
    Senior Member Stern90LX's Avatar
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    Actually I never bought into the Theory that there weren't planes involved. Even in the Pentagons case were the no-757-crash theorists would try to say otherwise. I've seen better compelling evidence to the contrary than what they purport. I still believe there was a huge cover up however and the US Gov knows more then it's letting on.
    The Pony Car Wars are over... The Mustang Won

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    Payson, AZ
    Quote Originally Posted by Stern90LX View Post
    Actually I never bought into the Theory that there weren't planes involved. Even in the Pentagons case were the no-757-crash theorists would try to say otherwise. I've seen better compelling evidence to the contrary than what they purport. I still believe there was a huge cover up however and the US Gov knows more then it's letting on.
    There's little doubt in my mind that government officials know more about the incident than we have been told. There may have even been some complicity among some government officials.

    However, the collapse was caused by the damaged exoskeletal structure during the impact, damaged steel fire protection also by the impact, and fire that reduced the yeild strength of the steel.

    I have been studying buildings for 21 years and designing them for 18 years, including 2 tall buildings. While watching the events unfold on TV, that experience allowed me to predict the failures within 20 minutes. Why, those two buildings failed exactly when and how they should have under the circumstances.

    The case for planned explosive demolition is very easy to refute. The theories also distract us from what the real goals should be, how to prevent it from happening again.
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  5. #5
    Senior Member P Machy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by bluepony View Post
    The case for planned explosive demolition is very easy to refute. The theories also distract us from what the real goals should be, how to prevent it from happening again.
    U.S. Customs was hit bad on that day.

    Homeland Security applied so many changes on how things are to be imported from Asia.

    A 24 hour notification must be submitted if any cargo is to load a Vessel or an Airplane. That 24 Hour Automated Manifest System AKA AMS is supposed to make sure that NO cargo gets to leave the original port if it has not been manifested, but saddly it does still. Also there is such a big loop hole with what Homeland Security set up with AMS, it isnt even funny due to the Trillions spent by our Government and associated parties to some how make this work.

    U.S. Customs can only randomly X-ray so many Containers that come in, 3/4 of the containers go unchecked....then the paper work being submitted can be so fake, it can still be signed off by a lazy inspector.

    Not that I want to scare any one, but our ports is open and our Inspectors need to be re-trained and micro managed IMHO. If a few shipments that I personally thought should not of cleared so easily, I can only imagine how many more just slip under their noses every hour of the day.

    Flights are non stop in the international trade zones. Believe that Florida has the best Airline Security compared to ORD, JFK and LAX.

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