Hey guys,

I have a small issue. Burning 1 quart of high mielage oil every 100 miles! The car is in the shop today. They pulled the intake and found the seal to be good. A leak down test showed one cylinder low and one borderline. There is a puddle of oil on top of the valves after one cycle! The mechanic thinks the valve stem seals are shot. They are going to take the roller bar off and check them next. He is thinking a head rebuild. We did not build the motor, bought the car already done (stupid), when my mechanic first went into the motor they found the valve stems to be different lengths. So the shimmed the stems to make hem all even. When I first had the car we had to replace the o2 sensors and now my fuel mileage is way down again and we presume it is the burning oil messing with the sensors. There is not consistent smoke out the back but there are new cats on it and we believe these are soaking up the oil for now.

He asked me if the 5.0 engines ever came with oil restrictors so I thought I would ask here. If anyone has ever heard of such a situation as burning 1 quart every hundred miles could you please share the story or any advice/theories?