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Thread: 1967 Electrical Problem

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  1. #1
    Junior Member
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    Scottsdale, Arizona

    1967 Electrical Problem

    I have a 67 Coupe
    The left rear turn signal and flasher will not work
    The front and right rear do.
    Where do I start
    My email address is Bob Certainly would appreciate the help
    Last edited by bobh; 11-27-09 at 05:06 PM. Reason: adding email

  2. #2
    Super Moderator Jacostang's Avatar
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    The switch in the column, would be the first place to look for a problem.
    "The choices we make, dictates the lives we lead"

  3. #3
    Senior Member Mr. Austin's Avatar
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    Look there and check all you fuses. my car has a bus fuse for the left blinker and the right. my left is right next to the steering and the right in right next to it about four inches away closest to the firewall. Mine is a 69

  4. #4
    Member CCStang's Avatar
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    When you say the "front" works then does that include the left turn signal on the front (I am trying to understand what you mean by front - both sides - right and left)? IF the front left is working (and working does not mean rapidly flashing) then the first thing I would do, before I do anything else, is replace the rear bulb in the tail light housing (from inside the trunk). That particular bulb has two filaments, one for the tail light clearance and the other for "flashing".

    If that is not the solution then check the ground wire from the tail light housing to the body (or frame).

  5. #5
    Junior Member
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    Scottsdale, Arizona

    67 electrical problem

    Thanks for the reply.
    When I put my left directional signals on the front works the rear does not
    When I put my right directional signals on, both fron and back work.
    The left brake light does not work, the right does
    Both lights work (when I turn my headlights on)
    When I put my emergency flashers on the right works the left does not
    I hope that I explained it a little more clear.
    Thanks for your help

  6. #6
    Member CCStang's Avatar
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    North Phoenix
    Thanks bob for your reply.

    I would say pay a visit to your nearest auto parts store, with the rear left turn signal bulb in hand (you're going to need the number off the bulb), and replace with the new bulb. If this doesn't work then give us a ring via here.

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