Mustang Club America Western United States National Show

Mustang Club America Western United States National ShowMan, it was hot out there. Smoke from wild fires nearby didn't help either. Despite these adversities, Mustang enthusiasts were not deterred as they wiped the dust and soot off their cars and got down to the business of having fun at the Mustang Club of America's Western United States Nationals. You could see why enthusiasts might be easily deterred, especially those headed into Los Angeles along the Foothill Freeway. The heavy smoke and the smell of crispy, smoky California chaparral, which had not burned in decades, was intimidating for enthusiasts who poured in from outside the Los Angeles area.inline_mediumwraptextright27076690/eventcoverage/mump_0912_mustang_club_america_western_united_stat es_national_showmump_0912_02_o+mustang_club_west_c oast_national_show+red_mustang.jpgTrue

Photo Gallery: Mustang Club America Western United States National Show - Mustang Monthly Magazine

Photo Gallery: Mustang Club America Western United States National Show - Mustang Monthly Magazine

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