1972 Ford Gran Torino - Kudos All Around

Ford's '72 Gran Torino Has Largely Been Forgotten-Until Now!Dan Widmann's '72 Gran Torino
You've got to hand it to Dan Widmann and Steve Strope, for taking the road less traveled. To the point, outside of a period NASCAR piece, when was the last time you saw a highly mod-ified '72 Gran Torino? Uh, like never-or at least never like this! To say that Widmann's '72 is the most extreme example of the breed is clearly stating the obvious, but a more provoking line of thinking may be to ask the following question: Why hasn't it been done before?inline_mediumwraptextright25493954/featuredvehicles/mdmp_0912_1972_ford_gran_torinomdmp_0912_06_+1972_ gran_torino+front_angle.jpgTrue

Photo Gallery: 1972 Ford Gran Torino - Modified Mustang & Fords

Photo Gallery: 1972 Ford Gran Torino - Modified Mustang & Fords

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