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Thread: Whipple and Accessories

  1. #1
    Senior Member P Machy's Avatar
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    Whipple and Accessories

    What does one need to run a safe 91octane?

    15psi or 17psi max with 23* of timing? (not sure what the corolation<sp> timing would have with that much pressure), but some have had that much timing on 91octane and still run strong.

    Please educate me....unlike the old days with my Silver Termee, I havent been up to par.

  2. #2
    Senior Member Lucafu1's Avatar
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    with 91 octane i wouldnt run anymore then 21* of timing and some will say thats too much. 18*-19* is what my tunes are run off.

  3. #3
    Administrator BurnTire's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by P Machy View Post
    What does one need to run a safe 91octane?

    15psi or 17psi max with 23* of timing? (not sure what the corolation<sp> timing would have with that much pressure), but some have had that much timing on 91octane and still run strong.

    Please educate me....unlike the old days with my Silver Termee, I havent been up to par.
    Do you have a Whipple?
    91 with 15 PSI is 19 degrees
    with 17 PSI 17 degrees.

    Don't go above 17PSI with 91 octane

    I just had MR Whipple out for a ride on 15PSI

    Can't bump it to 17PSI on a race gas tune.

    I don't read plugs I read the wideband.
    2004 Cobra, Whipple ,TH-400
    Burning Corn
    9.97 - 135.5

  4. #4
    Senior Member P Machy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lucafu1 View Post
    with 91 octane i wouldnt run anymore then 21* of timing and some will say thats too much. 18*-19* is what my tunes are run off.
    so other then a non whipple (ported eaton or just pullied eaton) a ramped to a total 23* is just fine? 18 ~ 19* doesnt sound like much though. I can totally tell the difference from 18 VS 23* and it shows when going up against some one with that much timing....but a whipple would be something difference, id imagine.

  5. #5
    Senior Member P Machy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by BurnTire View Post
    Do you have a Whipple?
    91 with 15 PSI is 19 degrees
    with 17 PSI 17 degrees.

    Don't go above 17PSI with 91 octane

    I just had MR Whipple out for a ride on 15PSI

    Can't bump it to 17PSI on a race gas tune.

    I don't read plugs I read the wideband.
    No, if my Mach does leave the driveway, why not? My silver Termee stopped so short of anything respectable. Black Cars are fast !!

    OK, but comparing 15psi on a whipple and an eaton...whipple just makes that much more efficient numbers down low, mid & top?

    How is ur IAT2's with the whipple? I felt a KB with 17psi and it felt sweet! very torqueeeeh!! but other then a valve spring or possible scored block, she still ran 11.7's @ 105. dgussins old vert.

  6. #6
    Administrator BurnTire's Avatar
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    On my 2.76 ported Eaton I ran 20 degrees of timing.
    I always run on the conservative side with 91 octane.
    It is not worth playing with fire on this crappy gas.
    I also have a winter and summer tune. My car leans out .5 on the A/F when the winter gas hits the pumps.
    I plan to run the full 23 degrees on race gas and 17PSI on the Whipple.
    2004 Cobra, Whipple ,TH-400
    Burning Corn
    9.97 - 135.5

  7. #7
    Senior Member P Machy's Avatar
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    OK, so richer A/F if tuned in the summer season gas.

    I hear ya on the conservitive side...just the air is so thin where I normally hang out, but I live closer to sea level.


    whats the MAX that a lightning housing & internals can hold power wise? I understand that a stock MAF is good till around 460 ~ 480(also dependent on air).

  8. #8
    Administrator BurnTire's Avatar
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    I have to add fuel in the winter the oxygenated gas leans out the summer tune.

    Get an SCT BA2400 MAF.
    I had a Mafia and it was screwed up.

    If you have the cash get and SCT pro racers package.
    It is nice to be able to adjust your tune when needed.
    SCT stuff has a two step rev limiter built in also.

    My self and Mark (u1arunit) are both pro racer users.

    Quote Originally Posted by P Machy View Post

    OK, so richer A/F if tuned in the summer season gas.

    I hear ya on the conservitive side...just the air is so thin where I normally hang out, but I live closer to sea level.


    whats the MAX that a lightning housing & internals can hold power wise? I understand that a stock MAF is good till around 460 ~ 480(also dependent on air).
    2004 Cobra, Whipple ,TH-400
    Burning Corn
    9.97 - 135.5

  9. #9
    Senior Member P Machy's Avatar
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    LOL..SCT PRP records what changes you made right? I recall see-ing something like that on the tuners laptop.

    Not sure if I am ready for that.

    seems like some have good success with the mafia and others dont. I just recall a friend swapped out to the lightning MAF and could of gone up to 580rwhp without maxing the voltage for a good price.

    Injectors, BAP? There is way too many things going on with that. pre wiring or not, what amp and what percent....

  10. #10
    Administrator BurnTire's Avatar
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    You save the new tune under a different name.
    The PRP has a compare feture so you can look at the changes made between tunes.

    Ok get the SCT BA2400.(Don't be cheap here) Forget about that lightning MAF. You will be putting down over 600 RWHP on 17PSI with race gas.
    60lb injectors / Harness
    BAP 40 AMP, Pre FPDM, I have mine set on 20% now and duty cycle hits 89% Max.

    Quote Originally Posted by P Machy View Post
    LOL..SCT PRP records what changes you made right? I recall see-ing something like that on the tuners laptop.

    Not sure if I am ready for that.

    seems like some have good success with the mafia and others dont. I just recall a friend swapped out to the lightning MAF and could of gone up to 580rwhp without maxing the voltage for a good price.

    Injectors, BAP? There is way too many things going on with that. pre wiring or not, what amp and what percent....
    2004 Cobra, Whipple ,TH-400
    Burning Corn
    9.97 - 135.5

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