NMRA #MM7521
2005 WFC Modular Street Winner
Quickest and fastest stock pullied, non ported eaton 03 in the country.
11.160 @ 125.08 Record retired
New combo, new #'s soon.
508 Hp 548 TQ SAE
10.55 @ 130 MPH
594 HP 756 TQ on the sauce
Real Name = Lou.
Sounds like a perfect excuse for a new 7 qt canton pan. You can order it from the gentleman who posted immediately above me...part # 15784
Just like "when I break my supercharger belt, I need to step up to a new blower".
OK, I did as Lou suggested and it worked like a Charm! JB Weld sure does cure fast![]()
But how am I supposed to drain it in the future?
New plug was perfect! Stock Pan's threads are sure freaking good! Thank GOD!!! The new plug turned so easily as it should![]()
Hell, I'd gladly pay the $13 to get myself a magic 11 sec plug! Glad it worked out.![]()
Here in PA, JB Weld fixes anything. Now for our neighbors to the west and south of us, duck tape fixes everything. From chrome to glass to broken bones, duck tape fixes all.![]()
2003 Mineral Grey Cobra
So with the advent of this modern miracle cure, would it be wise at this point to just throw away all my bailing wire?
I really wanted to try it out, but just became frustrated. It didn't come with instructions, so it continues to just the shelf.![]()