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Thread: Another One!

  1. #51
    It would be like me coming up to your car with a bat and beating the heck out of it. what the hell does this have to do with speed cameras and poorly staged camera vans? If someone beat my car with a bat they wouldn't have the chance to pay for it.You made the choice to beat the car, not an electronic device staged in obvious deceitful locations.
    Maybe next they have road spikes launched out of the side of the vans for people going 10 MPH over, better yet they should have this for people going 10 MPH under, LOL
    You would want me to pay for it because it was wrong for what I did. I would tell you that I am not ok for paying for it because your car is not saving lives,
    it is a revenue generator for Ford.Yes it is but how can you compare buying a car from ford and enjoying your purchase for years to come or donatiing to a poorly managed slush fund which we have no benefit from.

    Our local government is talking about laying off hundreds of our school teachers, fire fighters and paramedics because their broke. The traffic cameras are a cash cow for the local government to make up for their poor financial management skills at the expense of the people. "Double Taxation??" and now want to raise our taxes again when they can't even manage the tax money we pay them now, they will find another way and not one penny of the traffic cameras slush fund will go to keeping our school teachers, fire fighters and paramedics employed.

    Fact is people want to bitch and complain about the illegals and whatnot. But when they do something wrong its total BS. I drive that section of I10 and I go 55 and if someone wants to pass me then so be it.If they want to ride my butt, I give them a shot of smoke and they move. This BS about a van being x amount of feet on the other side of the sign isn't fair??? So what you are saying is your doing the speed limit at 65 MPH and there a speed limit change to 55 and there is a van 100 ft away from the 55 MPH sign you have a reasonable amount of time to reduce you speed by ten MPH with everybody on your butt. this is dangerous and BS.

    Law is at the point of the sign you are to be going that speed limit.
    You are given the benefit of the doubt that you can read, and read from a distance. I know sometimes it happens, but suck it up move on

    Section 2B-12 of the manual states:
    Speed limit signs should be located at the points of change from one speed limit to another or as near there to as possible.
    a speed limit sign showing the next speed limit shall be erected. Additional signs shall be installed beyond major intersections and other locations where it is necessary to remind motorists of the limit that is applicable.

    This is the law and in the case on I10 that was mentioned earlier this was not the case. They shouldn't have the Cameras 100 ft from the first sign indicating a speed change."speed trap" and dangerous.

    Quote Originally Posted by ChuckD View Post
    It would be like me coming up to your car with a bat and beating the heck out of it. You would want me to pay for it because it was wrong for what I did. I would tell you that I am not ok for paying for it because your car is not saving lives, it is a revenue generator for Ford. Fact is people want to bitch and complain about the illegals and whatnot. But when they do something wrong its total bs. I drive that section of 10 and I go 55 and if someone wants to pass me then so be it. If they want to ride my butt, I give them a shot of smoke and they move. This bs about a van being x amount of feet on the other side of the sign isn't fair??? Law is at the point of the sign you are to be going that speed limit. You are given the benifit of the doubt that you can read, and read from a distance. I know sometimes it happens, but suck it up move on.

  2. #52
    Member AirborneVet's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jtleng View Post
    it would be like me coming up to your car with a bat and beating the heck out of it. what the hell does this have to do with speed cameras and poorly staged camera vans? If someone beat my car with a bat they wouldn't have the chance to pay for made the choice to beat the car, not an electronic device staged in obvious deceitful locations.
    maybe next they have road spikes launched out of the side of the vans for people going 10 mph over, better yet they should have this for people going 10 mph under, lol
    you would want me to pay for it because it was wrong for what i did. I would tell you that i am not ok for paying for it because your car is not saving lives,
    it is a revenue generator for ford.yes it is but how can you compare buying a car from ford and enjoying your purchase for years to come or donatiing to a poorly managed slush fund which we have no benefit from.

    our local government is talking about laying off hundreds of our school teachers, fire fighters and paramedics because their broke. The traffic cameras are a cash cow for the local government to make up for their poor financial management skills at the expense of the people. "double taxation??" and now want to raise our taxes again when they can't even manage the tax money we pay them now, they will find another way and not one penny of the traffic cameras slush fund will go to keeping our school teachers, fire fighters and paramedics employed.

    fact is people want to bitch and complain about the illegals and whatnot. But when they do something wrong its total bs. I drive that section of i10 and i go 55 and if someone wants to pass me then so be it.if they want to ride my butt, i give them a shot of smoke and they move. this bs about a van being x amount of feet on the other side of the sign isn't fair??? so what you are saying is your doing the speed limit at 65 mph and there a speed limit change to 55 and there is a van 100 ft away from the 55 mph sign you have a reasonable amount of time to reduce you speed by ten mph with everybody on your butt. This is dangerous and bs.

    law is at the point of the sign you are to be going that speed limit.
    you are given the benefit of the doubt that you can read, and read from a distance. I know sometimes it happens, but suck it up move on

    section 2b-12 of the manual states:
    speed limit signs should be located at the points of change from one speed limit to another or as near there to as possible.
    a speed limit sign showing the next speed limit shall be erected. additional signs shall be installed beyond major intersections and other locations where it is necessary to remind motorists of the limit that is applicable.

    this is the law and in the case on i10 that was mentioned earlier this was not the case. They shouldn't have the cameras 100 ft from the first sign indicating a speed change."speed trap" and dangerous.


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  3. #53


  4. #54
    Senior Member Jodaddy's Avatar
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    wow that shits great!

  5. #55
    Senior Member ChuckD's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jtleng View Post
    It would be like me coming up to your car with a bat and beating the heck out of it. what the hell does this have to do with speed cameras and poorly staged camera vans? If someone beat my car with a bat they wouldn't have the chance to pay for it.You made the choice to beat the car, not an electronic device staged in obvious deceitful locations.
    Maybe next they have road spikes launched out of the side of the vans for people going 10 MPH over, better yet they should have this for people going 10 MPH under, LOL
    You would want me to pay for it because it was wrong for what I did. I would tell you that I am not ok for paying for it because your car is not saving lives,
    it is a revenue generator for Ford.Yes it is but how can you compare buying a car from ford and enjoying your purchase for years to come or donatiing to a poorly managed slush fund which we have no benefit from.

    Our local government is talking about laying off hundreds of our school teachers, fire fighters and paramedics because their broke. The traffic cameras are a cash cow for the local government to make up for their poor financial management skills at the expense of the people. "Double Taxation??" and now want to raise our taxes again when they can't even manage the tax money we pay them now, they will find another way and not one penny of the traffic cameras slush fund will go to keeping our school teachers, fire fighters and paramedics employed.

    Fact is people want to bitch and complain about the illegals and whatnot. But when they do something wrong its total BS. I drive that section of I10 and I go 55 and if someone wants to pass me then so be it.If they want to ride my butt, I give them a shot of smoke and they move. This BS about a van being x amount of feet on the other side of the sign isn't fair??? So what you are saying is your doing the speed limit at 65 MPH and there a speed limit change to 55 and there is a van 100 ft away from the 55 MPH sign you have a reasonable amount of time to reduce you speed by ten MPH with everybody on your butt. this is dangerous and BS.

    Law is at the point of the sign you are to be going that speed limit.
    You are given the benefit of the doubt that you can read, and read from a distance. I know sometimes it happens, but suck it up move on

    Section 2B-12 of the manual states:
    Speed limit signs should be located at the points of change from one speed limit to another or as near there to as possible.
    a speed limit sign showing the next speed limit shall be erected. Additional signs shall be installed beyond major intersections and other locations where it is necessary to remind motorists of the limit that is applicable.

    This is the law and in the case on I10 that was mentioned earlier this was not the case. They shouldn't have the Cameras 100 ft from the first sign indicating a speed change."speed trap" and dangerous.


    Its called moral responsibility. You made the obvious choice to speed. The camera didn't say go ahead and speed its ok. Everybody wants to bitch because someone else is breaking the law, but don't want to take responsibility for their own actions. Camera on state roads go to the state and cameras on city roads go to the city. And the next speed limit is at the point of the sign. If the sign states 55 mph and your going 65 when you pass then you are speeding. Cameras are set up to go off at 11 mph over and no there is no officer discretion its just pure plain and simple speeding or not. Since people seem to gripe and complain about the speed cameras being a cash cow, don't speed and feed the damn thing.
    1988 LX
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  6. #56
    Senior Member Rick Shopmier's Avatar
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    I Agree!

    Chuck, you said right! The voice of reason "mature". The money you piss away can buy some nice stuff....


  7. #57
    Senior Member Mr. Austin's Avatar
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    Like chrome to make your car 10 Hp faster!

  8. #58
    Its called moral responsibility. You made the obvious choice to speed. The camera didn't say go ahead and speed its OK. Everybody wants to bitch because someone else is breaking the law, but don't want to take responsibility for their own actions. Camera on state roads go to the state and cameras on city roads go to the city. And the next speed limit is at the point of the sign. If the sign states 55 mph and your going 65 when you pass then you are speeding. Cameras are set up to go off at 11 mph over and no there is no officer discretion its just pure plain and simple speeding or not. Since people seem to gripe and complain about the speed cameras being a cash cow, don't speed and feed the damn thing.[/QUOTE]

    Your absolutely correct don't speed but there are circumstances that are setup by the Local government to deceitfully take money from hard working tax payers.

    My point was the "City and State" governments are stretching the law in order to take money from the majority Not the "PERFECT".

    The problem with the cameras is in some cases were the speed limit changes from 65 down to 55 and the cameras are purposely set up at these points because of their location knowing there is a great chance to catch people that did not see the change or have a chance to slow down in time because the flow of traffic is on their butt.

    All the other cameras that do not fall in this area I have no problem with, "cameras in intersections for red light runners and speeders" other then It would be more beneficial to everybody to see our tax money paying salaries to human officers whom can also help protect the community.

    Don't get me wrong, I agree there does need to be fair and reasonable laws in place to protect the people and the American way of life.

    They get away with these speed traps because the Perfect people say everybody else is just whining and nothing is ever done about it.
    Unless the people stand up for whats right this and other situations will continue to get out of hand in every aspect of our so called American freedom

    I like most people drive with the flow of traffic and am not one of the perfect people and don't want to be, life's to short. I have so far been fortunate enough not to have been part of the majority getting flashed and donating to the slush fund and hopefully you wont have a bad day and end up donating.

    I know this may sounds extreme and this is only about stupid cameras and speeding but it all ads up. At $200 a pop it adds up quickly,

    Chuck, I respect your opinion,

  9. #59
    Senior Member ChuckD's Avatar
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    Not saying I am perfect, just going by what works for me. I drive a 97 F350 Powerstroke. For best fuel economy its best to keep it under 70 then I can attain a 20+ mpg average. While fuel is ever climbing near the $3 a gallon mark, not only does this make sense to keep coins in my pocket, it keeps my chances of getting a ticket down therefor keeping more coins in my pocket. Not getting a ticket will also mean my insurance will not go up, therefor more coins in my pocket. Being on a disibility I got to do everything I can to keep what I have. I agree that placement of speed zones are a little out of wack, ie in Surprise (Cactus Rd) in a populated area the speed limit is 45 mph, keep going west were there is nothing and the speed limit is 35 mph. Makes no sense. Scan your areas, pay attention, and be vigialant (sp). A judge will not dismiss the charge if your defense is "I was going with the flow of traffic".
    1988 LX
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  10. #60
    Senior Member Jodaddy's Avatar
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    hey i know i was speeding and i dont have a problem paying for it. But whats all the talk about camera's? I got caught by an officer. Not a camera...

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