Just straight short bus syndrome
WOW!! thats good! my buddy topped out in his honda at 102. (He has it on hid phone..It was topped out) and the cop who was behind him the entire time watching him till he let off game him a $930 For wreck less driving on 2 counts. felony speeding and lane changing with out signaling.
Ahh keeping the government in business. LOL
2004 Cobra, Whipple ,TH-400
Burning Corn
9.97 - 135.5
haha yeah gotta love gettin screwed by the long dick of the law
As others have said, slow down or man up and just deal with it when you get caught.
Any officer in their right mind would freak out when you do that. Hell, I'd probably have the gun drawn on you by the point and then ask you to please place your hands on the steering wheel where I can see them. When you start putting your hands in your pocket like that he's going to become suspicious and on alert.
I second this. Paying the price for reckless disregard of the law is not getting "screwed".
Getting "screwed" is what happened to a few people involved in a speed related accident while I was at Ft. Bragg. A soldier was ignoring the speed limit and thought he had enough speed to carry him through a changing traffic light. He struck 2 vehicles, killing a young mother and her newborn, as well as killing a recently retired 1SG as he was riding home on his retirement gift (a new Harley-Davidson).
Last edited by AirborneVet; 11-12-09 at 09:10 PM.
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