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Thread: *Alert* Stolen 85 Saleen From Tuscon

  1. #1
    Member mikebna's Avatar
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    *Alert* Stolen 85 Saleen From Tuscon

    The owner ok'ed it for me to post this here, I hope it will turn up in one peice soon-

    Hi all, It saddens me to say that my 1985 Saleen was stolen sometime late Monday 10/26- early Tuesday right out of my driveway. The car means a great deal to my family, and it really makes me mad that someone out there has it. I know we Saleen/ Mustang owners have such a respect for each other, that I am asking you to keep your eyes and ears open in the hope that can get (at least) most of the car back. Here are the details:

    1985 Saleen #88
    Red with gold racing stripes
    Hayashi Wheels
    Stolen from Tucson, AZ 10/26/2009

    If you have any information, Please contact the Pima County Sheriff's Office at 520-351-4600 (report#091027056)

    A Google search of "1985 Saleen" will bring up an article from Mustang Monthly (May 2007) "Fox for Fun" featuring my car.

    Again, I ask you all for your help in getting the word out, posting on other forums, etc. Saleens are really only Saleens to their owner, and meerly LX parts to the perp. Thank you all in advance. I will keep you updated. Thank you.

    2006 Saleen Extreme #119 Vista Blue

  2. #2
    Senior Member DSALEEN's Avatar
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    probably a chevy owner

  3. #3
    Senior Member El Jefe's Avatar
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    Wow sorry to hear, never seen the car in town. Ill post this on a local board
    04 Screaming Yellow Cobra 463rwhp/456tq
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  4. #4
    Senior Member SloSVO's Avatar
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  5. #5
    Super Moderator Jacostang's Avatar
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    OH nooooo I know this car its beautiful, hope its not in Mexico by now.....
    "The choices we make, dictates the lives we lead"

  6. #6
    Senior Member Mr. Austin's Avatar
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    Wow thats beautiful! i was thinking because it was in the drive way it was just car or maybe a junkie. But WOW

  7. #7
    Super Moderator Jacostang's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by 69CreamPuFF View Post
    Wow thats beautiful! i was thinking because it was in the drive way it was just car or maybe a junkie. But WOW
    Yes this car has won awards at our shows!!! Good God Where could it be....
    "The choices we make, dictates the lives we lead"

  8. #8
    Member 97desertCobra's Avatar
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    Hate to say it but its probably already stripped down to the last bolt in Mexico. Dont mean to be a downer, hopefully thats not the case. I'm sure im many ways this car is not replaceable. Best of luck to you.
    97 Cobra
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  9. #9
    Member mikebna's Avatar
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    Just keep your eyes peeled for any specific parts showing up anywhere, and let the authorities know asap, thx.

    And yes this car is irreplacable, and it's rare that they are recovered in one peice but we can hope that maybe it was just a joy ride. Just the front air dam is worth around $3,000 if that tells you anything.

    I myself would have never left it in the driveway, without some major security around.
    Last edited by mikebna; 10-29-09 at 09:27 PM. Reason: added more words is all

    2006 Saleen Extreme #119 Vista Blue

  10. #10
    Senior Member
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    Being in the storage business I will send an email out to our AZ facilities and let everyone know be on the look out if someone trys to store it.

    Just a FYI, its mandatory storing with our company to have proof of ins and a registration/title in thier name, So this could curb it being stored here or at one of our facilities, We do have two down there one off 22nd and one off oracle. I highly suggest calling the local storages first, cause some are not as particular as to who and whats being stored in thier units as we are. I always ask and trust me if its a Mustang I wanna see it. Good luck in your search, I pray it comes back in one piece. Hugs Trisha

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