Forum Rules:
Welcome to High Performance Stangs (HPS). HPS was created in 2006 for all Mustang enthusiasts. Please become familiar with the following policies to make sure your time spent here is more enjoyable. HPS is a place for mature enthusiast to participate in meaningful conversation. The goal of this site is to promote a casual environment that members can enjoy.
The Term "Post" applies to all site resources: forums, blogs, private messages, visitor messages, comments, etc. Any content or material submitted via HPS site resources is subject to compliance to all policy's of this site.
1. Posts should be constructive and of a mature manner. A member posting meaningless replies to increase their post count is prohibited (i.e. posting the response ?Cool? after every post on the board). A member?s reputation is based on their post count so please acquire your post count by engaging in quality conversation.
2. Corrections to other?s information should be civil and not condescending in nature. This applies to members and vendors. This means no flaming or derogatory statements towards other members or their vehicles. We have a zero tolerance for this type of behavior. This forum focus is the exchange of ideas, information and tech support related to the mustang enthusiast.
3. Knowingly posting untrue information is prohibited.
4. Posting or Private Messaging with the sole purpose of directing members to join a different forum is prohibited.
5. Use of this site to threaten violence against any member will result in immediate action up to and including a permanent ban.
6. The High Performance Stangs staff reserves the right to edit or delete any post/thread we deem necessary.
1. Trolling is the act of posting with the sole purpose of creating problems. Trolls may be permanently banned.
1. Discussion and posting of illegal activities is prohibited. Linking to sites that promote illegal activity is prohibited. The use of HPS site resources (forums, email, private messages, etc.) to organize or promote illegal activities is prohibited. Please use discretion in what you post because big brother is watching. This site does not endorse, promote, or recommend street racing.
1. Please keep it clean. The forum software scans for certain words and will replace them with ****. I am not going to get into a long winded discussion on what you can and can not say. Just use your best discretion and keep your language mature.
1. Spamming is the scum bag art of using HPS site resources to promote products or services without being a supporting vendor. Spamming is prohibited. The only people who can promote products and services on this site are Supporting Vendors who pay to advertise here. Supporting Vendors advertising dollars are what allow this site to exist.
Using site resources to recruit HPS members to sign up with a competing automotive forum is prohibited. If you post links to a new forum that it trying to get members we know what you are trying to accomplish. If you feel you have been spammed please do not delete the message. Forward it to the site administrator (burntire).
1. Posting pornography of any type (text, photos, links, etc.) is prohibited. Please keep this site clean. Posting a photo of a woman in a bikini lying on your car is not considered porn. Just keep the X rated stuff off of the site.
SIGNATURES and Images:
1. Hyperlinks in signatures to other websites or businesses are only permitted if the website or business supports this site. Links to your personal site are permitted.
2. Promoting Businesses in your signature that are not site supporters is prohibited.
3. Please keep signature photos at a reasonable size 400X200 max.
4. No image placed on this site may be used to advertise a business that is not a supporting vendor.
1. The classified section is for selling of automotive related items only.
2. You must own the item to list it in the classified section (No selling for a friend etc.)
3. All classified items must have a price. OBO is acceptable as long as it starts with a price (i.e. $300 OBO).
4. Creating a biding process with HPS site resources prohibited (use eBay for auctions).
5. You may place a link to an item that you have listed on eBay.
6. Bumping or TTT of threads is allowed every 24 hours.
7. If a member has a problem with a transaction related to a classified sale (product is paid for and never shows up etc) please contact the Site Administrator (burntire) or a moderator.
8. Due to the laws involved gun sales are prohibited.
9. Listing of stolen (hot) items is prohibited.
1. A Supporting Vendor is a company that pays to advertise on HPS. Their continued support is what keeps this site operational and growing.
2. Supporting Vendors are the only members allowed to advertise or solicit business on this site.
3. If you would like to become a Supporting Vendor please contact the Site Administrator (BigStang).
4. Members are not allowed to post negative (bashing) comments about Supporting Vendors. If you do bash a vendor the post will be hidden and action will be taken against your account.