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09-02-06, 08:37 PM
is this working :pepper: Who is all going to the show up in flagg ?
09-02-06, 08:39 PM
is this working :pepper: Who is all going to the show up in flagg ?
Yes it is working.
When is the Flag show?
09-02-06, 08:47 PM
Hey Dan,
It is about time you showed up here. I have been talking with Scott, sounds like we have 12-15 cars going up, including 4 Mach's including you, will be a good representation of the Club. They reached their limit of 200 cars a couple weeks ago, and rooms are getting hard to find. It will be a fun weekend for all, for more info go to ( . The Copperstate Mustang Club has room rates at the Sleep Inn 1-800-310-8116 $80 a night, might be worth a try.
09-02-06, 08:59 PM
Unfortunately I cannot make it. I just joined a week ago and didnt have enough time to register, and the fundage was not there. But hey ill be making the monsoon one and will be at the raceway on oct 13th to try my car out. Whoo hoo legally speeding, what a good thing lol. I look forward to meeting everyone from the club. :icon_biggrin: Trisha
09-02-06, 09:04 PM
Unfortunately I cannot make it. I just joined a week ago and didnt have enough time to register, and the fundage was not there. But hey ill be making the monsoon one and will be at the raceway on oct 13th to try my car out. Whoo hoo legally speeding, what a good thing lol. I look forward to meeting everyone from the club. :icon_biggrin: Trisha
Welcome to the Club! You are welcome to come to the general meeting Sept 10 at the Mount of Olives Church 1 PM, and introduce yourself. I am sure that Jacostang/Dave will be there with his new Heritage Lime 06'. We will have just gotten back from Flagstaff, but will make the meeting.
09-02-06, 09:41 PM
Yeah im gonna come to that, I would love to meet everyone. Im sure its a fun club from what I have been hearing for sure.
09-02-06, 09:53 PM
Oh and have fun in Flagstaff. Dont get too many tickets wink wink
09-02-06, 10:19 PM
Oh and have fun in Flagstaff. Dont get too many tickets wink wink
Have only gotten one with the Mach, on the way back from a show in Albuquerque a couple years ago. Got a radar detector right after that. The Car likes to cruise at 80. See you Sept 10 at the general meeting.
09-02-06, 10:57 PM
Hi Trisha
Happy you are part of the club. I have only been with them just about two years now and had alot of fun with all the members and the mach1 guys also . sorry took so long to get on working on my 66 mustang alot and seem to not get on here much .
check back soon need to get back to work . yah 12 hour night shift
:laughing1: 12-15 mustang in flagg COOL
09-03-06, 03:49 AM
CMC Meeting SEP 10
CMC Board meeting all can come SEP 13
CMC fall show meeting sep 13
Ford southwest classic show sep 15
CMC third thrsday sep 21
Queen mary ship mustang show sep 24
and san diego show is OCT 1 don,t miss this one
This is a very short list please go to the copperstate web page for more info .. Dan :awsome:
09-03-06, 09:16 AM
check back soon need to get back to work . yah 12 hour night shift
I feel for you Dan, I worked nights for awhile while going to School (Nothing worse than working 11 PM to 6 AM ,then going to a 7:30 AM accounting lecture!). You are showing up at Club meetings 1/2 asleep, and Steve comes wired up on Red Bull and nodose. But both of you are coming because of the Club. Thanks guys!
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