View Full Version : Bad Movie Experience

Mr. Austin
10-08-09, 10:37 PM
So my "GAL" and i went on a date to night to enjoy some alone time out and about and now that it is cooler we decided to cruise around get dinner and a show in. After my awsome powers of a cheap In and Out burger (lol its just so yummie!) we went to go see The Invention of Lying. (hilarious) when we held hand and skipped out we came to find a nice note posted on my car and on it read
"Please find parking lot Security or call (555)-555-5665. Thanks"
So worried like anyone else i rushed to find my phone dialed it in and was told to wait he will be to my car shortly. When her arrives a very "Bulky" young guy came over and told me the most interesting thing that has happened on shift tonight.
(What he said)
When you rolled in i was looking at your car from the corner of the lot where it is really dark for me to hide. shortly after you a car followed you in drove past you and attempted to park but no one got out. Not even five minutes after you and you gal walked away the black car back up to the spot next to you and about 4 or 5 mexican's got out of this really crappy black honda. They came up to you car rubbed it and kept touching it and kept looking inside.1 of the tried to stick his finger through the window and open the car up. As soon as they touched it i went over there as fast as i could. As i was on my way they saw me and all jumped back into their car and took of as fast as they could. I caught the first 3 letter of the plate then they turned. the cops came took you plates just incase they need to reach you and said you car is under surveillance until you leave the lot.........

Dayna and I said thanks very much and we were on our way. Doesnt look like anything was really "damaged" but there was a remarkable amount of finger prints especially on the back window. Oh and i had just cleaned the car before i went so thats how i know they were fresh.
We are now encouraged to never take the car anywhere it would not be close to me. Thankfully i do have an electric fuel pump in which i have control of on or off so they wouldn't have gotten very far. it has been a rough night and quite the rush but honestly it feels good to vent a bit about my evening. Kinda creep that they followed me in though because i came in off bell and 99th ave and so did a few other cars which i assume was one of them.

10-08-09, 10:55 PM
Where was this at Austin?????

Mr. Austin
10-08-09, 11:01 PM
Sorry. It was Arrowhead 18(very very nice area) up on 83rd and bell.

10-08-09, 11:11 PM
Crazy, I am always worried when we take one out, now we just take the F-150 when we go to the movies because we just cannot enjoy ourselves when we are inside the theater....

Glad your car wasnt jacked!

Mr. Austin
10-08-09, 11:20 PM
Ya thankfully! i am sweating and clenching my fists in rage when he told me. We usually take the ladies car as it is a 1996 Aurora and now to fancy. i told her tonight we ride in style and can enjoy our selves. Had the time of our life as i made a dor out of my self. tonights total was 20 bucks for me and as she straight told me to my face the cheap dates are the more fun ones i couldn't agree more. :)

10-09-09, 12:14 AM

Look at it like this.......it WAS a good night. Your car was watched by the rent-a-cop and the bad guys were chased off and you drove home in your car.

Mr. Austin
10-09-09, 12:57 AM
Yes true story was a fun night to relieve stress but i though the story should be shared lol not everyday something like this happens and you makes the point that even a good area has bad people. In other words.. there are no good areas. haha

10-09-09, 05:05 AM
do you have an alarm? my compage alarm has a 2 mile radius.

Mr. Austin
10-09-09, 09:31 AM

10-09-09, 11:15 AM
Yes true story was a fun night to relieve stress but i though the story should be shared lol not everyday something like this happens and you makes the point that even a good area has bad people. In other words.. there are no good areas. haha

No, there are good areas, the scum from south of northern just know that all the nice stuff is moving north to get away from them. So they have to venture out further to steal other peoples shit, so they can continue to ruin our country.

10-09-09, 12:55 PM
I have had no fear parking my stang anywhere with the 2-way alarm feature. It puts your mind at rest when you can just push a button and see what the voltage, temp and status of the car are.

OR you could always take the cheap way out and install a flashing led to turn on with the key off. You would be suprised how many that will keep away.

Mr. Austin
10-09-09, 03:02 PM
I have had no fear parking my stang anywhere with the 2-way alarm feature. It puts your mind at rest when you can just push a button and see what the voltage, temp and status of the car are.

OR you could always take the cheap way out and install a flashing led to turn on with the key off. You would be suprised how many that will keep away.

Wow I like that idea. Never would have thought about something so simple

10-09-09, 07:03 PM
also with the regular siren, the horn and a mechanical siren outside it draws a little bit of attention. Nothing like a car with a tornado siren going off for people to look and see what it is. People complain that nobody pays attention to alarms, they were just not loud enough.

10-09-09, 07:11 PM
The LED works! (mine is also hooked to a alarm system too though) 2 "Unsavory types were looking a LIL too close, when one pointed at the light and told the other guy, then they both left. But I also had a friend who parked his Toyota 4x4 right up next to a theater. (alarm system installed) Came out, an the alarm was blaring ,drivers side glass busted out, and most of his dash was ripped out as they stole his speakers& indash stereo(NOT a quick pull-out type). He was amazed NO-ONE did anything as it sat right where everyone walked into the theatre. Plus it had to take a while to get to the stereo, and speakers. "Puff" yer lucky security was there !

Rev'n Kevin
10-09-09, 09:27 PM
I got this in an email from a friend today....

How to Lock Your Car...and Why
I locked my car. As I walked away I heard my car door unlock. I went back and locked my car again, three times. Each time, as soon as I started to walk away, I would hear it unlock again!! Naturally alarmed, I looked around and there were two guys sitting in a car in the fire lane next to the store. They were obviously watching me intently, and there was no doubt they were somehow involved in this very weird situation. I quickly chucked the errand I was on, jumped in my car and sped away. I went straight to the police station, told them what had happened, and found out I was part of a new, and very successful, scheme being used to gain entry into cars.

Two weeks later, my friend's son had a similar happening... While traveling, my friend's son stopped at a roadside rest to use the bathroom. When he came out to his car less than 4-5 minutes later, someone had gotten into his car and stolen his cell phone, laptop computer, GPS navigator, brief case.....you name it. He called the police and since there were no signs of his car being broken into, the police told him he had been a victim of the latest robbery tactic -- there is a device that robbers are using now to clone your security code when you lock your doors on your car using your key-chain locking device..remotely. They sit a distance away and watch for their next victim... They know you are going inside the store, restaurant, or bathroom and they now have a few minutes to steal and run. The police officer said to manually lock your car door-by hitting the lock button inside the car -- that way if there is someone sitting in a parking lot watching for their next victim, it will not be you.

When you hit the lock button on your car upon exiting, it does not send the security code, but if you walk away and use the door lock on your key chain, it sends the code through the airwaves where it can be instantly stolen.

This is very real. Be wisely aware of what you just read and please pass this note on. Look how many times we all lock our doors with our remote just to be sure we remembered to lock them -- and bingo, someone has our code...and whatever was in our car.

10-09-09, 09:42 PM
kevin I am sorry to say that modern technology with spread spectrum and code hopping makes the code learners completely obselete. This is nothing new as we had a system at one of the stores I worked at to clone remotes for customers over 10 yrs ago. the old code alarms that came in our sn95 mustangs didn't use this technology and is easily clonable.

Another nice thing about the compustar alarm is that there is a small paging/led module that mounts to the bottom of the windshiled with the led pointing straight out through the glass. It matches the dash mounted led with a super bright blue led that shines out like the batsignal and is obvious during the day, super obvious at night.

The most important thing about an alarm is the install......... If your installer does not take the time to mount the brain where it cannot be easily accessed and does not run the wire correctly you have wasted your money. A great alarm with a medeocre install if you are lucky will only leave you with your stuff or car stolen but can also leave you on the side of the road wondering what happened. If you do have an alarm I recomend that you lay on your back and look under the dash to see what wiring doesn't match and you can gurantee its the alarm. All you need to do to disable a normal alarm is to disconnect the ground or main power and the alarm is done.

When you go to get an alarm ask alot of questions about how they do their installs and make their connections. Alot of places will brag about how fast they can throw one out and this is almost always an immediate red flag that they are cutting corners by using T-taps(no no no) or some other short cut.

Unfortunatly I just left town this week and I am just bored in the hospital or I woulld have a security tech-night at my place to tell you if your alarms are up to snuff or not. If you guys are interested in gettin a well installed alarm let me know and I can direct you to the shop in town that know takes pride in thier alarms and will take care of ya!

Another piece of advise, if you have the sticker that came with the alarm that says VIPER/CODE SECURITY on your car peel it off. A thief that knows his stuff will know the color code of the alarm brands and you just gave them all they need to know. The led is all you need to tell them you have an alarm.....

Mr. Austin
10-09-09, 10:32 PM
I hardly have locking doors. Let alone lug nut locks. Seems like i need to invest when i get a solid job. How much does one of these fancy "Pro" Alarms run any who? And thanks for the info you two thats somewhat comforting and lets me know even the everyday cars are in trouble. As technology succeeds they will forget how to use the butter knife tehe!

10-10-09, 12:29 AM
doorlock actuators can be added to almost any car. I think I have only turned 2 cars down for them, one a satern and I can't remember the other.

There are a number of good 2-way alarm manf out there now from DIE to compustar. The compustar had a few extra options such as the vehicle temp/voltage on the remote as well as the option to control 2 cars from the same 2-way remote. I got it for the 2nd car option myself as not many systems offer that on 2-ways. I think the basic 2 ways(which are still great alarms) start off around $400 with install. The bigger system that I got will run closer to $7-800.

Oh wait, I forgot the other option that I bought the compustar for was the safe start option on a manual. When you go to park the car and have your foot on the foot brake, and then activate the parking brake at the same time, the system recognized that you are parking and turning the car off and will activate the ignition circuits of the car through the remote system. Now when you put the car in nuetral, and pull the keys out the car will stay running until you shut the door. Once the door is shut, the alarm kills the ignition, locks the doors and arms the alarm. As long as the door is not open, the alarm will recognize that it HAS to be in nuetral and will allow you to remote start it. If the alarm was activated by an entry, it will not alllow you to start it.

We need to remember that tempe had the highest rate of cartheft in the nation just a few years back, not sure where it is now.

10-10-09, 09:02 AM
When I use to live in surprise, we had neighbor chase off some guys that was about to steal my car!!! They already stole my roomates CD player and cd and was going to take my car right from my drive way. I was two minutes away from coming out of the house to. I was sooooo freeking pissed off!!! Austin I know exactly how you felt that night hearing about that.

Time to get an alarm!! I would take the coil wire off of the distributor and have like a clutch club.

Chris B.
10-10-09, 06:02 PM
When I use to live in surprise, we had neighbor chase off some guys that was about to steal my car!!! They already stole my roomates CD player and cd and was going to take my car right from my drive way. I was two minutes away from coming out of the house to. I was sooooo freeking pissed off!!! Austin I know exactly how you felt that night hearing about that.

Time to get an alarm!! I would take the coil wire off of the distributor and have like a clutch club.

Clutch club is a good idea, coil wire not so much! Here's why, when I was in high school my buddies used to take the coil wire just for fun, thinking you were stuck not being able to start your car. On the older cars all you have to do is remove a plug wire plug it into the distributor cap and coil and off you go. Granted you will only be running on 7 cylinders but the car will still run.

10-10-09, 07:47 PM
...when we held hand and skipped out we came to find a nice note posted on my car and on it read
"Please find parking lot Security or call (555)-555-5665. Thanks"
So worried like anyone else i rushed to find my phone dialed it in and was told to wait he will be to my car shortly. When her arrives a very "Bulky" young guy came over and told me the most interesting thing that has happened on shift tonight...

I think it's really nice (and fortunate for you) that the mall ninja on duty that night was actually a good one. At least he was doing his job instead of standing around next to the movie theater entrance, sporting all of the black nylon goodies out of the Blackhawk catalog, all the while imagining himself saying "Crime is a disease...and I'm the cure...".

Kudos to that guy for doing the right thing :twothumbsup:

Rick Shopmier
10-11-09, 10:12 AM
It is a known fact that a large number of thefts are in mall car parks. It is also a known fact that theaters are a high risk due to thiefs know how long you will be away from your car.....so a theater in a mall is the highest risk of all. You were lucky that the security guy saw your car and if I was you I would call the mall managers and let them know what that security guy did. Be advised if you have a nice car or a classic do not take it to a mall. If you can't see it...you can't protect it.

10-11-09, 07:34 PM
My buddy dons dodge four door was broken into at that movie theater.a month later hes dodge stolen from arrowhead mall while him and his wife went in the mall for a hair cut.came out truck gone.poor guy moved away from detroit michigan to get away from that crap.

10-12-09, 09:20 AM
I had a truck stolen from Metro Center many years ago. I am always careful now days. Very rarely do I ever take my stang to the mall. It truely is a shame that we can not work hard and buy the things that we want with our hard earned money, just to worry about someone stealing what we have earned.

10-12-09, 05:28 PM
Clutch club is a good idea, coil wire not so much! Here's why, when I was in high school my buddies used to take the coil wire just for fun, thinking you were stuck not being able to start your car. On the older cars all you have to do is remove a plug wire plug it into the distributor cap and coil and off you go. Granted you will only be running on 7 cylinders but the car will still run.

Wow. Yikes I would have never thought of that! I should just get an alarm and kill switch! oh! and a sticker that says "Call the Cops if you see a Guy Driving this!"

10-15-09, 09:54 PM
Austin, I heard these guys were questioned and they were not trying to steal your car, they seen the Twinkies, Ho-Ho's and Girl Scout cookies on your dash, that is what they were after, they had the munchies.

Mr. Austin
10-16-09, 12:15 AM
Austin, I heard these guys were questioned and they were not trying to steal your car, they seen the Twinkies, Ho-Ho's and Girl Scout cookies on your dash, that is what they were after, they had the munchies.

Right. because my car is so nasty.

10-16-09, 08:19 AM
A couple of 2 cents on locking lug nuts. Locking lug nuts may stop your 2 bit wheel theif if all he/she has is a lug nut wrench. How they get around locking lug nuts is they take a socket slightly smaller then the outside diameter of the lug nut, and with a few taps of a hammer, the socket edges embeds it's self into the lug nut and then with a few simple turns of a ratchet or breaker bar, your nuts are laying on the ground, your car is on blocks or your drums and discs are sinking into the tarmac. I heard that Mercedes Benz has developed a better locking lug nut but have not seen it, nor know if they have been manufactured for other types of cars... may be worth looking into.

Not sure if they are still active but a couple years back, Surprise was getting hit every night between 3 and 5 in the morning by wheel theives in which they would hit every third street one night, and then then a couple nights later do the same with the next set of three streets. Surprise PD gave them a name, "The Lug Nut Gang" as these ****y bad guys were leaving their calling card behind with each job they did. When removing the lug nuts leaving them on the ground next to each location, 3 of them had the lug nuts in a nice pile, the 4th had them lined up in a row. ****y Little Bas_ _ _ _s!!!!

Something an officer told me years ago that may deter car theives is leaving a box of ammunition (empty of course) in plain sight in your car or a empty gun holster. When the bad guy see's these, he will think the owner has a gun, and more then likely the gun is with the owner and if there is a chance the owner might catch them and cap em in the ass, they may decide your ride is not worth tapping. but again these bad guys are getting so ****y, they may tap your car for the challenge or my break in with hopes your fire arm is inside the ride for their sticky fingers to snag along with the rest of your things.

Really, if these bad guys want your ride bad enough, they are going to find the way... I am sure you have seen one or both versions of "Gone in 60-Seconds", nuff said.

If one is really this concerned about ones ride and wants a full proof prevention plan, may I suggest a couple of trained Rotts, a couple of big ass bikers with bad attitudes and a lot of Alpo and Beer as your security installments

Another one of the latest and greatest scams these car theives got going on and is more common in shopping areas and malls etc... they put something on your back window as a sticker or a taped on peice of paper. After you enter your car, have it started and your goodies in the back seat (woman with their purses on the passenger seat), you look in your review mirror and or over your shoulder to back out and then you see it, so you get out to remove it (keys in the ignition and motor running). This is when they make the mad dash into the drivers seat and you watch your dinner (frozen pizza) in the back seat driving off... not only does this ****y thief have your car, purse and everything else, your going to feed this little bas_ _ _ _ when he gets home, and yes he will be laughing his ass off while thanking you.

Thats my story and I am sticking to it lol, waqs a nice break from the 8-page essay I'm writing lol.

10-16-09, 08:35 AM
Right. because my car is so nasty.
No Austin, there was no place in my humorous response or input that I wrote saying that your "car is so nasty" nor do I think it is, and you know this so why this comment? Personally, I think rather than buying a alarm system and/or locking lug nuts, perhaps you should spend your money wisely and buy a enema bag and administer a large dose, this may help cleanse your continuing chitty attitudes. Can I get a Amen.

Mr. Austin
10-16-09, 10:17 AM
No Austin, there was no place in my humorous response or input that I wrote saying that your "car is so nasty" nor do I think it is, and you know this so why this comment? Personally, I think rather than buying a alarm system and/or locking lug nuts, perhaps you should spend your money wisely and buy a enema bag and administer a large dose, this may help cleanse your continuing chitty attitudes. Can I get a Amen.

Hahaha. RRiiiigghhhtt! I just firgure with twinkies you were making fun of the color at first then it just sounded liek you were labeling me as one of those discusting truck drivers ( not all) but one of the ones with 3 months worth of food trash in the window.

10-16-09, 11:30 AM
Something an officer told me years ago that may deter car theives is leaving a box of ammunition (empty of course) in plain sight in your car or a empty gun holster. When the bad guy see's these, he will think the owner has a gun, and more then likely the gun is with the owner and if there is a chance the owner might catch them and cap em in the ass, they may decide your ride is not worth tapping. but again these bad guys are getting so ****y, they may tap your car for the challenge or my break in with hopes your fire arm is inside the ride for their sticky fingers to snag along with the rest of your things.

I would be in the later school of thought regarding this. Back in my home town, anything so much as an NRA sticker on the glass would get the window smashed in in the hopes that the perp could find a weapon inside. An empty ammunition box or holster would just be asking for it.

10-21-09, 09:17 AM
as far as car alams go.. NEVER EVER have Audio Express install it. I have had the misfortune of having them install 2 in previous mustangs. The first one they installed... the brain box FELL out from under the dash and landed on my feet while i was driving down the road. all they did was set it on top of the main wiring harness. when i called to complain their response was... oh, just bring it in and we will zip tie it.

the second car.. they cut the wires for my door lock buttons inside and never fixed it. my trunk release never worked right after that either. Everytime i tried to get them to fix the issue, I had to talk to a manager that was never there or schedule the service 2 weeks in advance.

they will never get anymore of my monies, and I DO NOT recomend them to anyone!

10-21-09, 12:20 PM
home of the 1$ wire fire.............

Mr. Austin
10-21-09, 01:13 PM