View Full Version : 2.3 whipple, 2.6hKB or Vortech??

10-04-09, 08:32 PM
This question is more for the ones that have these blowers.. like burntire..
the questions is are these pretty much the same? goal is 550-600hp...

is the 2.6KB a bit better than the whipple 2.3?

overall the life of either blower is about the same right? I have heard of people already having to "rebuild" their whipples..but who knows what abuse they put them though or if they really need it.. i say that cause they got them rebuilt at steiggy.. I had my 7K mile Eaton ported their and they called me up saying that the front snout needed a rebuild..I thought that is odd for a <7k mile blower.. anyway.looking to go bigger just looking been there done that opinions..

10-04-09, 09:58 PM
They will all work. The whipple is quiet. The KB will scream. Now sure about the twin screw vortech. 2.3 is fine for for the HP you want. I am only spinning mine with the 19 PSI pulley setup so I still have room for more boost.

10-08-09, 05:50 AM
my 2.3 works great, havent really did any research on the 2.6's but i think you would be happy with a 2.3

10-09-09, 08:50 PM
I think either blower would be fine/reliable. I'm running 19lb on 93 making around 600 w/17* timing.