View Full Version : McDonalds

10-02-09, 02:17 PM
MUST Read about McDonalds



I'm sure those of you who aren't in the cattle business don't understand the
issues here. But to those of us
whose living depends on the cattle market, selling cattle, raising the best
beef possible... This is frustrating..
This will keep us from ever stopping there again, even for a drink.
The original message is from the Texas Cattle Feeders Association
American cattle producers are very passionate about this.

McDonald's claims that there is not enough beef in the USA to support their
restaurants.. Well, we know that is not so. Our opinion is they are looking
to save money at our expense. The sad thing of it is that the people of the
USA are the ones who made McDonald's successful in the first place, but we
are not good enough to provide beef.

We personally are no longer eating at McDonald's, which I am sure does not
make an impact, but if we pass this around maybe there will be an impact

All Americans that sell cows at a livestock auction barn had to sign a paper
stating that we do NOT EVER feed our cows any part of another cow. South
Americans are not required to do this as of yet .

McDonald's has announced that they are going to start importing much of
their beef from South America . The problem is that South Americans aren't
under the same regulations as American beef producers, and the regulations
they have are loosely controlled.

They can spray numerous pesticides on their pastures that have been banned
here at home because of residues found in the beef. They can also use
various hormones and growth regulators that we can't. The American public
needs to be aware of this problem and that they may be putting themselves at
risk from now on by eating at good old McDonald's..

American ranchers raise the highest quality beef in the world and this is
what Americans deserve to eat.=2 0Not beef from countries where quality is
loosely controlled. Therefore, I am proposing a boycott of
McDonald's until they see the light.

I'm sorry but everything is not always about the bottom line, and when it
comes to jeopardizing my family's health, that is where I draw the line.

I am sending this note to about thirty people. If each of you send it to at
least ten more (30 x 10 = 300) ...
and those 300 send it to at l east ten more (300 x 10 = 3,000) ... and so
on, by the time the message reaches the sixth generation of people, we will
have reached over THREE MILLION consumers!

I'll bet you didn't think you and I had that much potential, did you? Acting
together we can make a

difference. If this makes sense to you, please pass this message on..

David W. Forrest, Ph.D ., PAS, Dipl.
ACAP Department of Animal Science
Texas A&M University
Phone (979) 845-3560
Fax (979) 862-3399
2471 TAMU College Station , TX 778 43-2471

10-16-09, 09:19 AM
:hi:I'm sending this message in Europe!

10-16-09, 11:07 AM

10-16-09, 11:33 AM
YouTube - Fat Guy Screams for His McDonalds Chicken (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DXTlBDxqtKA)

This video makes me second guess Mcdonalds all by itself. A half hour for chicken IS to long. NWS VID!

:hide1: :hide:

10-16-09, 11:40 AM
In response to the original post and to Ernie -

Whether the message was a hoax or not, if McDonalds is the staple of anyones diet then they have many significant health issues to worry about other than (or in addition to) where their beef comes from. :barf:

Mr. Austin
10-16-09, 04:33 PM
I hate McDicks. to many a holes like that guy yelling about freakin chicken.. The people are to rushed to look straig at you and you would think after pushing the same buttons 3000 times a day they would know what picture to push. Apparently not.

10-16-09, 10:05 PM
If he was in Michigan he would be in prison, Its illegal to swear in front of women and children, especially the F word.
Im gonna think twice about mickey Ds also, I thought it was rather funny that they claim its beef when there is not enough beef in the world, so think about it, what is really in your burger from their............

YouTube - Fat Guy Screams for His McDonalds Chicken (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DXTlBDxqtKA)

This video makes me second guess Mcdonalds all by itself. A half hour for chicken IS to long. NWS VID!

:hide1: :hide:

10-16-09, 10:12 PM
Damn that fat piece of shit needs to go on a diet and to anger management.

10-17-09, 12:59 AM
If that fat piece of crap started going off in front of my kids like that, I would have throat punched him. The thing that pisses me off is that nobody had the balls to do anything. Our society has become a bunch of spineless pussies and this video proves it. I would have calmly asked him to respect my children by not swearing in front of them. If no, then I would hve tried to calmy ask him to leave. By calmly, I mean instigating him to touch me. Then its lights out fat man.

10-17-09, 09:02 PM
I can not believe that this lasted so long. The guy should have been arrested for acting that way. He needs to be eating at subway rather then Micky Dee's.

Rick Shopmier
10-17-09, 11:53 PM
Have you ever seen how a cow is treated and killed before being butchered...I won't go into detail but it is ugly. A steer is a living breathing thing and they show fear knowing they are about to die....and they know....they can smell it. This is no B.S. It does not matter if you eat at McD's or any other place that serves beef...still the same. Here in the US we are more humane about kill in other places not so....some animals are butchered while they are still alive inorder to drain the blood from the meat....gross. I avoid meat as much as possible and rarely have beef. However our bodies require some protien that is found in meat. Fast food and poorly prepaired foods are killing us. A health care crisis in the country should be obesity...we need to reform our eating habits before we do the health care system. This is my say.

10-18-09, 09:15 AM
In response to the original post and to Ernie -

Whether the message was a hoax or not, if McDonalds is the staple of anyones diet then they have many significant health issues to worry about other than (or in addition to) where their beef comes from. :barf:

Awhile back a reporter in New York tried to live on McDonalds food for a month. He had his doctor give him a complete physical, and document everything, before starting. He would go back in, and have his vitals checked once a week. He made it 20-25 days before His doctor ordered him to stop, and resume a normal diet. He had gained weight, and his blood pressure went thru the roof.

10-21-09, 01:50 PM
I like Burger King better. :veryhappy:

10-21-09, 02:19 PM
wow!! that guy need a Mc Asskicken