View Full Version : Haunted Rides Halloween Car Show
09-22-09, 06:24 PM
The Outlaw Fords are proud to present our first event...
When: October 31, 2009
Where: Goodyear Market Place Swap Meet
7605 W. McDowell Road
Goodyear, AZ
Time: 10am-2pm (registration begins at 8am)
Cost: $20 per car / Free T'Shirt to the first 100 registered.
This show is open to all makes and models of cars, trucks ,vans and bikes. It is at the Goodyear Swap Meet so there are 100's of vendors to pass your time away. There will be LOTs of trophies, contests, entertainment and fun!
Bring the kids for the Costume Contest and safe trick or treating!!!
All participants are under cover so you are subject to no elements whether it is a sunburn or rain! :woot1: (
09-30-09, 11:18 PM
Cost: $20 per car / Free T'Shirt to the first 100 pre-registered!
The Black T'Shirts...Hottest Car Show Shirts...ever!
10-17-09, 01:41 PM
Two weeks and counting!
10-19-09, 12:54 PM
looks like it should be a hauntingly good time.
10-19-09, 01:48 PM
muah ha ha ha ha!!!!
10-31-09, 08:54 PM
i would like to thank all the members of the outlaw ford club for thier awesome show today. i had a ton of fun, and the event was a great time. thank you for your hard work!!! cannot wait till the next one!!!
10-31-09, 10:41 PM
Although I was not able to make it to this show, I'm sure a good time was had by all. It was my intention to make it, however as I did not pre-register, I did not look that closely at the registration form to see the actual address of 17605 W. McDowell Road (the two small maps). I only bring this up because the original post and even the flyer shows the address as 7605 W. McDowell Road. We did drive out, however by the time we realized it was further west, it was to late and there was no way my son and I could make it. I am not that familiar with where Goodyear begins or ends, so perhaps I should have made sure I was going before I left. Not a big deal, it was a nice day for a drive also !!
I am looking forward to future events and hope that everyone had a Happy Halloween.
11-01-09, 12:17 AM
Sonic you know your worst critics are ourselves. That's nice to hear, but we have figured out our issues after the show. It was our first show with participant voting and damn didn't we make it hard on ourselves. lol 1st, 2nd and 3rd place voting...VERY bad idea. Several hundred votes later we finally got done. Not good.
I think (though we will agree as a group) is to have every participant have one vote for each class, not three. You are essentially picking the winner of each class. But assuming the odds with that many voters they all won't vote for the same car. So the cars with the second most 1st place votes is now second, third most third place.
Makes it easier to count, makes it fair in that the second most popular car wins and finally take some power out of friends or friends of mustangs. lol In a show like this you have mustangs in every class. The mustangs are represented by far in the breakdown of the cars. By habit Mustang owners vote for other Mustang owners and the cream doesn't aways rise to the top. Maybe with one vote...that could change.
Again thanks for the words, though we still need to fix some things...hope you all give us a second chance.
BTW you asked who won your class...if the Saleen (1996?) was in your class...I remember handing him 1st place I didn't have a chance to look to see if that for sure your class.
BTW2 that's a second thing we'd like to fix...classing. As I said we had as many cars register today than pre...doing classes on the fly is tough...your class was the absolute toughest to break. Each common sense way we tried to break it we ended up with a couple three cars in the class and still 3 times that in the other class.
Talk later...looking forward to those pics.
11-01-09, 06:06 PM
i would have to agree that doing just 1 vote per class would be the way to go. i can only imagine how much of a hassle that was to count so many votes! thats why when i heard it annouced that it was going to take a little longer, i totally understood. and i think due to the awesome venue, with plenty of shade and things to do, it was no big issue. thats why i wanted to come on here and thank you guys. i was very impressed, even with the few small set backs. i just wish i woulda pre-registered to get a shirt in a size i could wear. but if thats my only gripe, i think it was a good day. definetly was worth the price of admission. thanks again.
btw- not sure about the flyer issue mentioned, as the one i printed had the address that i inputed into my gamin gps and it found it no problem. though i do see that your first post in this thread has the addy off as mentioned...
11-01-09, 09:52 PM
Thanks to all who put on this great show! Even with some burps, we really had a great time! I really enjoy the shows at that venue. Tony, I agree about the shirts, guess I will just have to shrink a little to get it to fit! LOL! My father-in-law was the first place finisher in your class with the 96 Black Saleen. My wife had one gripe which I tend to agree with, Day Of Show folks should have their own class. We hope to see another show next year. We will definitely be there.
11-01-09, 10:03 PM
Don't most shows that give shirts do XL for everyone? We actually held out as long as we could on the order...20th? By doing so we got like a dozen shirts larger than XL (1 was 4x) so I am not sure how we do that without folks getting pre-registered. Now with that said, the first run of flyers didn't have the request for shirt size.
One thing on that front also...brand new money. So predicting shirts/too many classes...$$$ suicide.
Now this was the second time I have heard "Day of show folks should have their own class", was the first time with you telling me? lol I've been in a million shows (okay 100) over the decades...I have not run across that, what is it? Keep in mind we had like 50 day of show registrations.
11-02-09, 07:42 AM
yeah, i hear ya on the classes. i think you guys did an awesome job on that front personally. i did not mind it really, and i think the way you did it worked out well because its gotta be hard to gauge how many cars you will get the day of, and i think for doing it on the fly, you guys did a great job.
as for the shirts, far as i have seen done before, they are just something that you had to purchase seperatly if you did not pre-register. and you definetly gave plenty of time for people to pre-register, so there is no question there. i was just unsure if i was gonna be able to, so decided to do the day of. as i said though, its no big issue to me, just was mentioning it. i don't want that to come off negative at all really, because the show was a great time, and very worth the price of admission. i don't want to take anything away from that! :twothumbsup:
crazy ray
11-02-09, 02:35 PM
It was a great show, from the kids in thier costums, great cars, friends, music, shopping for my mom and wife and the dance group "Element". Look forward to the next one. Great job guys/gals.
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