View Full Version : pavillions last night

08-30-09, 08:20 AM
had a great time admiring all the great cars last night and getting to know a few more people. I hope to get my car out there after it is running at least one time before I move to show it off.

I know there was a little bit of contraversey:highfive: about our show flyers that got some people upset. It occured to me last night that maybe the best way to go about it would be to include them as a part of our show. The awards ceramony says it takes place at 4 and I know alot of people would be tired after a weekend of activities but I think it would be cool to get everyone fro the show and club to cruz over and take over the pavs? Maybe we could have them section an area off for us and then this way they would be included and get some of the baddest stangs in the state as well as our business.

I hope I am not pouring salt into an open wound, it was not my intention. I was hoping that after sleeping on it cooler heads had prevailed and maybe we can find a way to be part of the solution, not part of the problem:twothumbsup:. I was really trying to figure out a way that everyone could be happy and it would look cool to have everyone come over at once in a convoy and take over the place since we would all have our cars shined up to show.

08-30-09, 09:23 AM
I was here at 5pm, try to introduce myself. But I feel like a hair on the soup. :icon_sad:

08-30-09, 10:01 AM
we talked for a bit, I had the long goatee and the torn mustang hat. I thought you knew more people then me as I am not around all that much either since my car has been down for over a year. There was alot going on last night and I noticed that I was all over the lot checking out cars and talking to people. It really didn't get going till 8 and then the lot was full. I will be making the long trip from gilbert in another week or two for kicks and will be bringin my dog, she like rides. Don't let last night scare ya.....

08-30-09, 10:51 AM
The thing is with them.... Our flyers have Berge Ford on them and they dont like that or any other dealer than 5 Star Ford as they pay them(McDonalds $100 to be the exclusive Ford dealer at Pavillions) and also anything that competes with this car show, so any Saturday event they will not let you pass out flyers, we still did and I will still hand them out to any of our members or members of other Mustang Clubs who want them..

It is getting rediculous there, this is supposed to be a meet for car people but I guess that $100 is very important to them. I went back and talked with that guy with Nick and told him that we were planning on cruising up after the show but he is basically the biggest A-Hole in the world, that is why they call him the Parking Lot Nazi because that is how he acts... Nazi fits him to a T.

Izzie I did not see you last night but I did not get there until about 6pm...

08-30-09, 11:19 AM
Ahh I see things never change at the Pavilions. LOL

Mr. Austin
08-30-09, 11:28 AM
I was here at 5pm, try to introduce myself. But I feel like a hair on the soup. :icon_sad:

i Never saw you! should have come talked to me!:hi::pinkthumb:

08-30-09, 11:31 AM
I was here at 5pm, try to introduce myself. But I feel like a hair on the soup. :icon_sad:

I didnt see you out there!!! where did you park at?
I dont doubt that many people feel like hair on soup out there. I think i go out to the Pavs once a year. and sometimes thats once too many. Not as chill or friendly out there as I am use to. (except the mustang folk. they are social/heard creatures!:blah:)

08-30-09, 11:34 AM
It's very sad, we have been handing out flyers for years without any issues until last night. We have contribute thousands of dollars to the thanksgiving food drive and this is how we are treated. I did not give the guy that nick name but who ever did hit the nail on the head with that one. I wonder how many other Camaro or Corvette or any other group does that every year.. I can tell you this.. We are NOT doing it this year, we will give that money to the East and West valley food banks instead.

I am a very easy going guy but I will not sit by and take the abuse that he handed out last night. Going away doesn't do anything, we are just going to do out thing out there and wear our Berge Ford Shirts and see if we get tossed for wearing a competitor T-Shirt.

We will unite against the man! Wild West Guys and Gals come out and wear Sanderson Shirts that would be very cool!!!!!

08-30-09, 11:39 AM
I am a very easy going guy but I will not sit by and take the abuse that he handed out last night. Going away doesn't do anything, we are just going to do out thing out there and wear our Berge Ford Shirts and see if we get tossed for wearing a competitor T-Shirt.

We will unite against the man! Wild West Guys and Gals come out and wear Sanderson Shirts that would be very cool!!!!!

hee hee hee...Can do! you do that voodoo YOU do so well!

hand out those fliers! I would also encourage you guys to any club banner out that you may have.... make sure your sponsors name is on there too! promote that club!

08-30-09, 11:47 AM
well then I say we make a statement after the show awards and go for a cruise..... Right in the pavs and then right back out. Just long enough to make a looooooong slow lap, rev our engines and then make everyone wonder where did all those bad lookin stangs go and why? We could make up some cool lookin copper state/berge windshield/window decals, it would be great advertising for them and maybe even a fund raiser at the show?

I think it would be fun just because the show organizer is sure to get some questions, if not all night long. He didn't seem to like to answer questions......

08-30-09, 12:04 PM
Perhaps another time:hi:

08-30-09, 12:24 PM
May be we should just stop going out there it's a long drive to be treated that way. Let's just go to k-mart on power and the 60 i'v only been there a couple of time and it is getting bigger ever week. I think if we start getting more & more of us it can get even bigger and better then the piv, and there is a wendys right there i think they have better food and ice crem anyways. Just a thought...............

08-30-09, 12:29 PM
wow i didnt make it out last night but that totally sucks to hear about them giving us a hard time. I dont think they need to worry about people taking away business from the pavs as it is there every single weekend and everybody knows that. Like you said they are money hungry nazis.

08-30-09, 12:47 PM
May be we should just stop going out there it's a long drive to be treated that way. Let's just go to k-mart on power and the 60 i'v only been there a couple of time and it is getting bigger ever week. I think if we start getting more & more of us it can get even bigger and better then the piv, and there is a wendys right there i think they have better food and ice crem anyways. Just a thought............... Dave, I was gonna ask you about this place too. Alot of people call it "The Pavs east". ( Of course its slower too, because of the heat)But a good place to hand out flyers.Haven"t heard of any "Parkin Lot Nazi"s " there.:biglaugh:

08-30-09, 01:36 PM
I saw you izzie i was in a conversation and had a buddy out there i was gonna say hi to you then everybody showed up and the rest is didnt see ya anymore.see ya soon im sure im darin i swa you park by a few uf us.

08-30-09, 01:39 PM
May be we should just stop going out there it's a long drive to be treated that way. Let's just go to k-mart on power and the 60 i'v only been there a couple of time and it is getting bigger ever week. I think if we start getting more & more of us it can get even bigger and better then the piv, and there is a wendys right there i think they have better food and ice crem anyways. Just a thought............... I like the idea being it is close to my house. LOL.

08-30-09, 01:49 PM
closer to me too.......

08-30-09, 01:51 PM
I totally will take the blame for the Nick Name "Parking Lot Natzi" I originally called him "Soup Natzi" like in the sitcom Sienfield. He is a straight up "Richard Cranium" I will NEVER Go there again. He even called the police over there and they were basically on our side, but had to uphold there thing. I so agree with having a "Cruise" up to the pavs after the banquet and sticking it to the man. He deserves everything he gets for this one. grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr

Plus I for sure will go to the K-Mart one, its like 2 minutes from my house. And I have been there a time or two and the people are nicer.

08-30-09, 02:00 PM
I still see the Pavilions remain to be the same after all these years. LOL!

I'm glad I opted for cooler conditions. One thing I learned is to never debate the parking lot storm trooper into a mass of blubbering goo. It's to easy to do and he still gets "His" way because "His" word is final! Never cared too much for the Pavilions. Even if it has a reputation of being "One of The Largest Saturday Cruise Night" in the nation. *yawn*

Thanks for the updates!

Edit: I really need to proof before post except after "F"....Sheeeesh!

Rev'n Kevin
08-30-09, 02:15 PM
I thought there may be a few here that do not know who this person is that they are talking about, so I took a picture of the guy, so you could see who to avoid when you go out to the pavs



08-30-09, 02:27 PM
Kevin that's priceless!!! I never get to see any other cars anyway as I am always with the Mustangs and the folks that drive them are the kind of people I want to be around all the time. Think he is getting a kick back from the McDonalds also because the manager was totally on his side.. We will take our Mustangs, Money somewhere else!!!!

08-30-09, 03:21 PM
Lmorof, good one kevin whooo hooooo

08-30-09, 03:52 PM
WOW.............I've NEVER had a problem in handing out flyers at the Pavs. I handed out stuff for the Street Nats in Vegas in Nov. and PSCA Labor Day Race in Vegas just last weekend.
I've had problems with For Sale signs though. I just put them in the seat.

Maybe my size and my goatee intimated the little man?:laughing::laughing::laughing:

Rick Shopmier
08-30-09, 04:22 PM
I was heading over to the pav and hit a heave in the asphalt, that finished off a lower ball joint I must have damaged racing. I managed to limp home dragging my left front tire. Pulled it off today and found it stripped out. Now the pressure is on to get it fixed for Flagstaff.

Any hooooo, it is a sad state when these guys that put on a cruise have to be so anal, its not as if you are doing something dangerous or illegal. This is a car thing, supposed to be fun, fun, fun and every body is egging for a fight. Lets let this thing die and move on to our next fun thing.

08-30-09, 05:26 PM
Tee Heee prolly rofl rofl

WOW.............I've NEVER had a problem in handing out flyers at the Pavs. I handed out stuff for the Street Nats in Vegas in Nov. and PSCA Labor Day Race in Vegas just last weekend.
I've had problems with For Sale signs though. I just put them in the seat.

Maybe my size and my goatee intimated the little man?:laughing::laughing::laughing:

08-30-09, 06:47 PM
well I made it out there for a little bit! parked next to rev'n kevin I think! nice sixxer man! didnt get to meet anyone really but had fun checking out the cars. was a little upset the 240sx blew rice (oil) all over my car lol.

08-30-09, 09:53 PM
That whole thing stinks, It really blows when you want to have a fun night out and this kind of thing happens. :highfive:

However; I am looking forward to the Flagstaff event and the Monsoon show. There are a whole lot of people going that we all know. Should be a great time.:hi:

Mr. Austin
08-30-09, 10:06 PM
well I made it out there for a little bit! parked next to rev'n kevin I think! nice sixxer man! didnt get to meet anyone really but had fun checking out the cars. was a little upset the 240sx blew rice (oil) all over my car lol.

WTF!!! when did he blow rice? where was I??!?! like bad rice of hotness and broken motor or just smoke from crappy rings rice?:bitchslap:

08-30-09, 10:33 PM
hey izzie I talked to you when we were out there. it was just early and alot of people started showing up after you left.

and kevin that pic is the best

08-30-09, 11:18 PM
I like the idea being it is close to my house. LOL.

Closer for me too. Saturday nights as well?

08-31-09, 07:11 AM
sounds like a plan for this saterday?

08-31-09, 08:58 AM
I will be there if yall show up lol
sounds like a plan for this saterday?

08-31-09, 09:01 AM
Supposed to be cooler too !

08-31-09, 09:02 AM
sounds like a plan for this saterday?ok :pepper::pepper::pepper:

08-31-09, 09:46 AM
I will even bring some Monsoon FLyers, Dave we may have to expand hehehehe

08-31-09, 10:22 AM
WTF!!! when did he blow rice? where was I??!?! like bad rice of hotness and broken motor or just smoke from crappy rings rice?:bitchslap:

I just heard a ricer revin and turned around to see a cloud of smoke cover my car lol

08-31-09, 11:13 AM
so a civic basically shat on your car? I would be LOL'ing.

Mr. Austin
08-31-09, 06:59 PM
Wow. So did yer car start purple and with rice being thrown at your car the speckles turned it into a "mystic?"

08-31-09, 08:39 PM
Although this is my first post on this forum, I have been involved in Mustangs and the Mustang community since 1993, to include numerous car shows and gatherings. Recently I decided to join the Copperstate Mustang club as they have always been involved not only in the Mustang side of things, but in helping the community as well.

Before I could join however I witnessed something that really dissapointed me and will deter me from joining. Just so everyone knows I am not trying to say anyone was right or wrong, just that it was handled the wrong way by all those involved.

I to was at the Pavillions this last Saturday when the "disagreement" took place over the flyers. Now, I don't agree with the representative from McDonalds and the way he handled it, but I also don't agree with the representation from Copperstate Mustang. To stand there and argue with someone and ask if he himself owned the parking lot, and who was he to tell them they couldn't hand out flyers was wrong, very wrong. Or to ask if your car had a Berge Ford sticker on it if you would be asked to leave. Things should have been handled much differently and in private by both parties.

Fortunately or unfortunately, if you don't agree with how things are run there and its definately not the only car show/gathering in town then don't go, I agree 100% with that. However, its their show wether we like it or not and you have to play by their rules, again wether you like it or not. I have found the best area at the Pavillions is where the Mustangs are, which is why I go.

What really turned me off though was the Copperstate Mustang club member who still approached people telling them, although I can't give you a flyer, if I leave it on the seat of the car you can just take one. And yes, I know of what I'm talking about as I'm one of the people that was approached. I'm quite sure Copperstate Mustang and any other club who organized an event would not like it if someone showed up and decided they were going to do what they want, no matter what the rules.

As this is a public forum I posted my opinion and I'm qutie sure many more will do the same. I know it wouldn't be a great loss to lose one new member to the club, but I'm quite sure this is not how the club should be represented. Any of us can pick another car show to go to, or another place to gather, however it is the club and its members who keep the sport alive and thriving.

Thank you for letting me express myself. Drive safe and keep the shiny side up.

08-31-09, 09:11 PM
:flame:Maybe contact the people that they're supporting with donations. I had a bad experience. I have a 96 SVT Cobra and was told to leave because more Corvets showed up than expected. I was there at 8AM and in my area. No other area was left when they asked me to move. I played deaf to their PA calls until I had seen all and then noticed the runt running the show reach inside my car and put it in neutral and jerk on the wheel, trying to strip the wheel lock. As I suggest, send the link to their people who want donations, and let them make some suggestions. I understand though he owns that section of the parking lot, tho he told me. That was my first and my last, without Copperstate or Mustangs Across America support.


08-31-09, 09:29 PM
I personally wouldn't have even tried to hand out flyer's at the PAV's. Their history on the subject is well known. The majority of the mustangs there already know about the show. Yes they have their rules, but I have witnessed unprofessional conduct from the staff on multiple occasions. CMC is a class organization.

08-31-09, 09:30 PM
As I said I'm not taking sides. I just don't agree with how it was handled by either party. Like I said, its our choice to not attend their show and by all means if you don't like the rules they have, then don't go. However, since a clubs reputation is based upon and reflected in its members, arguing about wether someone is an idiot or not in public is not the right place to do so. Again, just my opinion.

I to have had issues at the Pavillions and I still choose to go..intelligent or not its a moot point as I can also chose not to return. I just felt that the actions as shown by the club representative were a bit out of line. I have more respect for any Mustang club and its members than I would have for the organizer, representative or whatever he is for the show itself.

08-31-09, 09:34 PM
"I personally wouldn't have even tried to hand out flyer's at the PAV's. Their history on the subject is well known."

Sir or Ma'am,

As you stated, their history is well known and I agree with you. At times not the best bunch of people to deal with. I was just trying to point out that the actions of the Coppertate Mustang member were just as out of line, again that is only my opinion and thank you for letting me share it. I guess all I'm trying to say is its the clubs and their members that keep this sport / hobby going, not the people that hold the shows or gatherings outside of the clubs themselves.

08-31-09, 09:38 PM
"I personally wouldn't have even tried to hand out flyer's at the PAV's. Their history on the subject is well known."

Sir or Ma'am,

As you stated, their history is well known and I agree with you. At times not the best bunch of people to deal with. I was just trying to point out that the actions of the Coppertate Mustang member were just as out of line, again that is only my opinion and thank you for letting me share it. I guess all I'm trying to say is its the clubs and their members that keep this sport / hobby going, not the people that hold the shows or gatherings outside of the clubs themselves.

Be sure to attend the October CMC show. Then you can judge first hand on how you feel the club is represented. Some remote incident between individuals is by no means an adequate method to measure the club as a whole.


08-31-09, 09:42 PM
Although this is my first post on this forum, I have been involved in Mustangs and the Mustang community since 1993, to include numerous car shows and gatherings. Recently I decided to join the Copperstate Mustang club as they have always been involved not only in the Mustang side of things, but in helping the community as well.

Before I could join however I witnessed something that really dissapointed me and will deter me from joining. Just so everyone knows I am not trying to say anyone was right or wrong, just that it was handled the wrong way by all those involved.

I to was at the Pavillions this last Saturday when the "disagreement" took place over the flyers. Now, I don't agree with the representative from McDonalds and the way he handled it, but I also don't agree with the representation from Copperstate Mustang. To stand there and argue with someone and ask if he himself owned the parking lot, and who was he to tell them they couldn't hand out flyers was wrong, very wrong. Or to ask if your car had a Berge Ford sticker on it if you would be asked to leave. Things should have been handled much differently and in private by both parties.

Fortunately or unfortunately, if you don't agree with how things are run there and its definately not the only car show/gathering in town then don't go, I agree 100% with that. However, its their show wether we like it or not and you have to play by their rules, again wether you like it or not. I have found the best area at the Pavillions is where the Mustangs are, which is why I go.

What really turned me off though was the Copperstate Mustang club member who still approached people telling them, although I can't give you a flyer, if I leave it on the seat of the car you can just take one. And yes, I know of what I'm talking about as I'm one of the people that was approached. I'm quite sure Copperstate Mustang and any other club who organized an event would not like it if someone showed up and decided they were going to do what they want, no matter what the rules.

As this is a public forum I posted my opinion and I'm qutie sure many more will do the same. I know it wouldn't be a great loss to lose one new member to the club, but I'm quite sure this is not how the club should be represented. Any of us can pick another car show to go to, or another place to gather, however it is the club and its members who keep the sport alive and thriving.

Thank you for letting me express myself. Drive safe and keep the shiny side up.

I respect your opinion but you also did not see him yell at Trish which got her angry and just because another dealer gives him $100 he does not have to threaten anyone with like he did Trish... We even went back to talk with him with Nick, who has been there a long time and is a so called friend of Chico, who thought even for him he was way out of line... We have been handing out flyers with Earnhardt, Sandersons, Pioneer Fords logo on them for years and now all of a sudden its not ok,, 5 Star is now paying them to park new cars there, which we did not know. Chico also refused to answer any questions except to say "Its my Show, My Parking Lot and I dont care if you guys come or go." Nice Guy! We have never acted like that and we have donated thousands of dollars to their Thanksgiving food drive by matching donations that were collected by the Arizona Mustang Club but now the true colors have been flown. Its not about having fun anymore, its about the money.......All I wanted was a answer to why the change and he refused. Maybe we should have just goen quietly away but not after he threatened her and I would defend anyone who was being put down...

08-31-09, 09:49 PM
Ok Blk I will appologize to you due to the fact that its me you referring too, And by no means is that the way the club is. I felt very strongly out there as OUR club CMC has most of our 250 members out there for Thanksgiving and we match donations dollar for dollar to help out HIS cause. We expect the same courtesy when we have shows. He does not OWN that lot or the ground that people who bring thier cars out and park on. I spoke with the police officer, he just puts the GATHERING on. This is not a show etc.. THis club donates a lot of money to all kinds of charities all year long. If you judge one incident on how the club is then im sorry, but you will be missing out on quite a lot of fun and family things we do. As far as your opinion, Yes you are more than invited to voice it, far be it from me to deny you the right. I felt you should get the facts straight before you judge the club in a negative way. If you found out why I was so angry then you would have understood.

08-31-09, 10:14 PM
I would like to thank everyone for the replies, they were very welcomed and that is being said with sincerity, not sarcasm. I to would have stuck up for or helped a friend if they were being attacked, wether verbally or physically. I don't begrudge or blame anyone for that. My whole point of the post was that I felt it should have been handled different, on both sides. I did not know anything else was said in private or away from the crowd, so my apologies for that. However what I had to say was not made up or a stretch, as I was sitting right there when it happened. I did not appreciate the "hoster" of the shows attitude either just so everyone understands that. Sometimes people are put in positions that outweigh their intelligence by a great deal, and he seemed to be one of those people.

I had fully planned on attending the upcoming CMC show and from previous shows and or gatherings, I know it will be run very well and without stress or grief. Again, I am not putting anyone down and if nothing else, I do appreciate the comments from all members, CMC or otherwise.

67 'Stang Lover
08-31-09, 11:03 PM
I just started reading this thread and I hate to ask 'What happened last Saturday at the Pavillions'? I am not surprised though since I know that the Pavillions has gone downhill for a number of years now. My opinion. Response to- Baknblk (http://www.highperformancestangs.com/forums/member.php?u=1597), Jacostang (http://www.highperformancestangs.com/forums/member.php?u=176) and RockysMom: (http://www.highperformancestangs.com/forums/member.php?u=227)
Very good description of Posts and Opinions. Meant sincerely. This is what the Forums are for. I was not there that night but I can imagine what happened since this is not the 1st time for problems arising out there. Our Club is a First Class Club and the Board of Directors are great Rep's of the CMC. I know that Nick, Dave, Trish and others are out there every weekend supporting this great Hobby. The Pavillions organization will suffer without them and the CMC being out there every Saturday. What a shame this kind of stuff happens because it is a black eye for everyone. This Hobby is suffering already because of the Economy, Environmentalists, etc. I hope it doesn't get worse. BTW, if someone was yelling at my friend and/or co-club member I would go to their defense as well. Great thread dialogue though...............Have a safe day.

08-31-09, 11:12 PM
wow, the one night i stay home.

i will add is, do not judge the CMC from that one event. Everyone is human, and we all er at some point or another. From being involved with many car clubs, and having been a copperstate member for 3 years now,i can vouch that this is one of the best ran, and most polite clubs i have ever been a part of. The people that make up the CMC are just flat out amazing people, and very passionate about thier cars, and what not. I will always be proud to say i am a CMC member. Please make it out to the show, and you will see how an event is ran, and how much fun a real car show can be. I know the pavs has been the in thing for awhile now, but its more of a hangout than it will ever be a show.

Rev'n Kevin
08-31-09, 11:50 PM
:flame:Maybe contact the people that they're supporting with donations. I had a bad experience. I have a 96 SVT Cobra and was told to leave because more Corvets showed up than expected. I was there at 8AM and in my area. No other area was left when they asked me to move. I played deaf to their PA calls until I had seen all and then noticed the runt running the show reach inside my car and put it in neutral and jerk on the wheel, trying to strip the wheel lock. As I suggest, send the link to their people who want donations, and let them make some suggestions. I understand though he owns that section of the parking lot, tho he told me. That was my first and my last, without Copperstate or Mustangs Across America support.


I can't believe that happened, if someone reached into my car and did that they would have felt my tire iron on the back of their head, thats total BS. That was my first time going out to the pavs in over a year, and it will be my last.

I wasn't happy when the yellow viper pulled next to me and the gawkers showed no respect for my stang, continually brushing against my car, to look at the most over priced piece of crap ever built. The owner actually put his butt on my passenger door while opening his door to let some gal get in his car, I just about went off. You may have seen me standing across from the front of my car watching to make sure someone didn't scuff or scratch my car. Wonder why chico or whatever his name is didn't run the 2 vipers off the mustang lane, never-mind I already know the answer.

Other than seeing all my friends out there, seemed like the whole night sucked for most everyone.

I blame the whole thing on Austin, it was his idea to go out there :laughing::laughing::laughing:

67 'Stang Lover
09-01-09, 12:41 AM
I can't believe that happened, if someone reached into my car and did that they would have felt my tire iron on the back of their head, thats total BS. That was my first time going out to the pavs in over a year, and it will be my last.

I wasn't happy when the yellow viper pulled next to me and the gawkers showed no respect for my stang, continually brushing against my car, to look at the most over priced piece of crap ever built. The owner actually put his butt on my passenger door while opening his door to let some gal get in his car, I just about went off. You may have seen me standing across from the front of my car watching to make sure someone didn't scuff or scratch my car. Wonder why chico or whatever his name is didn't run the 2 vipers off the mustang lane, never-mind I already know the answer.

Other than seeing all my friends out there, seemed like the whole night sucked for most everyone.

I blame the whole thing on Austin, it was his idea to go out there :laughing::laughing::laughing:
LMFAO............Yeah, those Viper Guys think they are the shit. Just to mention a Viper Story- I raced one last year in my '67 Coupe at Firebird Raceway and he was pissed off when he couldn't beat me. He should have though. I ran a 12.5 sec. 1/4 mile, 1.70 sec. 60 ft., @110 mph on a naturally aspirated, non-power adder stock bottom end 289 weighing in @3,300 lbs. without me in the car, with 7" street slicks that I built myself in the garage. He wouldn't even look at me after we raced and were sitting in line again. When I lose I almost always give a thumbs up and say good race. He thought that he could go and buy one off the Dealer Showroom floor and run his 11. NOOOOOOT. I guess he watched too many You-Tube videos. LOL. They are just like the stuck up 'Vette boys. Just another rich mid-life crisis dude that thinks he is a star for 'The Fast and Furious' movies. I do like the Vipers and Vettes but the Owners are another story most of the time.
Steve ('67 & '07 Mustang Owner)..............
BTW- My wife, Joni, just bought a 2010 Ford Fusion Sport AWD, 3.5 liter V6 with 270 HP. Sweetness........

Mr. Austin
09-01-09, 01:12 AM
ok so if we are speaking of honesty here it goes.

I will NEVER go to the pavs any time soon.
As i told the fellow passing them out who talked to me. i will pass them out. Just to let them yell at me ad as they are yelling i will keep walking car to car. And isnt the bribery or what ever if you pay someone? oh and P.s. He doesnt put $#!t together. everyone just attends. He just puts up signs and plays music. But he cant even do that correctly. and Just as an FYI i am not part of CMC so if i did something stupid.....Good.
I have never been so frustrated with a car show in my life and being 18 i have made my own to rase money. a "get together" and put up signs is nothing. And apparently he is getting PAID!!!Pavs are dead. 83rd and lake pleasant at the safeway it is for me.

09-01-09, 06:37 AM
Do you work for Mcdonalds??Maybe the Parking Natzi??:flame:

Although this is my first post on this forum, I have been involved in Mustangs and the Mustang community since 1993, to include numerous car shows and gatherings. Recently I decided to join the Copperstate Mustang club as they have always been involved not only in the Mustang side of things, but in helping the community as well.

Before I could join however I witnessed something that really dissapointed me and will deter me from joining. Just so everyone knows I am not trying to say anyone was right or wrong, just that it was handled the wrong way by all those involved.

I to was at the Pavillions this last Saturday when the "disagreement" took place over the flyers. Now, I don't agree with the representative from McDonalds and the way he handled it, but I also don't agree with the representation from Copperstate Mustang. To stand there and argue with someone and ask if he himself owned the parking lot, and who was he to tell them they couldn't hand out flyers was wrong, very wrong. Or to ask if your car had a Berge Ford sticker on it if you would be asked to leave. Things should have been handled much differently and in private by both parties.

Fortunately or unfortunately, if you don't agree with how things are run there and its definately not the only car show/gathering in town then don't go, I agree 100% with that. However, its their show wether we like it or not and you have to play by their rules, again wether you like it or not. I have found the best area at the Pavillions is where the Mustangs are, which is why I go.

What really turned me off though was the Copperstate Mustang club member who still approached people telling them, although I can't give you a flyer, if I leave it on the seat of the car you can just take one. And yes, I know of what I'm talking about as I'm one of the people that was approached. I'm quite sure Copperstate Mustang and any other club who organized an event would not like it if someone showed up and decided they were going to do what they want, no matter what the rules.

As this is a public forum I posted my opinion and I'm qutie sure many more will do the same. I know it wouldn't be a great loss to lose one new member to the club, but I'm quite sure this is not how the club should be represented. Any of us can pick another car show to go to, or another place to gather, however it is the club and its members who keep the sport alive and thriving.

Thank you for letting me express myself. Drive safe and keep the shiny side up.

67 'Stang Lover
09-01-09, 06:51 AM
Do you work for Mcdonalds??Maybe the Parking Natzi??:flame:
I am sure he doesn't and besides, that wasn't too cool to ask that about him. Obviously you didn't read his whole post and understand what he was trying to say!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

09-01-09, 07:18 AM
I am sure he doesn't and besides, that wasn't too cool to ask that about him. Obviously you didn't read his whole post and understand what he was trying to say!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I did read the entire post, he comes on here and starts talking about a car club that does nothing but good things for its member's and the community.

He changes his tune when other people start replying. Thats B.S.
I have the same opportunity to speak out just as much as he does.

What is the world coming to when you are not allowed to hand out flyers to support your car club and the community.

What’s next? the only fords allowed will be the ones bought from the dealer of their choice..
I have been going to the pavilions for years and they have always been very bias to their groups. I have seen other car clubs hand out their flyers all the time but apparently the Parking Nazi was allowing it.
If you think I wasn’t being cool, He shouldn’t have made comments about a club he apparently knows nothing about.:shocker:
Just my 2 Cents...

09-01-09, 09:40 AM

09-01-09, 10:00 AM
OK Enough already, Its a thing of the past, Lets let this Thread die ok. Its so not worth everyone bickering back and forth. We are all on the same team as inthe same Mustang Family!!! So lets look forward to the fall show and volunteer and make it the best show ever!!!!!!
You all have a wonderful day :hi:

09-01-09, 10:10 AM
OK Enough already, Its a thing of the past, Lets let this Thread die ok. Its so not worth everyone bickering back and forth. We are all on the same team as inthe same Mustang Family!!! So lets look forward to the fall show and volunteer and make it the best show ever!!!!!!
You all have a wonderful day :hi:
I agree ! Lets see how this saturday goes out east.(near superstition springs mall) Keep yer fingers crossed for good weather !:highfive:

09-01-09, 10:12 AM
Trust me Im praying, I was just watching the news andthat god aweful hurricane is heading our way. IM SCAWED

I agree ! Lets see how this saturday goes out east.(near superstition springs mall) Keep yer fingers crossed for good weather !:highfive:

09-01-09, 10:30 AM
I will be there Saturday and see all of the happening there and then I will be going out west too. Sorry I dont think I will be going back to Pavillions very soon....

Mr. Austin
09-01-09, 11:01 AM
WHoa i havent scene anything on the hurrican. think it will be gone buy route 66? :sad-smiley-047::ill::gloomy::hissyfit: (Sept 11th)

09-01-09, 12:26 PM
WHoa i havent scene anything on the hurrican. think it will be gone buy route 66? :sad-smiley-047::ill::gloomy::hissyfit: (Sept 11th)

Yes Austin...........you can stop crying.

Mr. Austin
09-01-09, 01:44 PM
ok good. :D

09-02-09, 11:08 AM
Ferrraris for breakfast....porsches for lunch....corvettes for dinner.......vipers for dessert.......power in the hands of a few saleeen. Rice burners are not even on the chart can suck my a.......:deadhorse:.......:beer8:

09-02-09, 11:10 AM
All in a n.:balls1:UTS SHELL

09-02-09, 11:50 AM
I agree ! Lets see how this saturday goes out east.(near superstition springs mall) Keep yer fingers crossed for good weather !:highfive:
what time and where near superstition springs mall?:hi:

09-02-09, 05:03 PM
i have been to that show at supeerstion mall. very good show. not quite the crowd that the pavs has, but much better show imo. just one hell of a drive from 32nd st and bell, and no yc's. i really only goto the pavs anymore to eat yc's. it just happens that there is a car show going on. :D

09-02-09, 05:47 PM
what time and where near superstition springs mall?:hi:
I believe around 6pm in the Target Parking area next the K-Mart...

09-02-09, 07:08 PM
Actually Dave they are in the K-mart parking lot. The targetr is next to it. At least the last time I was there. 6 sounds good to me :)))

09-02-09, 09:29 PM
6 it is! Unless i have to put pontoons on my horse ! :biglaugh::biglaugh::biglaugh:

09-02-09, 09:37 PM
six sound great see ya all there!

09-02-09, 09:58 PM

09-02-09, 10:00 PM
All right people you might think I am a dork cause I keep replying to my own reponses. But I am trying to upload my picture so that I can be like you guys. Is there anyone out there who can please help I want my picture to come up when I respond.

Mr. Austin
09-02-09, 10:02 PM
Go into live chat.

09-02-09, 10:10 PM
All right people you might think I am a dork cause I keep replying to my own reponses. But I am trying to upload my picture so that I can be like you guys. Is there anyone out there who can please help I want my picture to come up when I respond.

That would be a signature picture. USERCP - Edit Signature.


You got the picture in there correctly, but you didn't insert it into you sig.

I fixed it for you. It will show in all future posts.


09-02-09, 10:26 PM
Thats cause U Da Man Hehehehe

That would be a signature picture. USERCP - Edit Signature.


You got the picture in there correctly, but you didn't insert it into you sig.

I fixed it for you. It will show in all future posts.


09-05-09, 03:32 PM
six sound great see ya all there!
Looks like most of the showers are gone,roads are drying up. Should be decent for a G2G. Plus its FINALLY cooled off !:pepper:

Mr. Austin
09-05-09, 03:35 PM
may i ask G2G?

09-05-09, 03:40 PM
"Get 2 Gether"

09-05-09, 05:02 PM
so whats going on?? lol you guys are meeting up where?? when?

09-05-09, 06:34 PM
Hey guys im only 2 minutes from Kmart and there are some nasty clouds coming again oiiiiii, thought I would let you know

09-05-09, 06:55 PM
Nothing is near on radar. I am heading down now.

09-05-09, 07:27 PM
Weather is good. No rain in sight. 6 mustangs here so far.

09-05-09, 08:54 PM
Stars are out. Weather is nice. Very few showed up. Rockys Mom says what's up with all the woosies.