View Full Version : 1994 Cobra Mustang - The Ex-Terminator Cobra

08-28-09, 02:00 PM
1994 Cobra Mustang - The Ex-Terminator Cobra
David Smith's '94 Cobra Is Not What It Seems-It's Much More (http://www.highperformancestangs.com/featuredvehicles/m5lp_0910_1994_cobra_mustang/index.html)Some things aren't what they seem. Society proves that every night when you turn on the news. We all know about the "quiet" gentleman that kept to himself or the couple that seemed inseparable. It's these seemingly familiar but ultimately shocking instances that always grab our attention.

Photo Gallery: 1994 Cobra Mustang - The Ex-Terminator Cobra - 5.0 Mustang & Super Fords Magazine (http://www.highperformancestangs.com/featuredvehicles/m5lp_0910_1994_cobra_mustang/index.html)

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Full Story... (http://www.mustang50magazine.com/featuredvehicles/m5lp_0910_1994_cobra_mustang)