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08-26-09, 10:25 PM
OUTLAW FRIDAY NIGHT CRUISE- Every Friday night at 91st ave and Northern. Just North of Northern, behind the AutoZone on 91st Ave. 300+ parking places, Car Show Lighting! BENEFIT: The Sun Valley No Kill Shelter and Toyz for Totz! Bring toys and Pet supplies starting this Friday for our charity please!

October 10, 2009- CENTRAL AVE CRUISE: Saturday, October 10th. Dinner (linner? 3pm) at secret location ;). Special Outlaw Parking...

October 17, 2009 ROAD TRIP PAYSON: Bryn Heading it up...

October 23-24, 2009- Copperstates Mustang Monsoon Madness weekend!

October 31, 2009- HAUNTED RIDES HALLOWEEN CAR SHOW: October 31st 10-2pm. All cars...all makes, all models!

November 7, 2009- Santa's Kick-Off to the Holiday's: 2- Live Bands / Car Show...after 6pm...Geared for Adults! :)

09-09-09, 07:29 AM
The poker run to Payson scheduled for this Saturday, Sept. 12th has been postponed due to the conflict with the Flagstaff Route 66 show. A lot of people who want to go on the run to payson will be going up to Flagstaff. We will announce a new date soon!!

09-16-09, 11:39 PM
So when are the club meetings?...what night and all that?

09-22-09, 06:17 PM
Last Wednesday of the month, this next meeting is the 30th at 6:30pm.

Cracker Barrel on 92nd Ave and Glendale. Our meeting place will change from Cracker Barrel next month to a great location TBA at the next meeting and beyond.

09-22-09, 09:17 PM
Thanks Kenny....see u there