View Full Version : Route 66 Show
Hey, has it been decided where various groups will meet up for the cruise to Flagstaff in a couple of weeks? The group leaving about 10:00 A from Shea and the 87 on Friday worked out pretty good last year. Looking forward to the cruise:biglaugh:
08-27-09, 01:29 PM
Any one want to meat at my house in the morning is fine.Im on i-17 and Pinnacle Peak. L:woot2::sticktonge::biglaugh::hyper::pepper:ets get a list going.Im thinking my house by 10:00
Mr. Austin
08-27-09, 02:53 PM
is anyone leave earlier? i need to go before it gets too hot. may cruise with Darrin but just wondering rick is going a different route in which will be much prettier i will get the details. this subject will be discussed at the wwm club meeting next Wednesday so i will give more details if anything changes. but rick has a 66 gt350 and you have a 66 and i have a 69 if we can get all the old cars together would that be possible?
08-27-09, 03:25 PM
08-27-09, 05:07 PM
ill meet u at darrins
Mr. Austin
08-27-09, 05:26 PM
Ok Rick says that the other route is through wicken burg up through yarnell then peoples valley and that takes you to prescott then you take the 89 up to ash fork then you go eat on i-40 right into flagg. and 8 sounds damn good. i just need to leave early because my car will over heat once it hits 100
The route we did last year went through Payson - Strawberry and then up through Lake Mary and into Flagg. It was a beautiful drive. On the way back a few of us did I-17. CreamPuff, it would be great to get a group of first generations together for the ride. I have AC and a better than stock radiator so don't have any trouble keeping cool with the later generations! I would prefer the Payson route. I know that last year there were several groups that formed.
Mr. Austin
08-27-09, 08:06 PM
The route we did last year went through Payson - Strawberry and then up through Lake Mary and into Flagg. It was a beautiful drive. On the way back a few of us did I-17. CreamPuff, it would be great to get a group of first generations together for the ride. I have AC and a better than stock radiator so don't have any trouble keeping cool with the later generations! I would prefer the Payson route. I know that last year there were several groups that formed.. Well let's get them all together!!! Where are u located? Iknow my friend rick will take his 66 and I am trying to convince him not to trailer. Want to meet us at darin or do u want to go through payson. Depending on the meeting we can really set it in stone but I would prefer to drive with older :)
08-27-09, 08:09 PM
We have about 15 Mustangs going up through payson and we are stopping for some grub in Strawberry.. No hurry to get there as the drive is half the fun! We are leaving just after 9 and in 20 mins we are out of the heat....
Sounds good. The drive up through Payson is great and as Dave says you are out of the heat pretty quick heading up 87. I think out of the 15 cars or so last year about 4-5 where first generation. I would prefer that route on the way up and then likely 17 for the quicker return.
. Well let's get them all together!!! Where are u located? Iknow my friend rick will take his 66 and I am trying to convince him not to trailer. Want to meet us at darin or do u want to go through payson. Depending on the meeting we can really set it in stone but I would prefer to drive with older :)
Hey Dave, where is the Payson group going to meet?
Mr. Austin
08-27-09, 09:02 PM
Sounds good to me let's pick a spot to meet!!!! I'll see if Darrin and up want to go the same way. Us three can cuise over to the meeting spot we are all coming from north valley so proloy somewhere on shea or beeline?
08-27-09, 10:17 PM
Just north of the Beeline on Shea is a McDonalds and we will not leave without you!
Mr. Austin
08-27-09, 10:44 PM
Cool what time are you guys guessing? Im am oober excited. nevre taken the car that far up the hill. she has been to Verdi and Strawberry.
Sounds great - see ya all before 9
Just north of the Beeline on Shea is a McDonalds and we will not leave without you!
08-27-09, 11:54 PM
Hey Dave, where is the Payson group going to meet?
Not sure yet , gonna give keith a shout and see who is going!
08-27-09, 11:54 PM
Cool what time are you guys guessing? Im am oober excited. nevre taken the car that far up the hill. she has been to Verdi and Strawberry.
Around 9ishhh.
08-28-09, 09:09 AM
Im gonna trailer mine so how is that ride hill wise
08-28-09, 09:46 AM
The ride up is not a bad climb at all, people pulling trailers and 5th wheels all the time!
08-28-09, 09:48 AM
Dave are we going to meet at Berge for the people over here? If so What time or I can meet ya at your house if no one else is going from over this way.
08-28-09, 12:54 PM
Nice thank you
Trick Pony
08-28-09, 05:13 PM
Sounds good. The drive up through Payson is great and as Dave says you are out of the heat pretty quick heading up 87. I think out of the 15 cars or so last year about 4-5 where first generation. I would prefer that route on the way up and then likely 17 for the quicker return.
I'll be coming over from Pinetop and staying at the Hampton. I hope to see you guys there.:goodidea:
08-29-09, 11:29 AM
The wickenberg route how much longer than i-17
Rick Shopmier
08-29-09, 12:32 PM
I live at Loop 303 and 60(Grand Ave, Surprise). If I do I-17 it is 150 miles, or if I do the Yarnell/Prescott route it is 183 miles. I don't think I am interested in doing the 230 miles from my house thru Payson. I would have to go thru town to east valley then south to Shea then east again to get to Hwy 87 (thats nuts for me). If I trailer I will most likely do I-17.
I still plan on leaving some time early on Friday.
Mr. Austin
08-29-09, 12:55 PM
See that sound little more appealing to me. i have a cabin in payson. i have seen the scene.
08-29-09, 02:13 PM
It doesn't matter to me the longer the better to enjoy the cruise and get out of the heat. The festivities do not start until around 5 and its not a speed trip if I needed to get there fast then I would risk the yahoo traffic on I-17 but thats not fun at all.. Just tell us if your comming or not so we will not be sitting around waiting. I need to get out of the valley bad....
08-29-09, 02:15 PM
Me too I just got another radar ticket in the mail, this time for $195.00 coming from the meeting, Ima just stop driving. GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR
It doesn't matter to me the longer the better to enjoy the cruise and get out of the heat. The festivities do not start until around 5 and its not a speed trip if I needed to get there fast then I would risk the yahoo traffic on I-17 but thats not fun at all.. Just tell us if your comming or not so we will not be sitting around waiting. I need to get out of the valley bad....
Mr. Austin
08-29-09, 02:45 PM
Dang how many have you gotten? my parents have ignored theirs. and sorry i am still trying to make up my mind i say one this and do another. i will tell you prolly wednesday night my final judgment because that is when the meeting is.. sorry im being a pain.
08-29-09, 02:51 PM
:wtf:Ppppppppaiin I THE ................
08-29-09, 02:53 PM
Jodaddys coming to my house and im down for whatever ride with all
08-29-09, 03:50 PM
The last road trip I was on was Knott's and I'm ready for a nice drive with my Mustang family !!!!
08-30-09, 05:24 PM
Ok lets figure out whos going early fri and where from. Next week for this show in flagstaff.come on lets get it together.
Friday morning at Shea and the 87 for the Payson route for me. Sounds like we meet at 9.
08-30-09, 08:46 PM
Friday morning at Shea and the 87 for the Payson route for me. Sounds like we meet at 9.
Us Too!
Mr. Austin
08-30-09, 09:57 PM
I live at Loop 303 and 60(Grand Ave, Surprise). If I do I-17 it is 150 miles, or if I do the Yarnell/Prescott route it is 183 miles. I don't think I am interested in doing the 230 miles from my house thru Payson. I would have to go thru town to east valley then south to Shea then east again to get to Hwy 87 (thats nuts for me). If I trailer I will most likely do I-17.
I still plan on leaving some time early on Friday.
Rick is getting is Car fixed and may be driving it or trailering. I think i have a mind set to go with him since he is moving and it will be my last run with him. jodatt is following me i believe. And him and I have hoped that you Darin will go with us seeing how you are also on this side of the heat. we are leaving my house around 8 and when we get to ricks we hit the road. The 303 is right by my house so getting to ricks and leaving is a quick run.
As for you copperstate guys sorry i am a pain wish i had the extra gas but i can do the run there with you guys but maybe the ride home.
Im in Heber Overgaard for the weekend it has been trying to rain all day, even got a burst a few times, you can guarantee rain this weekend.
Ladies bring warmer clothes for the evening it is chilly right now.
I'm saying all this because Flagstaff and Heber are very similar in the weather. Your in for a great weekend weather wise except it will rain so be prepared for that.
Have fun and be safe!
I cant go this year, trying to get our house painted up here since winter is coming, needed more paint protection from the snow.
Also the Mach 1 isn't ready for about another month for any big road trip, still don't trust it yet, although it hasn't let me down and runs great the suspension is shot and I cant get it done until towards the end of September, waiting on parts now.
Mr. Austin
09-03-09, 09:26 PM
its not this weekend it is next.
Oh! Well maybe Ill go afterall or at least drive up for the day, thanks guess I didnt pay attention closely since I thought it was this weekend. :veryhappy:
Mr. Austin
09-04-09, 12:25 AM
Nope! :) The 11th thru the 13th. 12th is the big day! several other mustangs heading up just to see the show that day.
Rick Shopmier
09-04-09, 12:54 PM
I have my plan....I will be towing. I will be leaving at about 8am on Friday from Loop 303 and US60 (Grand Ave). I will be going via Wickenburg, Yarnell, Prescott and Ash Fork (40 miles longer than I-17 and without the stupidity that goes with it). This is a nice drive, only one climb at the beginning and lots of places to stop. I will return going back thru Sedona, Cottonwood, Prescott and Wickenburg. (plans are subject to change, but rarely) Anyone who wants to tag along is welcome.
I had a great time at this event last year. If you don't have fun in Flag I suggest you....."SELL THE MUSTANG AND GET A TOYOTA." I am staying at the Motel-6 Woodlands (near where Copperstate stays).
09-04-09, 09:00 PM
Remember all is invited to our parking lot pot luck Saturday Night, just bring something to eat and drink and a chair,last year we had about 40 people... Ramada Inn West , next to Motel 6 and accross from Wally World!!!
09-04-09, 09:24 PM
Wish I could afford to put the baby in, but I will be there thats all that matters :) Plus we should have a good copperstate showing :)
09-05-09, 01:01 AM
I'll be there by 9am with my coworker following in her Triumph.
Just north of the Beeline on Shea is a McDonalds and we will not leave without you!
Mr. Austin
09-05-09, 02:03 AM
Totally stoked! all bring some cookies and DP.
So we are going to meet at the McDonalds and not along 87 near Shea?
09-05-09, 10:55 AM
So we are going to meet at the McDonalds and not along 87 near Shea?
Yes, at the McDonalds.. Blaster coming this week...
Mr. Austin
09-06-09, 01:11 AM
For those that are going and would like to stay in touch Jodatt and i are bringing CB radio's little more fun than cell phones. :)
09-06-09, 08:41 AM
God I cannot wait to go, I need to get away so bad
09-06-09, 10:01 AM
Many of us have FRS/GMRS radios.
For those that are going and would like to stay in touch Jodatt and i are bringing CB radio's little more fun than cell phones. :)
Mr. Austin
09-06-09, 11:44 AM
God I cannot wait to go, I need to get away so bad
This will end up being the longest week ever.
09-06-09, 11:46 AM
Not for me, I work Monday and Tuesday and I took some personal time off yeahhhhhhh
This will end up being the longest week ever.
Mr. Austin
09-06-09, 11:50 AM
all i will think about it the trip so nothing will help pass time. Maybe some video games since i only have school on Wednesday. Anyone need a car detailed? Looking for some work.
09-06-09, 11:51 AM
You can go to the dentist for me on the 10th tee heee
all i will think about it the trip so nothing will help pass time. Maybe some video games since i only have school on Wednesday. Anyone need a car detailed? Looking for some work.
Mr. Austin
09-06-09, 11:59 AM
lol i think i am actually. i have a bracket loose on my braceface.
Mr. Austin
09-07-09, 12:17 AM
So are all the mustang folks going to meet up on saturday morning? I was just reading details and it says groups that would like to park together must arrive together.
09-07-09, 09:38 AM
So are all the mustang folks going to meet up on saturday morning? I was just reading details and it says groups that would like to park together must arrive together.
Yes! We meet at Target with Southern Arizona and drive in together!! It's really great there is no traffic and we roar into the show are as one big Mustang Familia!!
09-07-09, 09:50 AM
Oh yeah, at 7am. Ughhh. Wake me when its time to leave. And bring a warm jacket. Its real chilly with the top down at 7am.
Roar into the show-Jeff's bringing the Cobra? Cool.
Yes! We meet at Target with Southern Arizona and drive in together!! It's really great there is no traffic and we roar into the show are as one big Mustang Familia!!
Mr. Austin
09-07-09, 10:43 AM
Are you referring to the Target a little North of the Dennys on the main drag? So, every one will meet there at 7:00am? I am staying at my In Laws house in Kachina Village, just 10 miles south of Flagstaff. There parking lot is dirt so I think getting to the show early enough to wipe down the Stang is a great idea. :pinkthumb:
Do you register your car along with the rest of the Mustang crowd when you cruise in at 7:00am? Or do you register the night before?
09-07-09, 05:55 PM
This show is pre-registered only. We usually check-in Friday evening. Then we meet and drive in together Saturday morning so we can park together.
Do you register your car along with the rest of the Mustang crowd when you cruise in at 7:00am? Or do you register the night before?
This show is pre-registered only. We usually check-in Friday evening. Then we meet and drive in together Saturday morning so we can park together.
I was thinking that even though I am pre-registered, that I still had to do something else. We just meet at 7:00am at Target and roll in together to check in and get our assigned parking spots? What do you guys do on Friday night?
Mr. Austin
09-07-09, 06:16 PM
When you registered you should have gotten papers back with the event info's of what is going on.
Friday Sept. 11th.
12-7p.m.Car show registration
6-9 p.m. "sweet treat" Cruise and Poker run with cash prizes
8-10 p.m. movies on the square-heritage square downtown (FREE!)
Saturday, Sept. 12th
7-10 a.m. Car show registration
8am-dark arts and crafts vendors
9am-dark automotive vendors
8am-5pm route 66days car show
10am-3pm car show door prize
10am-1pm route 66 poker walk with cash prizes
7am-3pm 50/50 raffle
10am-1pm car show judging
12pm participant voting turned in
4pm 50/50 and poker walk results
4pm-5:30 car show awards
Sunday Sept. 13
arts and craft vendors
automotive vendors
and free show and shine for kick back sunday
For locations ask and i will look.
Mr. Austin
09-07-09, 06:17 PM
oh and i have talked to john he said there are a few spots open. Day of registration is very limited but possible. if not then hey your in the cool air and away from home whats better?
When you registered you should have gotten papers back with the event info's of what is going on.
Friday Sept. 11th.
12-7p.m.Car show registration
6-9 p.m. "sweet treat" Cruise and Poker run with cash prizes
8-10 p.m. movies on the square-heritage square downtown (FREE!)
Saturday, Sept. 12th
7-10 a.m. Car show registration
8am-dark arts and crafts vendors
9am-dark automotive vendors
8am-5pm route 66days car show
10am-3pm car show door prize
10am-1pm route 66 poker walk with cash prizes
7am-3pm 50/50 raffle
10am-1pm car show judging
12pm participant voting turned in
4pm 50/50 and poker walk results
4pm-5:30 car show awards
Sunday Sept. 13
arts and craft vendors
automotive vendors
and free show and shine for kick back sunday
For locations ask and i will look.
I did get the event calendar. However; I was just wondering what the Copperstate people were doing after the events. I thought that last year everyone got together in one of the hotels parking lots.
09-07-09, 06:55 PM
Yes we are having a Parking Lot Get together in the back of the Ramada Inn West the evening after the show... Friday Night there is a poker run and cruise inn at the Galaxie diner!
09-07-09, 08:41 PM
Remember to bring your Copperstate Mustang Shirt with you and if you do not have one please contact me to get one!!
Mr. Austin
09-07-09, 09:32 PM
Remember to bring your Copperstate Mustang Shirt with you and if you do not have one please contact me to get one!!
Id take one but i am not registered with da club :P
Remember to bring your Copperstate Mustang Shirt with you and if you do not have one please contact me to get one!!
I need one, I will call you tomorrow. :bouncy:
Mr. Austin
09-08-09, 12:12 AM
For those that have radio CB frequency Jodatt and I will be on channel 3 on out way up.
09-08-09, 02:29 PM
I have been talking with Dave and Trisha about a convoy to the Route 66 show. Rim Country Mustang Club in Payson has some members going up Saturday Morning, and we would love to convoy up to Flagstaff with other Mustangs. Does your Club have anyone going up Saturday morning to the event? Maybe we could drive up together if you are coming through Payson?
Keith Orr
09-10-09, 09:26 PM
Keith it looks like most are going tomorrow, Sorry about that, But we will see you Saturday when you all arrive :) I am so looking forward to the nice cruise. Yeah baby!!!!!!!!!!! See you all tomorrow:bounce::bounce::bounce:
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