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08-25-09, 08:19 AM
How To Install Sequential LED Taillights
http://image.mustangmonthly.com/f/techarticles/24850594+ppromo_large/mump_0908_04_pl+how_to_install_sequential_led_tail lights+front_view.jpg
Add Sequential And Brighter Operation To '05-'09 Mustang Taillights With LED Technology From Mustang Project (http://www.highperformancestangs.com/techarticles/mump_0908_how_to_install_sequential_led_taillights/index.html)LED technology is changing the way we see the light. In its commercial infancy in the 1970s, the light emitting diode (LED) was used primarily as an indicator light in electronic devices. In those days, we didn't understand the light that came from such a tiny little diode and wondered why they lasted virtually forever. As the technology has advanced, manufacture of the LED, not to mention its use, has become more economical, making its technology even more widespread. What's more, LEDs have gotten larger and even brighter to make them more appealing. Never has this been more apparent than in automobiles and large billboard screens along the Vegas strip.

Photo Gallery: How To Install Sequential LED Taillights - Mustang Monthly Magazine (http://www.highperformancestangs.com/techarticles/mump_0908_how_to_install_sequential_led_taillights/index.html)

Photo Gallery: How To Install Sequential LED Taillights - Mustang Monthly Magazine (http://www.highperformancestangs.com/techarticles/mump_0908_how_to_install_sequential_led_taillights/index.html)

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