View Full Version : C.A.R.S. is a Sham!

08-20-09, 09:35 PM
I'm going to assume that most of you have heard of the 'law' that our 'beloved' president Obama signed the Car Allowance Rebate System (C.A.R.S.) into law.

It's been mentioned in countless ads (TV, radio, paper-media, and the internet). I've heard and seen some ads proclaiming that you can get up to $4500 for the vehicle you bring in trade.

I just read an editorial in the October '09 issue of HOT ROD Magazine. The editor, basically, gives the rundown on what this 'law' does for us. Basically, if everything this 'law' is designed for is achieved, it can pave the way for more legislation that can kill our hobby!

I couldn't find the editorial on HOT ROD's website. But, here's a link to my search from that site: http://www.hotrod.com/sch/01/Cash-for-Clunkers/index.html

If you care about the car hobby going away at the hands of our elected officials (people we, as a whole, voted into office to watch out for our best interests), DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT! Start by reading the editorial in the October '09 HOT ROD Magazine! This editor included e-mail contacts of those that are in control of this mistake. Don't let BIG BUSINESS run our government! Don't let elected officials go unchecked!

They think that this 'law' is environmentally-sound. What part of the act of destroying old cars (that might be used as spare parts) is environmentally-sound? Last time I checked, they use machines (that expend resources) to reduce old cars to their basic elements. That's waste. What part of creating all of the parts that make up the new cars of today is environmentally-sound? Not enough to talk me into giving up the old vehicles that I own for new ones and the requisite debt.

They think that this 'law' is supposed to help spur the economy. What part of putting Americans in further debt, by baiting them into purchasing cars that they otherwise couldn't afford, will spur the economy? Are they kidding us? Do they really think we, as a whole, are that stupid? I, for one, am not. I may not drive my vehicles all of the time. But, I have plans for the ones that lie dormant. Those plans don't include building something that is less economical than it previously was. Some 30 years ago, it was difficult to get decent economy from a car or truck. Now, with the right parts, anyone with the wherewithall can build something that can perform on par (if not better than) the current crap that the BIG THREE turns out!

I understand that there are those out there that don't share our love for the car hobby. But, what if their hobbies were threatened with extinction? Would they not fight for them? We should tell those that we put in office that this is not the answer! And, it's stupid for them to think so! They work for us, not the other way around!

08-21-09, 12:04 PM
Crush them all that way mine will be worth more in the end. I believe that the goal in the 70s was to get the gas hogs off the road that is when they had what is refured to as the gas crunch days. Just wait until they pass that stupid law about the 85 MPh speedometers again like an actual speedometer will stop a car from accelerating
Joan Claybrook of the NHTSA would be the one to thank for the federally-mandated 85mph (max) speedo. Part of the bill that lowered the speed limit to 55 also called for carmakers to change their speedos over to a maximum reading of 85 (with 55 highlighted) whenever they came out with a new car this was done in Jan 1977

08-21-09, 02:31 PM
well its half the united states fault, they all stated they wanted a change. I was actually pretty damn happy with the way things were. I guess thats what we get for having such a young dumb nation. We should just chase his ass outa office!:chase:

08-21-09, 06:13 PM
oh good, a nice political discussion. How can I make a difference again?

08-21-09, 07:05 PM
it does suck ppl dont understand the trickle effect.......now when my brother goes to buy his first car (a clunker cause he cant afford a benz hahaha) its gonna cost a little more .....all those crushed cars ....NAPA checker pep boys were planning on repairing some of those 5 more yrs.....mechanics .....with all the new cars have taken a hit ......again just another action the gov't took to fast without looking at the outcome ......dont worry my friend is gonna be president soon

08-21-09, 10:45 PM
Crush them all that way mine will be worth more in the end.

That's a nice idea. A shortage of replacement parts is what you'll get, should yours break. Besides, isn't yours modded enough to actually hurt the value?

08-21-09, 11:35 PM
maybe its just me, but I don't get what the big deal is with it. It's made primarily for vehicles like the explorer and doesn't even apply to mustangs. the qualifications for the trade in is that it must have been made on or after 1984 and get less than an average of 18 miles per gallon. even the fox body doesn't qualify for it.

also, as far as trickle effect and spuring the economy goes, it'll create jobs in the factories for the different auto makers (big 3 or not, doesn't really matter) as well as in the shipping industry (since the cars must be shipped to location) and the dealerships. For this much, you can also factor in the advertising that the automakers are doing, which leads into jobs for the people who create the commercial, the channel it goes onto, etc, etc. It also allows for other factors such as less dependency on gas and a long term savings given that the vehicles purchased must be of better economical quality.

08-22-09, 07:17 AM
yea, there were no usefull parts off of the V-8 explorers for the mustang people.................. nothing that we would have ever wanted under thier hoods such as gt40 heads/intakes, stuff that can be easily reconditioned or doesn't go bad. Crush them all.

08-22-09, 08:53 AM
F the government is what I say! They only help the rich!

08-23-09, 08:18 PM
maybe its just me, but I don't get what the big deal is with it. It's made primarily for vehicles like the explorer and doesn't even apply to mustangs. the qualifications for the trade in is that it must have been made on or after 1984 and get less than an average of 18 miles per gallon. even the fox body doesn't qualify for it.

also, as far as trickle effect and spuring the economy goes, it'll create jobs in the factories for the different auto makers (big 3 or not, doesn't really matter) as well as in the shipping industry (since the cars must be shipped to location) and the dealerships. For this much, you can also factor in the advertising that the automakers are doing, which leads into jobs for the people who create the commercial, the channel it goes onto, etc, etc. It also allows for other factors such as less dependency on gas and a long term savings given that the vehicles purchased must be of better economical quality.

While I've been working out of the valley, I saw a '85-'86 MUSTANG GT with "Cash 4 Clunkers" spray-painted all over it. So, I'm pretty sure that there's no model/chassis-type restrictions to what they take. These cars' drivelines are given a solution that makes them sieze-up (making the whole thing useless, as they're not allowed to resell the driveline parts).

The trickle effect is right. It trickles, instead of flows. The whole thing was supposed to be for American's to spur American growth. We've been letting other countries come in and take the businesses that were ours for many years! This won't stop, unless we restrict the vehicle makers that can be helped by this. They ASSEMBLE, not MANUFACTURE foreign vehicles in many places in the U.S. Manufacturing products in the U.S. is, my opinion, a little more important than the miniscule ad work that goes into selling an industry that's already there.