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View Full Version : Upcoming Events

08-04-09, 06:06 PM
As we have said we are an event club first and so we are going to gear up, get out and go! When we do set up events most will be open to all car enthusists in the valley! But since we are new, it'll be a good month before we get settled in.

Some of the events we will be doing, will be Bowling, Cruising, Ice Cream Social, Road Rally, Drive in Movie, Softball, the Breakfast Club and of course the drags!

Till then here are some events we'll try and hit!

-- Aug. 15 Hot Summer Nights / 8606 W. Ludlow /
Steve 623- 581-0374

-- Aug. 22 Main Street Cruise

-- Sept 12 Road Trip to Payson

-- Oct 10 Central Avenue Cruise

08-04-09, 08:10 PM
I might be wrong but I believe the car show in Williams is in August.

08-07-09, 09:15 AM
Yep there is one in August...I think that's the big one for Williams? But that's to soon to pull off for us (next week), so I listed the other one in September.

BUT...not doing either now. :) Doing Payson on the 12th of September...come join us!

08-07-09, 01:38 PM
Are the new t-shirts going to be available at 91st tonight?

08-07-09, 05:07 PM
No looks like another week. I just sent them a final okay to move forward and print. I tried to get them to match OUTLAW (color) and FORDS on the back. Since they didn't create "OUTLAW" on the back, they couldn't get the color I was looking for. to match. So we'll be doing brown...like on the Outlaw website now. It was worth a try, but it cost us a few days.

08-07-09, 05:16 PM
Yea cause i definitely want to get one when they are available. Very nice shirts.

08-09-09, 10:30 AM
Yeah I think the are extra cool...I HATE wearing white club shirts all the time and that's been almost every club I have been in including my last. But our VP gave me the heads up on a place he found and it made black shirts affordable.

Soon...I hope. lol