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View Full Version : Sonic-on-Saturday

Rick Shopmier
08-02-09, 04:43 PM
Last nite was great!:pepper: I think we had 13 cars at the Sonic after the Safeway cruise. Very good for a first try. It was hot and the one buck large drinks were "cold":yes:. We made some new friends :highfive: and got a couple of new members.....welcome all. Next Saturday we are going to try the Sonic on Deer Valley, just west of 83rd (this is north of Safeway).
Remember the meeting on Wednesday at Crazy Earls (just got some new road kill):laughing:.

Mr. Austin
08-02-09, 08:39 PM
deer valley is ALOT better.i would know since it is 200 FT from my house :)

08-19-09, 02:37 PM
I am new member. and it looks llike you are metting this sat at sonic in peoria?

08-19-09, 05:37 PM
:stang2::stang3::wosautos118:Wild west mustang club head over to the pavillions sat.i will be there.mustangs from the photo shoot also are going.come on all mustangs lets pack it in

Mr. Austin
08-19-09, 07:41 PM
:stang2::stang3::wosautos118:Wild west mustang club head over to the pavillions sat.i will be there.

so whose in for satuday night 83rd? we kno Darin wont be there!! hahaha. jk. darin i am sending u a PM.

09-04-09, 11:35 AM
Do you guys meet every Sat night at sonic? if so what time?

Rick Shopmier
09-04-09, 12:39 PM
We will probably play it by ear this week. See who shows at the cruise and set it up there. The Sonic is a great after cruise activity.

09-04-09, 01:24 PM
Hey Rick, how many stangs do you need to make it official?

Rick Shopmier
09-04-09, 11:40 PM
I will definitly go to the Sonic at 83rd and Deer Valley. I will let everyone I see at the Cruise know. Look to see you there.

Mr. Austin
09-05-09, 02:05 AM
is this for today? tonight i should say?