View Full Version : Photo Shoot 2009 August 22nd!

07-29-09, 10:15 AM
You asked for it now we are doing it!

All Cars are welcome!!

Suncor Development Co.
80 East Rio Salado Parkway

Top floor parking garage.. 6pm...

Samples from a previous Photo Shoot By Jen(Flat Out Photography) and Chris B....

07-29-09, 10:47 AM
I will be there. Are we gonna get like cool posters of our cars or at least the hd prints or something?

07-29-09, 12:39 PM
There could be several layouts to get your Mustang on. I will make up info sheets with your e-mail and numbers so that you can have samples done....

07-29-09, 01:02 PM
Sweet! I should be there, hopefully I can get new headlights by then

07-29-09, 01:17 PM
cool sounds good dave.

07-29-09, 01:51 PM
i plan to make it out. that date works for me.

Mr. Austin
07-29-09, 02:13 PM
Yes!!! finally! i have been waiting for ever! Will be there 4 SURE

07-29-09, 03:11 PM

Now I just gotta get my car back and cleaned..... Dropped it back off as there was some noise in the new heads that didn't sound bad, but I just wasn't comfortable sending it out for tuning. They are going to try a couple of things in the next day or two and see if it gets any quieter. Keep yer fingers crossed.........

07-29-09, 03:52 PM
I'll be there.

El Jefe
07-29-09, 03:57 PM
Wish I could make it, who's yellow Cobra?

07-29-09, 04:37 PM
DOUBLE SAWEET! Just got a call and the car is done and sounding much better now. I have an appt tomorrow morning to get it tuned and hopefully it will pass emmissions the next day! Can't wait to have a little power back under my foot. The stereo in the truck is nice but it isn't exciting.....

07-29-09, 05:01 PM
i will plan on being there!

if people on the east side want to get together and cruise out there let me know. i know of a few people that will most likely drive a long with me.

07-29-09, 06:53 PM
I am in gilbert as well. Maybe meet up at the berge ford dealership and take off? Its right off of 60 for easy access.

As I think about it, it would be great if we could meet there as I was going to drop my car off there for the detailing. If I could pick it up from the detail place right before the pics it would be perfect......

07-29-09, 09:30 PM
berge ford would work, then drive together.

07-29-09, 09:37 PM
hey rich, don't suppose I could bug ya for a ride to berg? Unless there is someone closer to val vista/ray then you?

07-29-09, 09:56 PM
i was going to call you and ask you that. no problem picking you up.

07-29-09, 10:02 PM
I will for sure be there this time too, whooo hooo and its not far from my house hehe. Last time it was so much fun :))))

07-29-09, 11:04 PM
thanks man, I will make the appointment.

Keep yer fingers crossed as I am takin her to the tuner tomorrow....

07-29-09, 11:11 PM
I will try and make this!

07-30-09, 05:19 PM
berge sounds like a pretty good place to meet up. my crossroads are val vista and elliott.

07-30-09, 07:40 PM
Hopefully I can make this and finally put some names to faces...

07-30-09, 07:52 PM
I'm there - thanks for putting this together Dave!

07-30-09, 07:54 PM
I willl have a sign for you to see where to enter the garage, take a ticket to get in but dont worry about charges. Katy said after 6 pm the attendants go home and there is no charges...

07-30-09, 07:57 PM
I'm there - thanks for putting this together Dave!

Hey no problemo!!

07-30-09, 09:43 PM
That sound like a good place I'll meet you guys there.

07-30-09, 10:18 PM
Is this for members only? I would like to bring both my cars...


07-30-09, 10:48 PM
Is this for members only? I would like to bring both my cars...

Nope you dont have to be a member, just have fun!

07-30-09, 11:21 PM
who will be taking the pictures? are we all in charge of taking our own?

07-30-09, 11:43 PM
We will have several really good Photographers there but feel free to bring your own cameras!

07-31-09, 01:49 AM
ill be there:woot1:

07-31-09, 06:33 AM
wow, the count must be getting close to 10-12 cars now?

I do not have a camera that is worth bringing myself which is why I asked. Thanks for organizing it.

Anyone like sushi after?

07-31-09, 04:12 PM
We will have several really good Photographers there but feel free to bring your own cameras!

my friend is a photographer so i will be bringing him. i cant take a decent picture to save my life haha.

07-31-09, 06:49 PM
Awesome, I'll definitely be there

08-02-09, 10:32 AM
Thanks for setting this up, Dave! Nick and I will be there!! :veryhappy:

08-02-09, 11:50 AM
i should be there too, meet ya guys at Berge

Chris B.
08-02-09, 06:23 PM
Sounds like fun! Hopefully it won't be too warm, my "camera" doesn't like the heat!:biggrin1:

08-04-09, 06:04 PM
man I hope my car is done by then.... I take one step forward, two back it seems like. Going back to the tuner tomorrow as its been running too hot. I did a couple things to help and I have decided to get the side exhaust I have put on (for tuning) and after emissions I will be off to get the sideskirts painted and installed.

08-04-09, 08:19 PM
Sounds like fun! Hopefully it won't be too warm, my "camera" doesn't like the heat!:biggrin1:

Guess you better keep the camera close to your cold beer:biglaugh:

08-08-09, 11:46 PM
Bobby just joined the forum and check out his stuff! He will be joining us for the shoot!!

08-13-09, 06:33 PM
Sorry for being such a stranger lately guys, work and school have kept me pretty busy!

I will definitely be there to take pictures for you guys, most of you are familiar with my work, I can print all the usual sizes and the larger 11x14s that you guys seem to like so much as well as poster sizes in 16x20 and 20x30 now. Keep that in mind after I post the samples of the shoot and I'll take orders.

I've been dying to do another one of these shoots since the last one so I will see you guys there!

08-13-09, 07:54 PM
god I really really REALLY hope my car is back on the road by then.

08-13-09, 08:39 PM
Sorry I won't be at the shoot since I longer have my car. I was really looking forward to it so hope all of you have a great time and I will be looking out for the pictures.

08-13-09, 10:10 PM
Is that you NO longer have your car? Why did ya sell it? :(

Sorry I won't be at the shoot since I longer have my car. I was really looking forward to it so hope all of you have a great time and I will be looking out for the pictures.

08-14-09, 11:18 AM
Car had to go due to finances and my first child on the way.

08-14-09, 08:03 PM
Sorry yet congrats :)

08-14-09, 10:03 PM
Thank you. Hope to be able to get a stang back some day soon.

08-14-09, 10:59 PM
You will, THings are turning around slowly Thank God!!

08-15-09, 03:39 PM
looks like I am out. just got the bad news that I have a spun bearing and it took the crank as well.... Anyone know a good place to get a 302 bottom end?

08-15-09, 11:19 PM
That just sucks, all that work you had done and now this.

08-16-09, 07:14 AM
yup, all fer not................. I think its my job to take one step forward and two back each day. enjoy the photo shoot, I was lookin forward to it.

08-16-09, 07:37 PM
May b

08-17-09, 12:01 AM
Anyone on the west side want to meet up at about 5 or so and cruise down there as a group? would anybody be down for the pavilions after the shoot?

08-17-09, 10:53 AM
Anyone on the west side want to meet up at about 5 or so and cruise down there as a group? would anybody be down for the pavilions after the shoot?

I might be down for this

08-17-09, 11:00 AM
What time are you all going to meet at Berge for the photo shoot? Would like to meet up with you guys if that ok.

08-17-09, 11:29 AM
I might be down for this


08-17-09, 11:37 AM
so where would a good meet place on the west side be where everyone would be able to meet at?

08-17-09, 12:31 PM
Im on ppeak and i17

08-17-09, 01:05 PM
What time are you all going to meet at Berge for the photo shoot? Would like to meet up with you guys if that ok.

We were originally meeting there so that I could pick up my car from the detail shop and head straight over. Since my car ended up eating its bearings and crank on the dyno last weekend I am not going to be needing the detail nor the photo shoot.

Needless to say rich I do not need a ride anymore.... How come there are no crying smileys?

08-17-09, 02:26 PM
im pretty much near bell rd. and the 101.

08-17-09, 10:46 PM
:yes: Keep yer fingers crossed for good weather !

08-17-09, 11:18 PM
I think well be ok. even some rain shots would be pretty cool!

08-17-09, 11:26 PM
I will be leaving from Berge around 5pm to make sure all is ready to go. If anyone wants to meet east and goin with me a bit early then thats great!

08-17-09, 11:33 PM
I will be leaving from Berge around 5pm to make sure all is ready to go. If anyone wants to meet east and goin with me a bit early then thats great!

i will be there with a few other people, so how about we say we meet at berge at 4:45 and we will leave berge no later than 5.

08-18-09, 12:12 AM
Sounds good to me!! Blaster message comming out this week also!

08-18-09, 01:26 AM
I am sure berge being a sponsor will have no problem but we might want to check with them. I was going to when I made my detail appointment but since that got nixed they will know nothing about anyone showing up.

08-18-09, 11:42 AM
I am sure berge being a sponsor will have no problem but we might want to check with them. I was going to when I made my detail appointment but since that got nixed they will know nothing about anyone showing up.

i can handle making sure it is ok that we meet there. i will also find out where they want us to park.

08-18-09, 07:16 PM
No Worries, Berge never has a problem with us meeting up there. Just park out on the street like we always do. Any question just ask Dave, Greg is cool with it.
After all they are our sponsors and we are making people come look when we all are there hehehe.

08-18-09, 07:46 PM
i just hope the rain stays away... rain tends to keep my junk in the garage...

08-19-09, 10:02 AM
Thw weather man said an increase in Monsson activity but that means better background shots and I will bring my sham wow!

08-19-09, 10:12 AM
Hehehe sorry Tony, But that just sounds wrong hehehe
i just hope the rain stays away... rain tends to keep my junk in the garage...

08-19-09, 10:25 AM
Hehehe sorry Tony, But that just sounds wrong hehehe
you can't understand how bad wet junk sucks.....

08-19-09, 10:28 AM
Dirty thoughts! HAHAHAHAHAH!!!

08-19-09, 10:56 AM
Hehehe sorry Tony, But that just sounds wrong hehehe

hahaha. you dirty girly!! :laughing: :biglaugh:

08-19-09, 02:51 PM
I think i will have to show up too. Just joined this forum (just in time i might add) and found the Photo Shoot message. I work up the street so I guess I'll just get the car washed that day and drive to the shoot. woooo hhooooooooo

08-19-09, 02:59 PM
Everyone is welcome!!

08-19-09, 05:47 PM
Everyone with a motor!!!!!!!!!

Aaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.............. ..

Mr. Austin
08-19-09, 07:53 PM
Just cut a hole in the floor and Flinstone it over

08-19-09, 08:30 PM
Hey what can I say lol lol

08-20-09, 10:11 PM
Dave is right... higher monsoon activity means much better backdrop for pics.... unless of course that background is also the foreground in the form of a wall of water lol Who are we kidding.... it IS Phoenix, rain is just a myth :)

Anyway, I'm driving down Saturday during the day sometime so I doubt my car will end up being clean for the shoot. Unless I get a wild motivation to wash it, my fox will be on the sidelines.

08-20-09, 10:19 PM
so how many people are going? we should get a roll call or something :yes:

08-20-09, 10:38 PM
I'n not sure, lost count but I am guessin around 30 or so right now..

08-20-09, 11:21 PM
Thats awesome i cant wait! im just really excited to get a really nice picture of the gt500 on a poster. ive never had my car on a poster! :)

08-21-09, 07:37 AM
Everyone with a motor!!!!!!!!!

Aaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.............. ..

Or with a Stang!:thmbsup:

08-21-09, 09:29 AM
Weather man says 93 tomorrow!!!!! Yes!

08-21-09, 09:58 AM
i hope the skies will provide some really cool backround shots tomorrow.

08-22-09, 02:29 PM
photo shoot still on do to wheather?

08-22-09, 02:36 PM
yes yes yes yes yes yes yes hehehehehehehehehehehe, We got a bunch of shamies coming, cant wait, water will not kill ya hehehe and I certainly know 99.999999% of us will not melt rofl rofl:sticktonge::sticktonge::sticktonge::sticktong e:

08-22-09, 02:39 PM
Your red and im black mine shows everything lol custom paint=different story

08-22-09, 02:40 PM
For any of you west siders that want to meet up, me and a buddy will be meeting up at the mcdonalds and 51st ave. and mcdowell. that is pretty central for the west siders. we will be meeting at about 5:30.

08-22-09, 02:48 PM
Aww come on, you can dry it off

Your red and im black mine shows everything lol custom paint=different story

08-22-09, 02:56 PM
And if it does rain, we are in a parking GARAGE...... Hmm we can just drive down a flloor to avoid the rain. Damn why didnt I think of that sooner rofl rofl, We dont want no one poopin out on us due to a few sprinkles hehe.

08-22-09, 03:39 PM
hehehe.....rain is fine when you have a top! We have speedsters. Hmmm.....

08-22-09, 03:40 PM
So you have no flippin tops to them things???? Dats a bummer
hehehe.....rain is fine when you have a top! We have speedsters. Hmmm.....

08-22-09, 04:20 PM
For any of you west siders that want to meet up, me and a buddy will be meeting up at the mcdonalds and 51st ave. and mcdowell. that is pretty central for the west siders. we will be meeting at about 5:30.

I dont get off till 5 and still have to wash my car! I am going to try and meet you guys there though. Might have to slip out of work early..

08-22-09, 05:09 PM
Getting ready to take off now.. Meet some of you at Berge and then on in.. Clouds building in the east should be some cool shots tonight!!

08-22-09, 10:34 PM
man I am sooooo jelious of you guys, looked like a great night for the shoot and show. Hurry up with the pics!

The only way I am keeping from going crazy from missing this is knowin how jelious you will all be when I finally get the 331 and side exhaust on my car.....

08-22-09, 11:00 PM
Wow, my legs are really tired tonight and I bet Jen is too!! Superlishous turnout!! The shots are so great! Jen said she will post some up and the HD ones will be done a bit later!!

08-22-09, 11:15 PM
Mine too wow, must have been all that running around we did lol, I had fun too whoo hoooo Here are a few of my crappy shots lol







08-22-09, 11:21 PM
OH And by the way, NO RAIN THE WHOLE TIME, NICK rofl rofl

08-23-09, 12:04 AM
A few photos from tonight

Mr. Austin
08-23-09, 12:51 AM
FML i should have gone. too far and didnt know about this rain. didnt want to wast gas to turn around . would have been a a 79 mile round trip.

08-23-09, 02:27 AM
I just got home! lol. Awesome turnout! very very fun! i cant wait to see an hd pic of mine. lol. jim and us went to bostons for some grub after the shoot and didnt leave there till almost 12!

08-23-09, 02:32 AM
what a fun time! thank you dave for setting that all up! sure was great to see all the amazing cars out there.

08-23-09, 08:37 AM
We should definitely try to do that more often!

08-23-09, 09:20 AM
Nice meeting some of you guys! have to do it again sometime

08-23-09, 09:53 AM
We will, It was fun :)))

08-23-09, 10:06 AM
It was good times, nice cars and great people.

08-23-09, 10:24 AM
I will bring the idea up again when I get my motor in. Looks like it could be 6-8 weeks......

08-23-09, 10:47 AM
Sorry not to have been there the weather was looking bad next time

El Jefe
08-24-09, 03:03 PM
Is there another thread with pics I missed? Nice turn out

08-24-09, 03:27 PM
We had an awesome time. It was fun to see and talk to everyone. Thanks to the club for putting this on. It made the decision to join that much easier. We hope to be members next month. We wandered up to the Pavillions afterwards and saw some of the same folks there. Had some dingbat decide to just plop her arms down on my fender so she could talk on her phone. Geesh. Stupid people! Wife thought I was gonna blow a gasket! Got home just before midnight. Sure glad the rain stayed away, just have to keep the faith! LOL!. Thanks again for a good time.

08-24-09, 04:35 PM
We had an awesome time. It was fun to see and talk to everyone. Thanks to the club for putting this on. It made the decision to join that much easier. We hope to be members next month. We wandered up to the Pavillions afterwards and saw some of the same folks there. Had some dingbat decide to just plop her arms down on my fender so she could talk on her phone. Geesh. Stupid people! Wife thought I was gonna blow a gasket! Got home just before midnight. Sure glad the rain stayed away, just have to keep the faith! LOL!. Thanks again for a good time.
So glad you had a nice time and great to meet you. The shots should be up this weekend or earlier you have some very sweet rides, sexy rides for sure!!!

08-24-09, 11:07 PM
i had a blast! cant wait for the next one. im excited to see the pictures.

08-24-09, 11:12 PM
Me too! we should definitely try to get one going for when it cools down. maybe around november or something.

08-25-09, 07:15 AM
Me too! we should definitely try to get one going for when it cools down. maybe around november or something.

that sounds like a plan to me. i wouldl definitely be there.

08-25-09, 12:03 PM
Me too, I have always wanted to go to the photo shoot but we have it when it's hot out and I go north on the weekends during the summer .

Let's get it on the Fall schedule...:biglaugh:

08-25-09, 09:59 PM
We will, Ipromise there are many cool things coming this fall and we will squeeze another one in.. Maybe we do a cruise to Prescott and shoot at Watson Lake again...

08-25-09, 10:06 PM
ohhhhh that would be sweet! and dave thank you for organizing this last shoot! had a blast! cant wait to see the pics. lol.

08-25-09, 10:48 PM
well i havent been to one of the meetings yet. i will try to make the next one but im way out in gilbert. thats a pretty far drive.

08-26-09, 08:18 AM
Had a great time thanks Dave................

08-28-09, 09:48 AM
Just an update guys, I've been processing the pics slowly due to lack of free time with school starting for me this week and working full time as well. However, I hope to have some stuff uploaded to my site and posted for you guys to see tonight and this weekend.

I apologize for making you wait a week for the pics, I know some of you are dying to see them.

08-28-09, 09:55 AM
Uhhh Way out in Gilbert? Im in Lower Mesa Power and Baseline so that not a valid excuse hehehehe:biglaugh::biglaugh: Call me if you want a ride

well i havent been to one of the meetings yet. i will try to make the next one but im way out in gilbert. thats a pretty far drive.

08-31-09, 04:20 PM
Alright, here's what you've been waiting for... again, sorry for the wait.

All the pics from last weekend are on my site:


Here are a few previews:

(Keep in mind that the quality is not great but that is the way it is uploaded to my site in order to discourage people making decent prints themselves. I do not charge for my time for these group shoots so my only profit is from ordered prints.)




And finally, something special that not everyone got because it is a bit difficult to be able to do it for a group so large, an HDR shot. This is something I can do for any of you if you contact me and would like to set it up or if we do several more smaller photoshoots with groups of 4-5 cars instead of the numbers we had.


08-31-09, 04:28 PM
Great job Jen, As always. Please post the costs so people can contact you regarding having them made. :))):woot1::woot1:

08-31-09, 05:42 PM
Right, I knew I was forgetting something, I just wanted to get the pics up for you guys :veryhappy:

So if you want prints just sent me a PM on here or email at jrc.racing@yahoo.com with the picture number and the quantity and sizes of the prints you would like.

These are specially discounted prices for the Mustang Club and this photoshoot, everyone else gets charged more so you guys should feel special :bouncy:

Normal Sizes:

4x6 - $1.00
5x7 - $2.00
8x10 - $5.00

Specialty Sizes/Enlargements:

8x12 - $10.00
11x14 - $20.00
12x18 - $20.00

8x8 - $5.00
12x12 - $15.00

Poster Sizes (includes shipping to me as these must be printed elsewhere):

16x20 - $30
20x30 - $40 (average poster size)

As always, I can do basic editing/additions to your photos for no charge such as car year and model or owner name. Anything other than small basic editing/design will be an additional charge on a case by case basis.

09-03-09, 07:47 AM
Jen - are the photos numbered in order on your website? How do we tell you which photos we are interested in?

09-03-09, 09:45 AM
I LOVE those pictures! I would love to have a poster sized one made of the gt500 and would also totally be down for a smaller photo shoot. Me and tony talked about that to possibly get some pics together. That would be real sweet!

09-05-09, 12:31 PM
Jen - are the photos numbered in order on your website? How do we tell you which photos we are interested in?

The photos have numbers on them, if you click on them to see the larger size it will pull up the name of the photo above it as well. You can either send me a PM here or email me at jrc.racing@yahoo.com

Hope that helps!

I LOVE those pictures! I would love to have a poster sized one made of the gt500 and would also totally be down for a smaller photo shoot. Me and tony talked about that to possibly get some pics together. That would be real sweet!

Well if the two of you would like to do that I've also got someone else interested so we could do a small 3 car shoot or maybe a couple more if anyone else wants to join. I'd just like to keep it to 5 cars or less in the small groups so I can give individuals more time and a better variety of photos. PM or email me with more details and also the photo number if you want to order a poster.