View Full Version : not sure how long....

07-24-09, 07:10 AM
Some of you know that I have been struggling with some undiagnosable digestive problems for some time now(6 yrs). it started off bothering me ever once and a while and now I am almost sick as much as I am well. Because of this I lost the job that I moved out here for at intel and now I am just not sure what job I could do as it would have to be from home and sometimes from my bathroom...... Because of this I have applied for disability as I am not sure what else I can do or how to support myself anymore. I feel stupid doing this as I am only in my 30's and was in the best shape of my life just before this but what can I do?

Along with this decision has come the difficult decision that I will be leaving town to get closer to my family in the midwest(indiana). I came out here originally for the job and fell in love with all the city had to offer from cars to mountain biking but I don't get to enjoy those much anymore. I will be able to lower my cost of living significantly and my family would be able to help out easier if this persisted. We have also wondered if this is being brought about by environmental problems since we found out my house is on top of a former landfill in gilber........

I have had a number of you say that you would like me to do work for you from simple alarms to more custom and high end systems. If this is the case then this would be the time to take advantage of it as I am just not sure how long I will be in town and I have finished my truck and stang. I have time since I am off but would need to be able to work on the car in bits and pieces from time to time if I start to get sick so depending on what you need done the best situation would be if you can leave it with me for a little while. This could mean for a day for a simple job(alarms for ex) or maybe for longer if you want something crazy done. I am waiting for my paperwork from the soc sec admin as they have me running between my specialists and dr's getting forms filled out now but when it goes through my time will be short.

This has always been a hobby for me that I enjoyed. When I got into it as a job fulltime it took the fun out of it but now being out of it for a few years it is again fun for me. While I won't work for free I will work for a fair price for the two of us or even trade favors(anyone good with 302s?).

here are my two current projects:


07-24-09, 10:32 AM
man that sucks to hear... sorry about your health

07-24-09, 10:52 AM
Very sorry to hear that.... if we can help we will....

07-24-09, 11:06 AM
its been a tough trip downhill. Like I said 7-8 years ago I was racing in a cross-country mountain bike series. To train for it I was riding up to 75 miles a week offroad, swimming 2x a week and doing some weight training. I never got into the suppliments but I had an ok diet and because of all this I had honestly never felt better. Since then I have gone through 3 GI specialists(including mayo), 2 shrinks, and allergist, accupuncture and 2 surgerys(one exploratorive and one where they removed my gall bladder and appendix) and countless tests but........... I have tried to fight it and keep it from defining me who I am but it now dictates what I can do and when so it is hard to escape. Now I just hope the social security admin sees it the same way...

Either way, who wants to get a system done? Alarm, stereo, whatcha need?

07-24-09, 11:35 AM
If i hear of any one i will be sure to shoot them your direcction

07-24-09, 01:01 PM
Sorry to hear that bud! Hope you feel better and can get to the bottom of this. My buddies wife who is 26 is in a similar situation and they haven't been able to get to the bottom of it. She has gone to Mayo in Clevland as well.

07-24-09, 03:39 PM
she isn't from around gilbert is she?