View Full Version : tires?

07-21-09, 07:38 PM
I am going to be in need of some new rubber for the back wheels(10.5") and was wondering where everyone recomends going? Anyplace we get discounts?

07-21-09, 11:37 PM
Discount Tire McClintock and Southern.... I'll get the info to you also, not a huge discount but probably the best price..

07-21-09, 11:51 PM
i hit up www.onlinetires.com . best price you'll find....

Rev'n Kevin
07-22-09, 12:30 AM
Have you seen the Cooper tire for the 2010 Roush Mustang, after what I saw yesterday on Speed, man that's the tires I want on my pony.

07-22-09, 07:01 AM
I saw that show too, extreme engineering. IT was an hour long show about roush and the new mustang, keep yer eyes peeled.

I am afraid to know what cooper is getting for those tires.

Thanks for the reply's.

07-22-09, 09:22 AM
i hit up www.onlinetires.com . best price you'll find....

Listen to Tony. I decided to try it out after roasting the set of rear tires during a burnout contest and didn't want to spend too much money as I'm in the process of buying a house. After shipping and everything, this place turned out over 150 bucks cheaper for the set of four after having them mounted locally. Only had to wait 3 days for the tires. :twothumbsup:

El Jefe
07-23-09, 01:03 PM
Find what you want online, check http://www.discounttiredirect.com/direct/home.do (http://www.discountiredirect.com)to make sure they carry them then call any Discount and tell them what you want and you have a price online for cheaper and they will match it + mounting/balancing

I recommend the new Nitto NT05's if youre making some good power.