View Full Version : Mustang Monsoon Madness! October 24th 2009

07-19-09, 10:28 PM
Here is the flyer!


07-19-09, 10:34 PM
very cool!! i can't wait!!

07-19-09, 10:44 PM
Two things that are waiting confirmation.. Hospitality Suite @ Firebird raceway and live band Saturday Night. But I cannot devulge the place where that is going to be just yet... But I can tell you the first 100 entries get a pair of Element 8 Sport sun glasses... A new sponsor/vendor!!

07-21-09, 12:32 AM
I think the registration team will be flooded with people wanting to be in the first 100!

Two things that are waiting confirmation.. Hospitality Suite @ Firebird raceway and live band Saturday Night. But I cannot devulge the place where that is going to be just yet... But I can tell you the first 100 entries get a pair of Element 8 Sport sun glasses... A new sponsor/vendor!!

07-21-09, 09:43 AM
Awesome!!!! I will be sending in registration as soon as possible!!! For two vehicles possibly!!

07-31-09, 04:27 PM
The Location for this Years Mustang Monsson Madnees and maybe for years to come..... Mesa Riverview Loop 202 and Dobson Roads!!

07-31-09, 07:07 PM
Suhweeet !! :pepper::pepper::pepper:

08-01-09, 01:11 PM
Great only 15 minutes from my house.

08-01-09, 02:08 PM
Im there

08-02-09, 11:22 AM
Great only 15 minutes from my house.
15 mins ? Yer car is HOW fast ? :biglaugh::biglaugh:

08-02-09, 11:35 AM
15 mins ? Yer car is HOW fast ? :biglaugh::biglaugh: Very slow.:hyper:

08-12-09, 09:45 PM
To add to Daves Post, This show will benefit the Arizona Food Banks.

I have been getting lots of emails from mag's and other donators and they are donating lots of very cool stuff for Door prizes and goodie bag stuffers, whooo hooooo:woot1::woot1::woot1:

Mr. Austin
08-13-09, 02:48 AM
interested in haveing a few in up girls around to shoot with cars? all donations thye get go to the us military care packages

08-13-09, 12:20 PM
I think thats a great idea. especaially if some people want to get a poster made of their car. If we could get some pics taken at the show as well that way we would have some nice pics of our cars there too.

08-18-09, 06:48 PM
Registration form attached to first post.

08-18-09, 07:13 PM
That is something that will have to be taken up with the Board.

interested in haveing a few in up girls around to shoot with cars? all donations thye get go to the us military care packages

08-18-09, 08:08 PM
Ive got 2 mustangs, an 85 GT all original with t-tops and a 99 cobra, would they be worth entering in the show?

08-18-09, 08:10 PM
Uhhhh YEAH hehe :woot1::woot1::woot1:

Ive got 2 mustangs, an 85 GT all original with t-tops and a 99 cobra, would they be worth entering in the show?

08-18-09, 08:15 PM
ive never shown before, ever. thats why im asking. My 85 is all original with 85000 on it, sits in garage with cover on it. my 99 is my daily driver to work. Not sure how to go about this. any help?

08-18-09, 08:18 PM
Register, clean them up, Show Up. Oh yea bring sunscreen.

08-18-09, 08:20 PM
Sure, download the registration, and fill it out, THe classes are in the middle of it. The one thats in the garage would be SD. and the other would be DD. If you have any questions please feel free to contact Dave J or myself. Hope this helps :)

ive never shown before, ever. thats why im asking. My 85 is all original with 85000 on it, sits in garage with cover on it. my 99 is my daily driver to work. Not sure how to go about this. any help?

08-18-09, 08:36 PM
my cars not show worthy, but ill pass it along to justin, he likes entering his gt in shows.

08-18-09, 08:46 PM
Not show worthy? Have you seen my '89 with 180,000 freeway miles and original paint? The entry fee goes towards charity and we spend the day chatting with other 'Stang people from all over.

my cars not show worthy, but ill pass it along to justin, he likes entering his gt in shows.

08-18-09, 08:47 PM
You have a PM.

ive never shown before, ever. thats why im asking. My 85 is all original with 85000 on it, sits in garage with cover on it. my 99 is my daily driver to work. Not sure how to go about this. any help?

08-18-09, 09:05 PM
Not show worthy? Have you seen my '89 with 180,000 freeway miles and original paint? The entry fee goes towards charity and we spend the day chatting with other 'Stang people from all over.

got no prob donating, but still not show worthy lol.

08-18-09, 09:49 PM
are there going to be classes broken down anymore or is there only those 5 classes? especially for the s197 class.

08-18-09, 10:37 PM
Nick and I will be there. My registration will be in the mail tomorrow!:pepper:

08-18-09, 11:40 PM
The final break downs will happen on Oct 16, when we have a final count when pre-registration ends. After Oct 15, you can only enter in PC.
are there going to be classes broken down anymore or is there only those 5 classes? especially for the s197 class.

08-19-09, 09:03 AM
oh ok cool. ill probably send in my registration over the weekend.

08-19-09, 01:00 PM
:bananabang:Mines sent in

08-19-09, 02:58 PM
Remember the first 100 registrations get a pair of these!! Retail $25..

08-21-09, 07:23 PM
I'm thinking of the Mod class for mine as it really doesn't fit any of the concours classes. But do I have enough mods to score well? Interior is pretty much original except for an after market rally pac and AC that look like the original and some rear speakers. It has AR 17 inch wheels and 4W discs. The engine is a 289, but modified with aluminum heads, air gap manifold, Edlebrock carb and headers. Some other things like power R&P steering. Would that be enough mods?

08-21-09, 10:33 PM
I would have to say thats Modded :)

I'm thinking of the Mod class for mine as it really doesn't fit any of the concours classes. But do I have enough mods to score well? Interior is pretty much original except for an after market rally pac and AC that look like the original and some rear speakers. It has AR 17 inch wheels and 4W discs. The engine is a 289, but modified with aluminum heads, air gap manifold, Edlebrock carb and headers. Some other things like power R&P steering. Would that be enough mods?

08-22-09, 11:31 PM
The forms have been out for a couple of days and I have 10 registrations already! Hurry folks!

I think the registration team will be flooded with people wanting to be in the first 100!

08-23-09, 12:16 AM
Got one coming your way Hank - mailed late today. Guess I'm gonna try the mod class. Hey, those shades at going to look good over my bifocals! LOL

08-23-09, 11:06 PM
Im probably going to register the gt500 but it is all stock. will there be like an original new model class? if not i would probably register our gt in the modded class.

08-23-09, 11:16 PM
The choices are JUDGED Classes:Concours, Street Driven, Daily Driver, Modified and and POPULAR VOTE Classes: Peoples Choice (participants only get to vote for every class).

Im probably going to register the gt500 but it is all stock. will there be like an original new model class? if not i would probably register our gt in the modded class.

08-28-09, 01:50 PM
I'm so confused!
$30 for advanced registration and another $5 off for CMC members? So CMC members are $25?
How many are preregistered so far?

Oops, just read the fine print. NEVER MIND.

BUT, I still want to know how many are registered . . .

08-28-09, 03:56 PM
Right, CMC pre-reg is $25. Day of show is $35 and you can only go into particpants choice (no judged entries day of show)

15 pre-registered so far (and I didn't pick up the mail yet today). I'll be processing all those this weekend and anyone who provided an email addy will get an emailed confirmation.

A reminder to all: We can always use more help. The more people that help, the less time each of us will have to work. Setup, tear-down, cleanup, registration, parking, judging, club booth, computer tally-no experience nessasary!

I'm so confused!
$30 for advanced registration and another $5 off for CMC members? So CMC members are $25?
How many are preregistered so far?

Oops, just read the fine print. NEVER MIND.

BUT, I still want to know how many are registered . . .

08-29-09, 06:58 PM
If I sign up for the $20.00 meals, will that price be a specific menu that we will have to order from; or will we be able to order off of the regular menu. Should be a great show!


08-30-09, 01:36 PM
It will be a buffet dinner with multiple selections. I think we'll all find something we like.

If I sign up for the $20.00 meals, will that price be a specific menu that we will have to order from; or will we be able to order off of the regular menu. Should be a great show!


08-30-09, 01:41 PM
Hank pm sent

it will be a buffet dinner with multiple selections. I think we'll all find something we like.

08-31-09, 09:51 AM
Can we pay for the meals when we get there or do we have to send it now? I'm not sure what my plan is for that day as far as eating and if I will have a guest or not with me.

08-31-09, 09:53 AM
That Im not so sure of But we will find out, I dont forsee a problem to pay the day but not sure.

Can we pay for the meals when we get there or do we have to send it now? I'm not sure what my plan is for that day as far as eating and if I will have a guest or not with me.

08-31-09, 02:47 PM
The meals must be pre-paid so the restaurant knows how much food to make. We can change the count up to about 2 weeks before the show. Hey, pay for a friend, if they don't show take a new friend to dinner. We have had dinner there and its good food & fun.


Can we pay for the meals when we get there or do we have to send it now? I'm not sure what my plan is for that day as far as eating and if I will have a guest or not with me.

08-31-09, 05:06 PM
Thanks for the info, Hank.
I sent in my registration over the weekend so you should have it in your mail early this week.
I'm registered on the parking committee and can bring along my netbook if the judges need help with scoring. :pinkthumb:

08-31-09, 10:58 PM
Ok Everyone, I just got finished hand writing and stuffing all 150 envelopes with registrations, If you have already sent yours in then it has crossed in the mail. Just hand it to someone else or when you see one of us just hand it back, I just know this will be a great show. Thanks

08-31-09, 11:33 PM
I'll send an email when I receive you form.

We can use help doing data entry to tally the forms. We usually try to take shifts. Or you can help the judging team.

Thanks for the info, Hank.
I sent in my registration over the weekend so you should have it in your mail early this week.
I'm registered on the parking committee and can bring along my netbook if the judges need help with scoring. :pinkthumb:

09-07-09, 10:29 PM
Total Pregistrations: 34 (great for the first 2 weeks)

09-09-09, 11:35 PM
We're now up to 40 pre-registered. If you would like a goodie bag, send in your forms now and be in the first 100 pre-registered cars! After 100 entries AND day of show won't get the special goodie bags. Day of show can only enter in the PC class-no exceptions.

Total Pregistrations: 34 (great for the first 2 weeks)

09-14-09, 10:41 PM
50 Pre-registered. We've never had so many this soon. Keep'em coming.

We're now up to 40 pre-registered. If you would like a goodie bag, send in your forms now and be in the first 100 pre-registered cars! After 100 entries AND day of show won't get the special goodie bags. Day of show can only enter in the PC class-no exceptions.

09-15-09, 03:38 PM
Looking forward to it!!!


09-16-09, 07:43 AM
Its going to be fffuuuunnnn.....................

09-22-09, 09:16 AM
There are three more registrations in the mail!

Our good friends, Kerry and Sherri Lawrence, will be bringing their '05 GT from Long Beach, CA. While we were at the Queen Mary Show, day before yesterday, they told us their registration was on the way. :icon_cool:
(After the show, during their meeting, I invited all of the Beach Cities Mustang Club members)

And, Julie and I will be there with both cars.

See you there,

09-22-09, 09:25 AM
Very cool. Thanks. That will put us over 60 pre-registered!

There are three more registrations in the mail!

Our good friends, Kerry and Sherri Lawrence, will be bringing their '05 GT from Long Beach, CA. While we were at the Queen Mary Show, day before yesterday, they told us their registration was on the way. :icon_cool:
(After the show, during their meeting, I invited all of the Beach Cities Mustang Club members)

And, Julie and I will be there with both cars.

See you there,

09-22-09, 09:46 AM
Ok, Doing the happy Dance :)) :pepper::pepper::pepper::pepper:

09-22-09, 04:31 PM
Mailing the entry off today, I hope you guys open a Saleen category, looks like there will be a few there.:woot1:

(I hope we are in the 1st 100 BTW)

09-22-09, 05:31 PM
im still not sure what vehicle to register. either our gt in the modded or our gt500 in the street driven class. do you guys no for sure if this is all the classes offered or if there will be classes broken down anymore?

09-22-09, 06:13 PM
I depends on how m,any cars we get in each division but we break them down alot!!

09-22-09, 06:55 PM
Ok this question was just asked and I should update you on what you get for your registration Fee...

The first 100 or till we run out get....

Dash Plaque

Element 8 Sport Sunglasses (Retail$24.99) The earlier you get there the more choices you have to pick from! Yes there is more than one style and color of lenses!!

Goodie Bag

Door Prize!

2010 Ford Mustang Dealer Poster!!

09-22-09, 06:57 PM
im still not sure what vehicle to register. either our gt in the modded or our gt500 in the street driven class. do you guys no for sure if this is all the classes offered or if there will be classes broken down anymore?
Enter them both!!!:bouncy:

09-22-09, 09:29 PM
Ive been thinking about that. that would be pretty cool but i kinda just want to bring one down.

09-22-09, 10:34 PM
The first 100 or till we run out get....

Will someone keep Hank from checking the mail for about three days until mine gets there?:biglaugh::yes:

09-23-09, 12:20 AM
Too late! I had my snail mail forwarded to my car so I don't miss a single one...

Will someone keep Hank from checking the mail for about three days until mine gets there?:biglaugh::yes:

09-23-09, 09:31 AM
Too late! I had my snail mail forwarded to my car so I don't miss a single one...
Hey you aren't going to make me go into the modded class again because I modded my antenna are you?:laughing1: See Ya There!

09-23-09, 09:35 AM
To be correct, it was the antenna AND chrome valve caps.

Hey you aren't going to make me go into the modded class again because I modded my antenna are you?:laughing1: See Ya There!

09-23-09, 12:23 PM
Filling up but no Terminators????? Where are they???

09-23-09, 03:21 PM
I will find out tomorrow if I can have the day off work. If so then there will be at least one Terminator!

09-23-09, 04:38 PM
Filling up but no Terminators????? Where are they???

you know i'll be there. just been tight on cash and have not turned in the form yet. hope to by the end of the week.

10-01-09, 10:35 PM
I am looking forward to this one. Do we get a confirmation sent back to us in the mail? :laughing1:

10-01-09, 11:12 PM
I am looking forward to this one. Do we get a confirmation sent back to us in the mail? :laughing1:
Yes, Hank should be sending an e-mail back at you!

10-02-09, 09:33 AM
Sending registration in today...been sitting on my desk filled out for to long haha


10-02-09, 02:41 PM
Thanks Dave,
I actually just looked over my emails and I found the email from Hank.

Thanks Hank!:hi: I posted the email that I recieved here.

We have received and processed your show registration. If you ordered dinner, your tickets will be in your registration packet. T-shirts will be given to you at that time also.

When you arrive at the show between 9 and 11am (please DO NOT ARRIVE BEFORE 9am - we will not begin registration before then) look for the pre-registered lane. Give the volunteers your first and last name and we'll get your packet and goodie bag. Please check that you received the correct amount of dinner tickets and shirts if you ordered them. They will place your display card on your windshield and direct you towards the parking team.

If you would like to volunteer to work at the show, you will be allowed to park your car when you arrive at 8am. Let me know what you can do by email and I'll forward it to the show group. We can always use help in parking, registration, judging, tallying, setup, club booth, cleanup and tear-down. Even a few hours would be a great help.

Hank Gallo
Registration Team

10-02-09, 05:52 PM
sending in my registration form tomorrow.

10-02-09, 09:05 PM
Better hurry-over 80 preregistered! Are you going in Modified class?

sending in my registration form tomorrow.

10-03-09, 01:01 AM
no im just registering the shelby in the street driven class.

10-03-09, 01:09 PM
im sure this question has already been answered but i didnt feel like reading through 8 pages. When i send my registration do i send the 30 dollars in the mail?

10-03-09, 06:26 PM
Yep You send it with the registration :)

im sure this question has already been answered but i didnt feel like reading through 8 pages. When i send my registration do i send the 30 dollars in the mail?

10-03-09, 10:16 PM
Check or money order made payable to Copperstate Mustang Club, please.

im sure this question has already been answered but i didnt feel like reading through 8 pages. When i send my registration do i send the 30 dollars in the mail?

10-07-09, 10:49 PM
I'm definitely on for this event! Sounds like a great time. I have one dilema though;

I'm president of the Arizona Lightning Owners Club, www.azloc.com (http://www.azloc.com), and we have recently posted a thread on our site about your event. If there is interest from the group would you mind having some SVT Lightnings joining you? If not, I understand. I also have a 2009 Shelby GT500 that I could bring and I am registered here with you and lurk here often.

I'm holding off registering until I know if the L's are welcome. If it's a problem I'll register with the Shelby.

Thanks in advance! You guys and gals are welcome at our website, we'd love to see you post and share with us. We have events throughout the year and you're always welcome. I couldn't be prouder of the group - very good people and I know you'll like them.

10-07-09, 11:28 PM
I'm definitely on for this event! Sounds like a great time. I have one dilema though;

I'm president of the Arizona Lightning Owners Club, www.azloc.com (http://www.azloc.com), and we have recently posted a thread on our site about your event. If there is interest from the group would you mind having some SVT Lightnings joining you? If not, I understand. I also have a 2009 Shelby GT500 that I could bring and I am registered here with you and lurk here often.

I'm holding off registering until I know if the L's are welcome. If it's a problem I'll register with the Shelby.

Thanks in advance! You guys and gals are welcome at our website, we'd love to see you post and share with us. We have events throughout the year and you're always welcome. I couldn't be prouder of the group - very good people and I know you'll like them.

Love to have you! Give us at least 3 and we will make a class for you!

Oh no, now Tony gonna have to try to bring the pair of Super Sonics!!! LOL!!

10-07-09, 11:32 PM
Awesome, thank you!

Tony is a great guy and he's a member of our club. The Sonic Blue truck he owns now is the truck I used to own. He got one heck of a nice Lightning and I know he's loving it!

Let me see who responds to the thread on our site and I'll post back up tomorrow and let you know. Thanks again for the offer!

10-07-09, 11:56 PM
was just gonna print the form and turn it in, and it will most certainly have both vehicles on it. the wife has the day off, and she will bring out the truck. i cannot wait!!!!

btw- thanks HIVOLTAGE, i view myself to be very lucky to be a member of two of the most amazing group of vehicle owners in the USA. :woot1:

10-08-09, 12:03 AM
was just gonna print the form and turn it in, and it will most certainly have both vehicles on it. the wife has the day off, and she will bring out the truck. i cannot wait!!!!

btw- thanks HIVOLTAGE, i view myself to be very lucky to be a member of two of the most amazing group of vehicle owners in the USA. :woot1:

I only speak the truth Tony! Which is rare for a car dealer huh?:biglaugh:

Well we have 2 Lightnings so far which isn't bad for a couple of hour notice. We'll see who esle posts up tomorrow on our site and I'll get back with you. Thanks again for the offer!

I'd love to bring the Shelby too but the wife won't drive it cause it scares her and she won't drive the L cause it terrifies her! And that's why she has a Lexus. LOL

10-08-09, 12:33 AM
sent in my registration on monday.

10-08-09, 09:11 PM
Hello there club members,
Just wanted to inform you guys that we have a 16 year old daughter that will be available to help all day. I know Bob and Alyce were needing help with the kids from 11:30-1:30. If there is anyone else that will need her assistance feel free to let us know she is available alllllll dayyyyyyy.

10-10-09, 10:55 PM
105 Pre-registered! And we still have a few days left for pre-registrations.

10-10-09, 11:17 PM
wow! looks like i got mine in just in time!

10-10-09, 11:30 PM
You did. Just in time!

wow! looks like i got mine in just in time!

10-10-09, 11:30 PM
Getting very close to capacity!!! Thank you all and if you are waiting for day of show please let us know or get your registration in quick. I was able to get 20 more sunglasses to accomodate the registration if that is any hint on how many Mustangs and Lightnings we have coming!!

Thank you all so much for supporting our Show!!!! We will be able to really make a difference in some lives this holiday season!!!


10-11-09, 08:22 AM
That is alot of pre registered cars. This should be a load of fun. Central cruise was a blast last night as well. Is thier also a show in December for Toys for Tots? See you all at Monsoon Madness.:woot1::woot1:

10-11-09, 10:54 AM
That is alot of pre registered cars. This should be a load of fun. Central cruise was a blast last night as well. Is thier also a show in December for Toys for Tots? See you all at Monsoon Madness.:woot1::woot1:
Yes!! and Yes! First we are doing a food drive with Wild West on November 21st on the west side then Toys For Tots in December at Berge!!

10-11-09, 12:52 PM
oh sweet another toys for totz at berge! sweet i cant wait for that one either! seems like theres alot of mustang activity lately and I love it!

10-13-09, 08:29 PM
very cool about the toys for tots! maybe we should do it up with the lightning guys! hey wait...i'm one of those guys... ;)

seriously though, would be good to see a big showing like that has been in the past from the azloc.

10-14-09, 11:15 PM
119 registered as of today and Thursday is the cutoff (for judged classes)

10-15-09, 11:40 PM
Any info where Toby Keith is at ? Or informed about the show, if he's not touring ?

10-16-09, 12:57 AM

He won't be able to make our car show.

Any info where Toby Keith is at ? Or informed about the show, if he's not touring ?

10-17-09, 04:36 PM
Hurt the motor today, my car won't be there now.


10-17-09, 05:04 PM
Well I guess my wife won't be comming, she really wanted to see Toby. I will tell her that he decided to surprise us and show up. LOL

10-17-09, 06:37 PM
You never know who will show up. Just to be with our mustang family is the best. Thanks everyone :)

10-17-09, 07:04 PM
Sorry to hear that!

We're having a car show on Saturday. trailer it over...We won't tell anyone.

Hurt the motor today, my car won't be there now.


10-18-09, 09:10 AM
Is there going to be a gathering at Firebird on Friday night like last year before the Fall show?

10-18-09, 10:37 AM
Yes we have the vip place

10-18-09, 12:42 PM
Sorry to hear that!

We're having a car show on Saturday. trailer it over...We won't tell anyone.

I almost was gonna do this, but I gotta get this motor out and fixed. Minimal downtime is my plan.

10-18-09, 02:46 PM
Yes we have the vip place

What time are we gathering? Same room as last year on the first floor?

10-18-09, 02:50 PM
One of them, Not sure which one, I do believe 6pm or 6:30pm :)

What time are we gathering? Same room as last year on the first floor?

10-18-09, 03:23 PM
Attention: Pre-registration ended Thursday with 123 vehicles. We only have 18 Peoples Choice parking spots left and the show parking lot is FULL. I don't recall ever filling up a parking lot before.

10-18-09, 08:16 PM
that is awesome! cannot wait for next weekend to get here!!!

10-19-09, 09:35 AM
I am really looking forward to the show this year.. I havent been to a mustang show in a long time!

Mr. Austin
10-19-09, 10:40 AM
There any spots open? The kool FM show sounds like a mess. they dont even have the time on registration.

10-19-09, 11:18 AM
There is still a few spots open but dont wait until the last second because we cannot guarantee spots now. If you are for sure coming let Hank know in advance..

Mr. Austin
10-19-09, 12:07 PM
Ok i am actually talking with Nancy trying to figure some thigns out because this is the first year they are having it at the stadium

10-19-09, 06:19 PM
I jumped the gun, motor is ok I will be there!


10-19-09, 06:20 PM
I jumped the gun, motor is ok I will be there!

-Chris Cool beans:pepper:

10-19-09, 10:44 PM
Thats Great news!!

10-20-09, 09:21 PM
Hello Copperstate Mustang Members,
Please excuse my e-mail if I am starting anything, for that is not my reasons for writing you all. We have been hearing talk that the "Firebird Activity" on Friday the 23rd, is going to be another replay of the very long waiting times waiting to run our cars. Something to do with the "Funny Cars" being there as well and freezing up the lanes for them to do practice runs to qualify for their activity on the same weekend. Some of us will be coming down anyway, since we will be participating in your show Saturday, but we have some members that are only coming for your Firebird Raceway event on Friday evening. They really don't want to drive from Payson to only get a chance to run their cars a couple times like in the past. Things happen, and Firebird needs to do what it takes to stay in business during this slow time in our economy, just like the rest of us.
But it would be great to know in advance if this track activity is going to be extremely slow like in the past. They can always plan to do another track event when the schedule wont be so over loaded.
We appreciate everyone at Copperstate for all the hard work you all do in making our hobby a great one. You guys have always done excellent on your car shows and activities, Thank you.
If someone could please help me out and give me what information you might have concerning Firebird and this coming Friday, I would greatly apprecaite it.

Thank you,
Keith Orr
RCMC - Pres.
Payson, AZ

67 'Stang Lover
10-20-09, 10:32 PM
I am very familiar with Firebird Raceway as I used to work there part time and have raced there a lot as well. I will try and explain this the best I can and I am sure other people will help as well as we have a lot of 'Racers' on this Forum. Yes, you are right in that there is a major event this weekend and it is 'The Nostalgia Funny Car Drags'. They had the same one last year and it is a big event. I went to this with my wife after the National Show last October at the Casino on the same Saturday night. It was great and was a huge event.
However, the people that were in line to race had to share the track with all of the 'Run what you Brung' for the regular Friday night Drags and the Racers for the Nostalgia Drags as well. It is very busy and it is not Firebirds fault as they are just trying to run a Business and only have a couple of major Events throughout the fiscal year. This being one of them. I have raced on these nights numerous times and I only got roughly 2-4 runs in down the track in a 6-hour period. On a 'Normal' Friday night event I would usually get 7-20 runs in down the track. It is fun either way but it is up to you. I love the sport so I have a good time either way. Hope this helps. Have fun,

Steve...............('67 and '07 Mustang Owner)

Hello Copperstate Mustang Members,
Please excuse my e-mail if I am starting anything, for that is not my reasons for writing you all. We have been hearing talk that the "Firebird Activity" on Friday the 23rd, is going to be another replay of the very long waiting times waiting to run our cars. Something to do with the "Funny Cars" being there as well and freezing up the lanes for them to do practice runs to qualify for their activity on the same weekend. Some of us will be coming down anyway, since we will be participating in your show Saturday, but we have some members that are only coming for your Firebird Raceway event on Friday evening. They really don't want to drive from Payson to only get a chance to run their cars a couple times like in the past. Things happen, and Firebird needs to do what it takes to stay in business during this slow time in our economy, just like the rest of us.
But it would be great to know in advance if this track activity is going to be extremely slow like in the past. They can always plan to do another track event when the schedule wont be so over loaded.
We appreciate everyone at Copperstate for all the hard work you all do in making our hobby a great one. You guys have always done excellent on your car shows and activities, Thank you.
If someone could please help me out and give me what information you might have concerning Firebird and this coming Friday, I would greatly apprecaite it.

Thank you,
Keith Orr
RCMC - Pres.
Payson, AZ

10-20-09, 11:09 PM
Yes but this year we have home made Pulled Pork Sandwiches by my Lovely Dee! So for the $5 to watch and $15 to race we get a very nice meal, funny cars and jet cars, front row seats and best of all hangin out with all your Mustang Buddies thanks to Stage 3 and CMC!!

10-20-09, 11:26 PM
hope i get there soon enough to eat this year! last year all the food was gone in a flash...

10-20-09, 11:30 PM
I'll save ya a sandwich T!

10-20-09, 11:36 PM
Are we going to be able to park our spectator 'Stangs together again?

Yes but this year we have home made Pulled Pork Sandwiches by my Lovely Dee! So for the $5 to watch and $15 to race we get a very nice meal, funny cars and jet cars, front row seats and best of all hangin out with all your Mustang Buddies thanks to Stage 3 and CMC!!

10-20-09, 11:36 PM
cool and thank you! i'll get there as quickly as i can, but leaving 115th ave and bell at 430 makes me lucky to get there by 6. cannot wait to see what the truck runs! should be interesting. :)

10-20-09, 11:38 PM
Are we going to be able to park our spectator 'Stangs together again?

10-20-09, 11:41 PM
How are we going to get the tickets?

10-20-09, 11:45 PM
We'll have them at the gate or Thusday night at berge also...

10-21-09, 02:22 AM
Thank you Steve for your reply and explanation. I agree with you about Firebird doing business to survive just like the rest of us. I am not complaining at all. I hope that everyone understands this when they read my posting. I was only wanting more information to pass on to our members, so they can make their own decisions on whether they want to pass on the event and wait until another time when it is less crowded, or come on down with the rest of us and enjoy the cars and track. Those that want to do an event where they can get 7 to 12 runs in at one night can make other plans in the near future. We all at RCMC completely understand how all of us need to do what pays the bills. And RCMC apprecaites everything you all at Copperstate are doing for everyone's fun in our Mustang hobby. I know that this will be a great weekend. We are looking forward to it.

Thank you,

67 'Stang Lover
10-21-09, 02:47 AM
Your very welcome. And you are not complaining as this is a public Forum and that is what this is for. I am sure other Member's have their own views on this but as far as coming down to this Event, I would highly recommend it to you and your Member's. I went to this event last year to show my 1967 Mustang but did not race as it was having some issues. I still had a blast being a spectator and helping out others. I can understand that you are all coming in from Payson so that is a different story. The Club has the bottom floor of the Tower reserved for us and you are literally 50ft. away from the starting line. This is a premium location if you are familiar with Firebird Raceway or know where the Tower is. There are plenty of other times that the Club has drag racing events throughout the year and it is usually at Speedworld Raceway in north Phoenix. A great track and less crowded, less stress as well. LOL.
Here is some good advice for you to make an easier decision- If it was me in your situation being from out of town and a long ways away like you all are, I would tell myself this- I would come down to race at Firebird for this event if I just wanted to get a couple of runs in down the track to see what kind of times I could run. Also, to get a 'Feel' for the Track. However, if I was going to come down to do a bunch of 'Test and Tunes', etc. then I would wait for another time when I know that I can get about 10-20 runs in for sure. Like with me, I would race my '07 at this event this Friday but not my '67 as it would need more tuning/testing and maintenance than my '07 would. See what I mean? Hope this helps and good luck. Either way, you all will have a blast.

Thank you Steve for your reply and explanation. I agree with you about Firebird doing business to survive just like the rest of us. I am not complaining at all. I hope that everyone understands this when they read my posting. I was only wanting more information to pass on to our members, so they can make their own decisions on whether they want to pass on the event and wait until another time when it is less crowded, or come on down with the rest of us and enjoy the cars and track. Those that want to do an event where they can get 7 to 12 runs in at one night can make other plans in the near future. We all at RCMC completely understand how all of us need to do what pays the bills. And RCMC apprecaites everything you all at Copperstate are doing for everyone's fun in our Mustang hobby. I know that this will be a great weekend. We are looking forward to it.

Thank you,

10-21-09, 02:18 PM

10-21-09, 05:17 PM
The price is for all who wants to come out and hang out with us!!

10-23-09, 11:38 AM
I'll bet you guys are pretty busy today:yes: See Ya All down there tomorrow:hyper:

10-24-09, 02:45 PM
Thanks for your hospitality!

I had fun meeting and talking with some new people from your club
while watching the drags. You guys are a 1st class act.


10-24-09, 05:33 PM
heck of a show guys!! lots of beautifull mustangs to drool over. Had a great time and cant wait for the next one.

10-24-09, 09:37 PM
Thanks to all who attended and made it a great show. Thanks to all the volunteers.

10-25-09, 12:10 AM
definitely had alot of fun today! got to chat with some of you guys again today. always enjoy that! and i even ended up getting a beautiful trophy!!! enjoyed the dinner as well!

Cant wait for the rock n roll pony show again! Copperstate puts on some world class shows and are the friendliest group of people around!

10-25-09, 12:14 AM
Very cool show! Thank you Copperstate for all of the fun. See you at the next one. :woot2:

10-25-09, 03:10 AM
Thank you Copperstate for putting on this GREAT event. Speaking for all of us from Rim Country Mustang Club in Payson, "We appreciate all the hard work you all did to make this wonderful event". Copperstate is a much larger club than ours in Payson. It was really great to see the large number of Mustang Enthusiasts that gathered together for some FUN. It was a great pleasure to meet as many of your members as we could on this fun weekend. And a special thank you to Dave and Trisha for helping us in every way. You guys are GREAT!
Your Monsoon Madness event was very impressive, and very well thought out and organized. We are looking forward to seeing you all again.


Thank you,
Keith Orr
Payson, AZ

10-25-09, 09:31 AM
Dave, Trish and Hank,
Awesome job at Firebird and the car show.
Dave, tell Denise the sandwiches were great!
Although I don't get to See you guy's much, when I can it's always a great time.

10-25-09, 09:41 AM
Awesome show guys, looking forward to the next one.

The Eades Family had a great time, and it was great seeing everyone again!


10-25-09, 09:48 AM
Thanks everyone, I felt it went pretty good, all the volunteers and others who stepped in to help was awesome. Words cannot express how grateful we are to all of you, if it was not for the Mustang lovers out there, we wouldnt be such a successful club. Whenever I needed help and no club member was around, the participants were more than happy to step in and help out. You guys and gals make this club what it is today. Thank you and Make sure you check your mailbox for a Rock N Roll Show flyer coming up in the spring. Awesome awesome awesome.

10-25-09, 10:27 AM
Great job everyone. Its amazing how you all seemed to pull it together, Trish did a great job with registration and directing traffic. Shes also pretty good at moving new cars around! :laughing:

10-25-09, 10:32 AM
All the Kudos go too Hank and his gang for registration I was just helping to get them in so that the garbage man could come. They did all the hard work :))) But thanks though :)

Great job everyone. Its amazing how you all seemed to pull it together, Trish did a great job with registration and directing traffic. Shes also pretty good at moving new cars around! :laughing:

10-25-09, 12:53 PM
Great show :twothumbsup:had a good time the whole event was handled very smoothly. Big thanks to everybody for their votes for peoples choice.Pretty good for a newbie will be back again.:veryhappy:

10-25-09, 01:18 PM
Great show :twothumbsup:had a good time the whole event was handled very smoothly. Big thanks to everybody for their votes for peoples choice.Pretty good for a newbie will be back again.:veryhappy:

Good to finally meet up with you, and everyone down there, we had a blast.

I posted some pics here already

And would like to say thaks to the Copperstate Mustang Club for hosting another memorable event.

10-25-09, 02:22 PM
what an amazing show! thank you to all the fine folks in our club that make such an awesome event happen. this event was a ton of fun, and i honestly loved the venue. i really cannot thank the people that make these shows happen enough. your work is simply amazing. thank you!!!!

10-25-09, 03:35 PM

A big thank you to all CMC members who helped make it happen. Great job!

Julie and our friends from Long Beach gave me details regarding the time I was absent.
(Work beckoned and I needed to leave prior to 9:00AM - I made it back to the show in time to help clean-up)

Julie and I were both awarded with some hardware, as was our friends Kerry and Sherri from Long Beach.
(I think they should show my car more often) :veryhappy:

The awards were presented without delay. The emcee did a swell job. (Thanks Dave) And, the dinner was very good. These are three areas where many clubs struggle so; "Hat's off," to our staff and the staff at TK.

Kudos to all!
Charlie and Julie