View Full Version : anyone good with a camera?
I am hoping to get the momstang back this week or next after being off the road for almost a year:laughing1:. I can't wait to see how much better the mpgs are:biglaugh: with the new holley systemax heads, trickflow cam, ported cobra intake, shorty headers. I won a complete car detail at the rock-n-roll pony show over a year ago that I have been holding onto and it needs it. I would love to get some good pics of it afterwards and was hoping someone was a little better with a camera then me, as well as had a better camera then me(3.2M so it shouldn't be too hard) could help out with some pics? I can trade car audio/security work or advise if you need it, maybe we can organize a couple of cars to make it worth while or into a fun event?
07-19-09, 02:39 PM
i'm in. i am no pro photographer, but i think i snap off some decent shots. :woot1:
07-19-09, 04:12 PM
Now that you fixed mine and it runs again i would be down for some group photos. Any Tony, you do take some nice pics.
Sounds good! as I said it will be a week er so before I get the car back, and then I need to take advantage of the free detail job but maybe the first or second week of august? Anyone else interested and have ideas of where to shoot at?
07-19-09, 05:22 PM
wish it wasn't so dang hot, because a tortilla flats drive would be a good time. there are some awesome locations out that way.
07-19-09, 05:24 PM
Do we want to do a shoot at the High rise garage in Tempe? I was going to wait until it cooled off but night shots on top of the buildings garage would be cool..
Let em know and we will do it. I will bring my Paramedic Buddy who is a semi pro also..
tortilla has some great spots for singe car shots but it is limited for group shots. The tempe garage could be cool for both and I think it was even good at night wasn't it? That might be our best bet for this time of year, maybe hit it a little before sunset and see how long we want to go. It would also be a good fairly central location for everyone to meet at.
Anyone up for sushi afterwards? I have all kinds of food allergies and it is one of the few foods that I can tolerate......
07-19-09, 07:12 PM
i would be up for the garage! i have been wanting to make it to that one. plus, there would be plenty of places to grab a bite to eat.
and that would be great to get that dude out dave. i loved talking to him at the rock and roll pony show. he definetly knows his stuff when it comes to pics.
07-19-09, 08:51 PM
Ok I will get in touch with the RP and let her know that we are planning a photo shoot. She told me it would be fine for us to do that. Lets get a date and go from there.
sounds like we got a plan! I was also noticing that we have one of every style from fox on right now. It will look cool to have them lined up by age.
Before we pick a particular date, lets start with days in general. Me, beind unemployed have almost any day available..... Is there anyone that has a day that is either good or bad for them? I am thinking maybe a month out as I am still hopin to get the car back any day but.....
Who else is in? This is it? Don't make me dare ya but you will be cool if you do it.....
07-19-09, 10:06 PM
I have good pics of the Mustangs maybe I'll bring the new Challenger for some shots..
Let me look at the calendar for August not a whole lot going on so anyday works for me...
Count me in. Just let me know when and where and I will be there! :veryhappy:
stopped by the shop today and was happy to see that they are almost ready to fire her up and take her to the tuner tomorow or friday. IT looked good with the polished valve coverd, new headers and a freshly painted intake:woot1:. I called the detail dept at berg ford and found out that they only need a day or two notice and it even includes the engine bay! So like I said, is there any day that is good or bad for anyone so we can start to pick a date? Does anyone have a set schedule that we can work around? Tony I think your schedule would be the most important since your takin the pics. When is good for you?
07-22-09, 08:53 PM
Count me in if the Saleen is still around. Just let me know when.
07-22-09, 09:59 PM
I want to get some better shots of my baby too, so count me in Davearino :))):woot1::woot1:
07-22-09, 11:02 PM
Ok, so one of our SWA guys is a real pro with digital stuff, he's a "rice but nice" guy and he would love to join us for the shoot. I will get some samples of what he hass done and I'm sure your gonna be impressed like I was...
glad to hear that we have so many people interested. Again, what afternoon/evenings are the best/worst for you?
07-23-09, 09:18 AM
For me I will be available the week of August 10th. How does the weekend of Friday the 14th sound for everyone? Easy for me to say as I'm not the man with the camera. :biglaugh:
07-23-09, 10:43 AM
Damn I would be down if I didnt have a HUGE HOLE in my convertible top where the window seperated. Its embarrassing to drive anywhere...If someone could tell me where I can pick up a new top for fairly cheap I would be down. Might even install my 99 cobra front bumper too
07-23-09, 10:49 AM
Just put the top down!!!!
07-23-09, 11:02 AM
I suppose I could, well the only other thing that bothers me is my yellow foggy headlights but i guess ill live. Just let me know when this is going down!
I suppose I could, well the only other thing that bothers me is my yellow foggy headlights but i guess ill live. Just let me know when this is going down!
Have you tried buffing the lense with something as simple as a powerball mini? I just got one and would be happy to let you try it if you want. I would just bring the cordless drill(if my battery is still good) and some compound, can't hurt?
I JUST PICKER HER UP!!!!! A day early but we decided to wait and see if it failed emmisions and then go tune it if it needs it. It has no surging or idle problems, no check engine light and after a short drive looks to be running normal! I didn't get it above 3k rpms as I want to take it easy for the first 4-500 miles, but I am plannin a long drive at sunset tonight!
The valvetrain was a little louder then we would have liked at first but I think it was just from sitting for a little while inbetween installs. We added some cam additive and I put in a fuel cleaner on the way home. This with a tank of fresh gas made a big difference in the noise by the time I got home and I expect it to go down even more with more miles. The car sat for a year, old gas and everything else taken into account she seems ok. AC isn't workin so I am going to check the freon a little later when she cools off.
07-23-09, 03:59 PM
Thats great!! Lets pick that date... August 14th???
07-23-09, 04:02 PM
Thats great!! Lets pick that date... August 14th???
that would eliminate me. the 14-16 i will be at dodger games in the evening. :woot1:
ttocs- glad to hear you got your car back! cool deal man.
07-23-09, 04:10 PM
It doesn't really matter to me I just need a date so I can Call the RP..
That could be a problem if tony was bringin the camera. Is the weekend before or after better?
07-23-09, 04:56 PM
any other weekend is fine with me. just not that one.
i think a few others are bringin cameras too though.
07-23-09, 05:02 PM
How is the following weekend or the following week for everyone?
I am open to any night as long as my stomach doesn't start acting up. This would put us on the weekend of the 21st, 22nd and 23rd. My b-day is the 24th so it would be a cool gift for myself to get some pics. Anyone else have a perference on the weekends or on the days/nights of the weekends? We can just figure out when the most can show up and go with that?
07-23-09, 06:18 PM
Anytime should work for me. I will be around until the 25th then leave for Hawaii for a week.
07-24-09, 12:54 AM
Ok what about the 21st or 22nd?? Sound Good?
07-24-09, 01:11 AM
Yeah ive tried just about every technique you could think of to restore the headlights but they are just too far gone..Im just gonna buy some smoked clear corners because they will look a hell of a lot better than these ever could. SO hopefully I can pick those up sometime before the shoot
Have you tried buffing the lense with something as simple as a powerball mini? I just got one and would be happy to let you try it if you want. I would just bring the cordless drill(if my battery is still good) and some compound, can't hurt?
I JUST PICKER HER UP!!!!! A day early but we decided to wait and see if it failed emmisions and then go tune it if it needs it. It has no surging or idle problems, no check engine light and after a short drive looks to be running normal! I didn't get it above 3k rpms as I want to take it easy for the first 4-500 miles, but I am plannin a long drive at sunset tonight!
The valvetrain was a little louder then we would have liked at first but I think it was just from sitting for a little while inbetween installs. We added some cam additive and I put in a fuel cleaner on the way home. This with a tank of fresh gas made a big difference in the noise by the time I got home and I expect it to go down even more with more miles. The car sat for a year, old gas and everything else taken into account she seems ok. AC isn't workin so I am going to check the freon a little later when she cools off.
07-24-09, 01:28 AM
I had to replace my headlights on my 2000 and found some very cool ones on ebay for about $100 and they are so easy to change!!
07-24-09, 01:50 AM
I heard you have to put some sort of silicone sealant around the lights to prevent moisture from getting in. Is it hard to do? did you have to do it?
21 or 22 is good for me too. I was assuming an evening shot for the light but we could beat the heat and do it in the morning if we want. Temps would be less, no traffic and such but we would need to be up early.
I have never had an issue with headlights but I did lightly smoke mine a while back and then do a good quality uv clear that was made for fiberglass bodys so it can bend a little. Taking the lights out is easy enough. I would think you could sand/buff/polish them and then clear over them over night.
darn darn darn..... I took the momstang for a short shake-down drive last night as I wanted to put a few miles on her before going to emissions as I planned this morning. I didn't get a mile from my house before the sheriff reminded me that I needed to re-tape the temp permit to the back window. I put it on there when I left the shop and noticed 3 miles later that it was starting to peel off in one corner to I pulled over and tore it off rather then loose it. I have rarely noticed a cop behind me to run my plates but they did expire in sept 08... They checked me out, felt me up and cut me loose. After returning home to tape it on stronger I went out for a short ride. The valves or lifters were still louder then I liked but they quieted down quite a bit. At one point I was crusing along at 2k rpms and it started to buck a little bit, and after a short ride on the 202 the check engine light came on. Besides this the AC wasn't working so I decided to drop her back off this morn for a tune. I called back this afternoon and they said that they thought it was still too loud and wanted to check out the valves and lifters to make sure before they take it to tune it. He said they will not charge me any labor only parts to make it right so it is nice to know it will get done. Unfortunatly they can't start on it till monday....... Oh well, had her for a day.
07-25-09, 10:48 AM
I heard you have to put some sort of silicone sealant around the lights to prevent moisture from getting in. Is it hard to do? did you have to do it?
No!, you should not have to if they are are good set..
The 22nd works great for me. Do we know the time and place yet?
that is 3 of us that can make it that day. But if we don't have a camera guy this will not be as much fun...
07-27-09, 11:31 PM
If the 22nd works out that is the date that I will give Katy, she called back and said we can use the garage. I will sign a waiver for liability in case of injury so dont be jumpin off the darn thing!! We will also have coolers for drinks...
The address is
Suncor Development Co.
80 East Rio Salado Parkway
Top floor parking garage..
Time TBA Sunset Shots, Yes or No then around 6pm.
As soon as we get a concensus I will start a new thread..
07-28-09, 12:19 PM
22nd works for me as well.
Is this a late model shoot or can a classic get in as well?
07-28-09, 07:06 PM
i am in for the 22nd
the more the marrier......
do we have a camera?
07-29-09, 10:04 AM
We have several Cameras! I'll start a new thread as Katy at Suncor said we are all set to use the garage.. All Cars any Year Closing this thread. Got to Photo Shoot 2009 for more info.
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