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View Full Version : West Gate Johnny Rockets this Friday!

07-12-09, 08:21 PM
Third Friday, Johnny Rockets at West gate 6pm!! Hot outside! Cool Inside!!

Dessert and Movie at Hanks after dinner! Bring your own drinks and swim suit!!!

07-12-09, 08:27 PM
sounds like a plan!

07-12-09, 09:17 PM
Hank is going to pick out some movies and post up a poll to see what we want to watch..

07-12-09, 11:23 PM
I will try to make it, I work till 6 and on Saturday too :(((

07-14-09, 08:32 PM
Bruce Almightly
Jurrasic Park

Hank is going to pick out some movies and post up a poll to see what we want to watch..

07-14-09, 08:34 PM
Speed If I can make it lol, Ima try

Bruce Almightly
Jurrasic Park

07-14-09, 09:11 PM
How about Apollo 13??? Love that movie!

07-14-09, 10:28 PM
I'm up for that. I dont think i have it though.

How about Apollo 13??? Love that movie!

07-16-09, 10:55 PM
Wow Your kidding, I'll bring it!

07-16-09, 11:22 PM
Thanks! Did everyone get their blaster message?

Wow Your kidding, I'll bring it!

07-17-09, 07:54 AM
Nope didnt get mine, phone rang twice I picked it up and it hung up

07-17-09, 09:38 AM
It must have thought you were an answering machine...

Nope didnt get mine, phone rang twice I picked it up and it hung up

07-17-09, 09:39 AM
Hmmmm..... I might actually try to make it down there for this. is it gonna be a 6pm sharp time?

07-17-09, 09:46 AM
Naww I usually get them, I wont be able to make it tonight, I will make the next one though, Gas is nill, sorry

It must have thought you were an answering machine...

07-17-09, 12:04 PM
How about Madea goes to jail. Tyler Perry is hilariouse!

07-17-09, 02:46 PM
Around 6pm at Johnny Rockets. Some get there alittle earlier and a few come alittle later. We're usually done eating by 7~7:30pm. Then heading to our place by Cave Creek & 101 to watch Apollo 13 on our 20 x 30 foot outdoor screen. I think I'll be watching form the pool in 110 degree heat tonight.

Hmmmm..... I might actually try to make it down there for this. is it gonna be a 6pm sharp time?

07-26-09, 06:13 PM
I almost forgot to post photos! Great turnout. I think they should give us more table space. Maybe we'll try somewhere different next time. How about Freddys Frozen Custard on 51st Ave & Bell (conveniently located next to Harbor Freight). Watching Apollo 13 on the 40th anniversary of the first moon landing worked out pretty cool.