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07-01-09, 09:57 PM
1969 Mustang Drag Car - Sam's Back!
A Terror On The Northeast Match-Racing Circuit, Sam Auxier Jr.'s Ultra Stock '69 Mustang Has Been Restored To Its Red, White, And Blue Glory (http://www.highperformancestangs.com/featuredvehicles/mump_0906_1969_mustang_drag_car/index.html)In 1969, you could hardly pick up a drag-racing magazine without spotting a picture of Sam Auxier Jr.'s '69 Mustang. Based in Maryland, Sam and his red, white, and blue fastback match-raced all over the northeast, taking on big names in drag racing like Bill "Grumpy" Jenkins, Ronnie Sox, and Al Joniec. Also a competitor in the UDRA's Ultra Stock class, where it earned Cars magazine's title as "Ultimate Ultra Stocker," Sam's Mustang was a pre-cursor to what eventually became Pro Stock.

Photo Gallery: 1969 Mustang Drag Car - Sam's Back!- Mustang Monthly Magazine (http://www.highperformancestangs.com/featuredvehicles/mump_0906_1969_mustang_drag_car/index.html)

Photo Gallery: 1969 Mustang Drag Car - Sam's Back!- Mustang Monthly Magazine (http://www.highperformancestangs.com/featuredvehicles/mump_0906_1969_mustang_drag_car/index.html)

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Full Story.. (http://www.mustangmonthly.com/featuredvehicles/mump_0906_1969_mustang_drag_car)