View Full Version : Im Screwed...

06-18-09, 03:58 PM
well about an hour ago i was driving down Glendale ave around 77th ave to go to my girlfriends house, and i was drivin a little over the speed limit like always. BUT i was keeping up with traffic, Well needless to say i got pulled over and got a fat ass ticket for 480$. The cops exact words to me were, "Were you drag racing or just keeping up with traffic?" I told him straight up i know i was drivin a little fast im not going to lie but i was keeping up with traffic, my turns right up there. Well his response was "The only reason why i got you instead of those other 3 were you were the one in front." WTF? really dude?? i pulled over to not be a dick and he ****in gives me some bullsh!t reason like that?? Anyways he said i was going 72 in a 40, which is bulls!t once again cuz i looked down at the exact time he flipped his lights on and i was going 56. So i guess my question is, im fighting the ticket but how should i go along doing so?? Any ideas? And the cop tried to pull the whole well you have big custom rims so that might throw your speedo off, which i've got gears too and my program was set up for my gears and tire size. But anyway i need some help! And i cant go to driving school im like 3 months shy...

06-18-09, 04:16 PM
Was anyone in the car with you?

06-18-09, 04:40 PM
yeah my girlfriend and her brother

06-18-09, 05:11 PM
Best bet is take it to court and admit you were speeding but not as fast as the officer noted. Tell him you were doing 56 and not 72. The judge will take your honesty into consideration and most likely reduce your fine.

There's no way he will throw the ticket out.

06-18-09, 05:21 PM
Im not lookin for a get outa jail free card but it was total Bullsh!t. I admitted to speeding but i guess it wasnt good enough lol. I dont have a problem payin the fine for the speed i was driving i mean screwed up i pay for it but i dont think jewin somebody like that is very honest but sh!t its glendale pd what do u expect

El Jefe
06-18-09, 05:48 PM
You ask to see the radar? Radar detector?

06-18-09, 06:03 PM
No i didnt think too, foolishly. BUT it takes a stock Mustang GT 170 feet to stop from 70mph - 0mph with the brake to the floor, i went less distance without nailing the brakes another flaw for that bullsh!t ticket

06-18-09, 06:05 PM
Sorry to hear that man..hope the judge can cut you some slack.

06-18-09, 07:19 PM
so heres what i got so far...

-I was keepin up with 3 cars so we all were speeding
-Had 2 people in my car plus me to witness i wasnt
going 70
-Couldnt have gone 72mph and stop as early as i did without lockin up my brakes and gettin a ticket for reckless driving
-Couldnt of been able to turn off the road safe if i was traveling 72mph without gettin another ticket for that
-Plus even the cop asked if i was racing or keepin up with traffic.


06-18-09, 07:26 PM
Cops don't have to show you their radar findings.

06-18-09, 07:33 PM
cops are always right its gay no point in even tryin

06-18-09, 07:42 PM
:madashell:Aaaarghh !! Hopefully the judge will be lenient,especially when you let him know about stopping distances. Good Luck !

06-18-09, 08:06 PM
Your first line of defense should be... You Honor, it's a Mustang and no one who owns a Mustang ever races, goes fast or gets crazy... we are all law biding people.... NOT! A fine and some points sound like a sure thing, being honest, taking resposibility and ownership of your wrong while keeping a real positive attitude may help, can't hurt. Think your facts and witnesses might help bring it down from 72 MPH but don't hold your breath. If all fails and your hanging on your last thread, you could always say your Honor... Its not my fault, there are these spirits in these Wild Ponies and you can't control them or your self when your behind the wheel slamming gears, and because of these spirts, your planning on selling the Stang and plan to buy a Yugo so this never happens again.... Then duck cuz I'll bet his gavel will be flying across the room in your direction. Really, best of luck and it all will come down to how the judge is feeling that day coupled with how is wife has been treating him lol.

06-18-09, 08:47 PM
What was the ticket you got? criminal or civil? Exhibition of speed?

06-18-09, 09:24 PM
civil traffic and the violation stated on here was "Speed not reasonable" lol

06-19-09, 01:13 AM
There is nothing to plea down. Pay your fine and go on your way. Sucks but thats about all you have for options.

06-19-09, 12:51 PM
Best bet is take it to court and admit you were speeding but not as fast as the officer noted. Tell him you were doing 56 and not 72. The judge will take your honesty into consideration and most likely reduce your fine.

There's no way he will throw the ticket out.


06-20-09, 01:07 AM
i get what you mean. I know i was speeding just wasnt going 72 so im gunna go to court admit to speeding but not going 72, lower ticket its all good. i mean the worst thing that can happen is i get to pay the full amount. O WELL at this point i have no other options.

06-24-09, 02:04 AM
Traffic school to avoid points?

06-28-09, 11:55 PM
Man, that sucks. Sorry to hear that happened to you.