06-12-09, 02:48 AM
Ok so I was in Tempe tonight. I pull out and get to about 45 pretty quickly then coast to the speed limit. Then the car behind me turns on its lights...its a cop. He asks me why he pulled me over and i said maybe cause i was speeding lik 5+ over. And he looks at me and say are you kidding me your were going 60+. I ask him for the radar to prove that and he said no and just says i could tell you were going that fast. So all in all i got a criminal citation. Its marked 56+ in a 35.
First of all in the short of time when i pulled out to pulling over i would have to get on it pretty good to even get close to sixty. I'm running pretty much straight pipes out the back so he prob heard me. But had no proof of me going that fast which i didnt.
A friend of mine that saw me get pulled over told me when i go to court to tell the judge that the officer did not show the radar when asked, that it would get me out of the ticket.
I'm so scared right now i really don't konw what to do, does anyone have any suggestions for me and is my friend right?
Tempe Cops are dicks..:chair:
First of all in the short of time when i pulled out to pulling over i would have to get on it pretty good to even get close to sixty. I'm running pretty much straight pipes out the back so he prob heard me. But had no proof of me going that fast which i didnt.
A friend of mine that saw me get pulled over told me when i go to court to tell the judge that the officer did not show the radar when asked, that it would get me out of the ticket.
I'm so scared right now i really don't konw what to do, does anyone have any suggestions for me and is my friend right?
Tempe Cops are dicks..:chair: