View Full Version : FNG from san diego

05-30-09, 04:31 PM
Hey guys new on here. in the military stationed in san diego but from Tn. any way have a 03 mach 1. about to do a 5.0 stroker kit and a procharger at the end of the year. just lookin for some helpfull advice. any suggestions are welcome. thanks guys:hi:

05-30-09, 04:50 PM

05-30-09, 05:13 PM

Thanks for your service!


05-30-09, 06:24 PM
Welcome and Thank you!

05-30-09, 09:16 PM
Welcome!! Funny I'm in Mission Bay right now.. Paradise Point Resort!!!

05-30-09, 09:52 PM
Welcome!! Funny I'm in Mission Bay right now.. Paradise Point Resort!!!

i bet thats fun. i should be back in san diego by early july:woot2:. were in hawaii right now and i am sick of it already i just want to get back from this deployment. maybe well run into each other some time...

thanks for the encouragement guys.

05-30-09, 10:16 PM
Deployed to a tropical island....man I need some deployments like that


05-30-09, 10:19 PM
Deployed to a tropical island....man I need some deployments like that


oh no i wish i was deployed here were just stoppin in for a few days. have been gone since jan. and not alot of tropical to it. would tell you more but one of those cant tell things.

05-31-09, 02:00 PM
Navy or Marines?

06-01-09, 01:47 AM
Navy or Marines?


John@CBF Racing
06-01-09, 04:18 PM
:biglaugh:Nice to hear from the SD, i just moved to Phoenix from SD in NOV to get this Gig started. when you get ready to get busy on the car get in touch.

thanks for your service!:bouncy:

06-01-09, 07:37 PM
Welcome from a former squid and current Mach1 owner.

When you're getting close to your build time gimme a call and well talk about a few things. I know one or two things about Mach1s.:laughing::laughing:

06-01-09, 10:39 PM
hey guys thanks for the help. will def be callin around for help when it is time for the swap...

Lrd Vdr
06-06-09, 08:17 AM
Welcome to the site.

Lrd Vdr
06-14-09, 12:35 PM
Welcome fellow Macher.