View Full Version : Copperstate Mustang Club's 2nd Annual Mustang Monsoon Madness Car Show
08-06-06, 12:05 AM
Copperstate Mustang Club's 2nd Annual Mustang Monsoon Madness Car Show held at the Holiday Inn Suites in Mesa (US-60 & Country Club) the weekend of October 20-22. For more infomation and registration forms please visit
08-06-06, 12:19 PM
Thanks for posting the show, westill are locking down our cruise destination on Sunday the 22nd but I thinks its going to be the Penske Museum in Scottsdale!
Penske Museum in Scottsdale would be nice Dave.
Especially if we pick a fun route there.
I have an idea if you don't mind adding 30-40 extra miles :beerchug:
08-10-06, 10:06 AM
I contacted the Museum and they are going to let me know by friday. If you have a route that would be great, I was going to use the Superior, Globe, like we used before. Let me know what you have.
Going through Globe is a great route...
I think that trumps my idea :beerchug:
08-12-06, 06:41 PM
Going through Globe is a great route...
I think that trumps my idea :beerchug:
I think I can talk some Mach 1's into joining us on that cruise! We had a good time on the Pony Cruise taking that route.
Torchmach - glad to hear it about the show, after a couple months of not much happening, it's good to see things starting to pickup again in september and october.
08-13-06, 06:38 PM
Torchmach - glad to hear it about the show, after a couple months of not much happening, it's good to see things starting to pickup again in september and october.
Its to hot to do anything locally right now, unless it is to meetup, to cruise to a Car Show in Williams, or Flagstaff. But there will be lots to do from mid October on.
08-13-06, 06:44 PM
Its to hot to do anything locally right now, unless it is to meetup, to cruise to a Car Show in Williams, or Flagstaff. But there will be lots to do from mid October on.
I am looking forward to some cool air. I have too much tread on my tires.
08-15-06, 12:11 AM
We are driving up this friday to Willliams and the there are two groups going to Flagg on Friday Sept. 8 We are also having groups go to the Queem mary Show, San Diego Show and to the Cardinal Stadium
10-12-06, 10:43 PM
Don't forget to have your registrations for the car show postmarked by 10/15!!! After that it will be day of show registration (7-9am) and you'll be in Participants Choice.
The hospitality Suite is Friday 10/20 from 6pm until ? We have complimentary food and a special movie picked out.
Cruise on Sunday 10/22-sign up on by 10/21 at noon for a $5 Subway lunch at Penske on Sunday.
10-14-06, 11:54 PM
Just an Update, The show is almost sold out!!! so if your gonna bring your Stang you better get the form in quick!!
10-14-06, 11:58 PM
Don't forget to have your registrations for the car show postmarked by 10/15!!! After that it will be day of show registration (7-9am) and you'll be in Participants Choice.
The hospitality Suite is Friday 10/20 from 6pm until ? We have complimentary food and a special movie picked out.
Cruise on Sunday 10/22-sign up on by 10/21 at noon for a $5 Subway lunch at Penske on Sunday.
I want to sign up for the cruise, I totally forgot with all going on, He Dave Ill be there wed at 4:30/5:00 to help stuff the goodie bags. :laughing1:
10-15-06, 12:22 AM
No problem ,you can sign up for the cruise on Saturday Morning but the cut off is noon so Don can have the lunches made up!!
I'll be there for the cruise on Sun...but can't make the show on Sat. Sign me up.
So what's the offical route this year and are there check points alone the route like last year?
What time is everyone meeting?
10-16-06, 05:26 PM
Mostly the same route through Globe and Florence winding up at Penske in Scottsdale. We're meeting at 7:30am for contnental breakfast courtesy of Holiday Inn and drivers meeting. We're departng at 8am. FRS/GMRS radios would be helpful. You can purchase a lunch ticket up till Saturday at noon at the show for a $5 Subway lunch (Turkey sandwich/chips/water/cookie) to be served Sunday at Penske around noon.
I'll be there for the cruise on Sun...but can't make the show on Sat. Sign me up.
So what's the offical route this year and are there check points alone the route like last year?
What time is everyone meeting?
So we're going out to Globe...south to Florence, then back to the valley thru Coolidge???, cross town(101) to Scottsdale to the Musuem???.
I thought someone mentioned north out of Globe alone the lake route to Jakes Corner, then back south on Beeline to Shea, then over to the Museum.. OK
Sounds Good...
Downtown(old town) Globe has some great parking places. Some antigue shops are starting to set up and a few mom and pop restuarants are opening. Great place to park 30+ cars on the street.
Bad news guys, not gonna be able to make the show. Friend of the family passed away this week and the service is on sat, so I'm gonna be up in Prescott this weekend. Have fun everybody.
10-21-06, 03:13 AM
sorry to hear man. i send my condolences.
btw- suggestion for the wise, don't try a mod you have never done and did not research enough before a big show. notice the time? yea. 2 am. and i get up at 6 to be out there. yipes!!!
10-21-06, 03:31 PM
I loaded a bunch of Photos from the show into the photo gallery.:icon_razz:
10-21-06, 05:58 PM
i'll get some of mine up here in the next few days...
btw- congrats to trish on the trophy!!
10-21-06, 10:22 PM
Man there was alot of beautiful 'stangs there at the show today. I gotta bunch of pics myself. :) I didn't show though. I arrived a bit late for that.
BTW: You can find my shots here:
10-21-06, 10:25 PM
Oh.. and I will be there tomarrow for the Cruise. Just look for the 'vert you see in the Sig. That'll be me... only with newer Headlights. :)
10-22-06, 12:03 AM
So we're going out to Globe...south to Florence, then back to the valley thru Coolidge???, cross town(101) to Scottsdale to the Musuem???.
I thought someone mentioned north out of Globe alone the lake route to Jakes Corner, then back south on Beeline to Shea, then over to the Museum.. OK
Sounds Good...
Downtown(old town) Globe has some great parking places. Some antigue shops are starting to set up and a few mom and pop restuarants are opening. Great place to park 30+ cars on the street.
We are going to Superior, Globe/Miami ,Roosevelt Lake back down the Beeline through Fountain Hills onto the 101 and then onto Scottsdale Road!! Penske Museum around 12:30, 1:00 And Thanks to everyone who came out today A new record for the club!!!
10-22-06, 06:47 PM
Well ok that sucked... was well on my way to Mesa for the cruise early this morning and just as I was about to hit the 17 south from from the 69 outta Prescott Valley I glanced down at my Temp. It was pegged into the RED. So I scoot across the bridge to the gas station were the Water/Air station is. Steam came billowing out from under the hood as soon as I stopped. Fearing to shut it down just yet I popped the hood and start pumping water into the over flow bottle and looking around. I couldn't believe it. The damn short piece of hose that connects from the water pump to the heater bypass on thermostat housing split. Not too big but enough to allow a good trickle of coolent to make a big mess.
Had no choice to limp it back to Prescott Valley stopping 3 times along the way to put more water in it. 'course by the time a parts store opened so I could replace the hose you guys were well on cruise. Hope ya'll had fun and wish I coulda been there. :(
10-22-06, 07:06 PM
What a bummer, it was great I'm sure Hank, Dan and Chris will post pics tonight or tomorrow!! It could have beeen alot worse for you ya know glad you found it before it destroyed something!!!
10-22-06, 08:05 PM
Those are some fine looking cars, Whooo hooo What a great time I had, I am so exhausted Though, But it was well worth it due to the fact I won 3rd Place, out of 226 points I got 216, They told me it was very very clean for an every day driving vehicle. I am so Proud of My baby whooo hooo. I added a few photos I took from the cruise and my trophy Im so proud of whoo hoooo :2thumbs:
10-22-06, 08:14 PM
Bad news guys, not gonna be able to make the show. Friend of the family passed away this week and the service is on sat, so I'm gonna be up in Prescott this weekend. Have fun everybody.
Im so sorry to hear that buddy, You take care, Trisha
10-22-06, 08:15 PM
i'll get some of mine up here in the next few days...
btw- congrats to trish on the trophy!!
Thank you very much, I was so excited, I didnt get excited hahahaha:2thumbs: :laughing1: :laughing1: , It was great for sure:awsome:
10-22-06, 09:03 PM
What a bummer, it was great I'm sure Hank, Dan and Chris will post pics tonight or tomorrow!! It could have beeen alot worse for you ya know glad you found it before it destroyed something!!!
Ya no kiddin. The whole way back to my house I was freaking out thinking I might sieze it up it was running so hot. By the time I got back in my driveway it sounded like it dropped a cylinder and idled very rough it was running so hot. It's all peachey keen now though. Running like a champ. :thmbsup:
10-22-06, 10:15 PM
Glad to hear you made it home with out any damage. We had to Shelby-H Rent-A-Cars in the group. Stopping for ourt break we picked up another one that was out for a drive! Photos shortly.
If anyone would like to contibute photos from any of this years Monsoon events, please contact me. We're going to get together later this week to select the photos for the Show DVD. Or just send me the OK to use yours if they are posted somewhere (and the link to them). I'm thinking between Chris, Dan and I we have about 1,000 photos?!? Plus Jeff's and.....
And congrats to all the winners!!
Ya no kiddin. The whole way back to my house I was freaking out thinking I might sieze it up it was running so hot. By the time I got back in my driveway it sounded like it dropped a cylinder and idled very rough it was running so hot. It's all peachey keen now though. Running like a champ. :thmbsup:
10-22-06, 11:06 PM
hank- i'll drop off my pics one night this week.
oh, and i forgot to look at the point from judging, is it still possible to see that? i was curious about it. but i was seriously drained and after not hearing my name in my class i took off. bad staying up till 3am and getting up a 6am.
10-22-06, 11:27 PM
That would be great! Thanks.
Not sure. I just asked for the registration sheets, and I think the judging forms were with them. I'll let you know if I get them.
hank- i'll drop off my pics one night this week.
oh, and i forgot to look at the point from judging, is it still possible to see that? i was curious about it. but i was seriously drained and after not hearing my name in my class i took off. bad staying up till 3am and getting up a 6am.
11-01-06, 08:53 PM
Quick question guys. The pictures that was taken of all the cars as they drove in the car show are they going to be on the cd? Also the pictures of all the winners on the cd? WHen the cd's are finished, were can we get them? I know, I know, I'm just full of questions:icon_biggrin:
11-01-06, 09:03 PM
I hope to have the show DVD's completed by the Nov 12 meeting. They will be given to all banquet attendees (1 per family). Yes all the photos will be on there in a slide show format (and they are on the disc so you can print them). We have collected pictures from other people to add. Plus some special Ford stuff.
Quick question guys. The pictures that was taken of all the cars as they drove in the car show are they going to be on the cd? Also the pictures of all the winners on the cd? WHen the cd's are finished, were can we get them? I know, I know, I'm just full of questions:icon_biggrin:
11-01-06, 09:04 PM
I now have all the judging sheets.
oh, and i forgot to look at the point from judging, is it still possible to see that? i was curious about it. but i was seriously drained and after not hearing my name in my class i took off. bad staying up till 3am and getting up a 6am.
11-01-06, 09:18 PM
Cool. Is there any way I can get a CD, or a copy of it? I will pay for it if need be. And of course a copy of the judging sheet :awsome:
11-01-06, 09:28 PM
Yes. Do you remember your car number? If I have extra DVD's they are $10.
Cool. Is there any way I can get a CD, or a copy of it? I will pay for it if need be. And of course a copy of the judging sheet :awsome:
11-01-06, 09:33 PM
Yes, it was S20-3. If you have an extra CD, I would love to have one. Just tell me where to send or drop off the money! :2thumbs: Thanks!
11-01-06, 09:45 PM
I have that sheet in hand! You did very well. Will you attend the Nov 12 club meeting? I can bring the sheet and maybe DVD.
Yes, it was S20-3. If you have an extra CD, I would love to have one. Just tell me where to send or drop off the money! :2thumbs: Thanks!
11-01-06, 09:58 PM
Sweet. I'm going to try and go to the meeting on the 12th. I was planning on entering both car show that weekend. The one on the 11th and the 12th. Are you going to the one on the 11th?
11-02-06, 08:14 AM
I wanted to attend the 11th car show, but I already committed to the Vet's Day parade. Thats always alot of fun. We usually have VIP's in the 'verts and the rest of the 'Stangs hold up the CMC spot in the parade. One year we went through twice. That was a bit much.
If we make it back from Williams ealry on Sunday, I'll be at the meeting.
Sweet. I'm going to try and go to the meeting on the 12th. I was planning on entering both car show that weekend. The one on the 11th and the 12th. Are you going to the one on the 11th?
11-02-06, 08:20 AM
I wanted to attend the 11th car show, but I already committed to the Vet's Day parade. Thats always alot of fun. We usually have VIP's in the 'verts and the rest of the 'Stangs hold up the CMC spot in the parade. One year we went through twice. That was a bit much.
If we make it back from Williams ealry on Sunday, I'll be at the meeting.
Is the parade still on Hank? I have not heard anything. I did sign up for it, But Dave gave me tickets to the race and its the same day.
11-02-06, 03:34 PM
Yep. Still on! Some people are lucky to get good tickets like that....
Is the parade still on Hank? I have not heard anything. I did sign up for it, But Dave gave me tickets to the race and its the same day.
11-05-06, 02:32 PM
E-mail me and I can give you your score breakdown. hanksgt AT yahoo dot com
Cool. Is there any way I can get a CD, or a copy of it? I will pay for it if need be. And of course a copy of the judging sheet :awsome:
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